• 几种方法可以用来检测系统使用哪些端口

    There are several ways to detect which ports are in use on your system.


  • 可以端口看作接口操作看作特定对象所调用的方法

    You can think of a port as an interface and an operation as a method to be called on a particular object.


  • 而且其他堆栈一样CXF服务操作建模方法调用将服务端口类型建模为接口

    And like the other stacks, CXF models service operations as method calls and service port types as interfaces.


  • 本文中,研究了一些相关的方法,可用于扫描网络寻找主机打开端口记录相关信息在经过一段时间之后对信息进行比较

    In this article, you've examined methods for scanning your network to find hosts and open ports and how to record and compare that information over time.


  • 事实上大多数情况一些破坏性网络应用一些安全性方法故意使用非标准端口

    In fact, in many cases, subversive network applications and some security methods will deliberately use non-standard ports.


  • IOR对于IIOP至关重要的,任何某个对象调用方法客户机都要将“请求消息发送IOR详细说明主机端口地址

    The IOR is critical to IIOP and any client that wants to invoke a method on an object will send a Request message to the host and port address detailed in the IOR.


  • 直接指定服务接口使用附加参数(所需端口完全限定名称)调用方法

    Specify just the service interface class, or call the method with an additional parameter, which is the fully qualified name of the desired port.


  • 使用方法服务请求启动工具所在的地址端口然后请求那里转发实际端点

    You use it by directing your service requests to the address and port under which the tool was started, and then forward the requests to the actual endpoint from there.


  • 由于HTTP适配器也是可用的,可以试着使用MX4J(通过一个端口8080的浏览器连接)管理同样方法属性

    Because the HTTP adaptor is also available, you can try using MX4J (through a browser connection to port 8080) to manage the same methods and attributes.


  • 因此方法需要编校服务器IP地址

    Therefore the method requires the IP address and port number of the redaction server.


  • CORBA模型不同,我们支持双向端口类型错误——现在两种方法之间不可避免争论留在这里

    Faults are only supported in the bidirectional port types, unlike the CORBA modelI'll leave the inevitable controversy between the two approaches right there for now.


  • 框架都是将服务操作建模方法调用将服务端口类型建模为接口

    Both frameworks model service operations as method calls, and service port-types as interfaces.


  • 最好方法通过对语义相关事务进行分组定义接口(WSDL端口类型)。

    The best approach is to define interfaces (WSDL port types) in a way that groups semantically related transactions.


  • 早期ProcessServer版本侦听器端口提供了一种方法所有集群成员端点初始状态设置禁止的。

    In the previous versions of Process Server, listener ports provided a way to set the initial status of the endpoints on all the cluster members to inactive.


  • 第二方法一个ZF s本机端口用于集成Linux内核同时避免知识产权问题

    The second method is a native port of ZFS for integration into the Linux kernel while avoiding the intellectual property issues.


  • WS - Resource定制端口类型(称为服务方法)适配器组件AddressServiceManager一部分

    The custom port types of the WS-Resource (also referred to as service methods) are generated as part of the AddressServiceManager of the adapter component.


  • create方法端口9000上启动嵌入式Jetty服务器

    The create method will start the embedded Jetty server on the port 9000.


  • 2—使用80端口的HTTPCONNECT方法

    Example 2-http CONNECT method using port 80.


  • 3——使用端口443的HTTPCONNECT方法

    Example 3-http CONNECT method using port 443.


  • 这个 MIDlet包含在 HttpConnection 类中不同方法调用帮助我们收集有关服务器主机端口返回类型的信息。

    The MIDlet also includes calls to various methods within the HttpConnection class, which help us to gather information about the host server, the port, and the content type returned.


  • 当前配置GeronimoEJB端口方法需要编辑XML文件然后重新编译 Geronimo。

    The methodology for configuring Geronimo's EJB port currently requires editing an XML file and then recompiling Geronimo.


  • 例如这种方法仅仅使用数KB就不同容器22端口运行多个ssh守护进程(参考资料中提供了一个例子)。

    For example, this method USES mere kilobytes to enable running multiple SSH daemons on port 22 of different containers (see Resources for an example).


  • 确保每个realserver正常地侦听http端口(80)一个简单方法使用外部系统执行扫描

    An easy way to ensure that each of your realservers is properly listening on the HTTP port (80) is to use an external system and perform a scan.


  • 更改mdb侦听绑定(这个操作方法1中的第2相同),指定MQListener作为侦听器端口

    Change the listener binding for MDBs (this is the same as method 1 step 2), and specify MQListener as the listener port.


  • sh脚本用于针对一个远程网格运行样例方法是将主机名端口作为单个参数提供处理单元目录服务

    The runclient.sh script can also be used to run the sample against a remote grid by providing the hostname and port to the processing unit grid's catalog service as a single parameter.


  • 类似的方法已经JParseTree (JRuby一个分析树端口)所采用,现在JRuby一部分额外软件包(JRuby Extras)提供了常用Ruby类库的JRuby端口

    A similar approach is already used by JParseTree, a port of ParseTree that works on JRuby, now a part of JRuby Extras which provides JRuby ports of popular Ruby libraries.


  • 重复步骤以便每个主机都会两个已经定义好的端口接下来创建存储分区方法右键单击创建机组选择DefineStoragePartition,以打开存储分区向导。

    Repeat this step so that each host has both ports defined. Next, create the storage partition by right-clicking the newly created host group and selecting define storage partition.


  • 方法包含SIP事件通知发送侦听Web服务端口逻辑

    That method contains logic to send SIP event notifications to a listening Web service endpoint.


  • 找到空闲端口便利方法传递一个null地址会自动接字绑定本地主机地址,并使用空闲的临时端口

    A convenient way to find a free port is to pass in a null address, which automatically binds the socket to the local host address and USES a free ephemeral port.


  • 一旦创建了完成端口通过调用CreateIoCompletionPort函数可以一个接字完成端口进行绑定,像下面方法

    Once a completion port is created, the association of a socket with the completion port can be done by calling the function CreateIoCompletionPort in the following way.


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