• 会议结束之后根据主持人意愿立即会议记录通话脚本

    Both the recording and the chat transcript are made available immediately after the web meeting is over, based on the organizer's wishes.


  • 关键会议中,人们希望他们能够立即修复好故障投影仪

    They are the ones who, right in the middle of a critical meeting, are expected to instantly fix the projector that's no longer working.


  • 事故调查委员会立即召开会议

    A Board of Inquiry was convened immediately after the accident.


  • 我们主张立即召开这个会议

    We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.


  • 美联储暗示周二召开的利率会议准备开始推行计划鼓励借贷虽然不会立即实施这些措施。

    The Fed could hint Tuesday that it is ready to start new programs to encourage lending even if it doesn't implement them immediately.


  • 爸爸当场立即召开家庭会议

    Papa calls a family meeting right then and there.


  • 下周联合国大会高级别会议必须响应公共卫生界的呼声,呼吁各国首脑立即行动起来。

    Next week’s high-level meeting during the United Nations General Assembly must be a wake-up call, not for public health, but for heads of state and heads of government.


  • 但是可能重要Rational用户是专门构建的,以便成员能够在每次会议期间都可以立即收获相关技术诀窍

    But perhaps more important, Rational User Groups are structured so that members gain immediate and relevant technical know-how during each meeting.


  • 坎昆沙滩上国际乐施会瓶子传递了一条信息敦促本周墨西哥度假胜地举行气候变化会议立即采取行动

    On the beach in Cancun, a message in a bottle from Oxfam International urges action at this week's climate conference in the Mexican resort. (Israel Leal)


  • 核心小组去年9月纽约开始工作应该加快速度从而一旦恢复和平立即召开预期黎巴嫩援助机构会议

    The work begun by the Core Group last September in New York should be accelerated so that the anticipated donors' conference for Lebanon can be held as soon as possible once peace is restored.


  • 如果认为会议没有什么价值,他就会立即取消这个会议

    If he considered the meeting to be valueless, he'd call it adjourned.


  • 今天阿拉伯联盟已经召开紧急会议即将卸任秘书长——穆萨呼吁立即停止军事行动进行会谈

    The Arab League is meeting in an emergency session today after its outgoing secretary general, Amr Moussa, called for an immediate halt to the military action and for talks.


  • 如果一个任务通过以下任何形式,如普通邮件电视会议电话等等立即我自己一封关于工作描述性主题主体(更多信息在下边介绍)。

    If a task comes in any other format (snail mail, face to face meeting, phone call, etc.), I immediately send myself one email with a descriptive subject and body (more info below) for each new task.


  • 会议可以称为世界立即通知很少

    Meetings can be called instantly worldwide with little notice.


  • 他们立即召开了一个会议

    They called a meeting immediately.


  • 所以假设11 月22召开重大会议可以立即了解星期三而这一天您赶到驻地办公室

    So, when it's suggested that the big meeting be held on November 22, you'll know right away that it falls on a Wednesday -- which is the day you're out in the field office.


  • 我们很快就这些命令立即他们上面两个按钮(G6G7会议),我们发现容易访问

    We soon swapped these commands to the two buttons immediately above them (G6 and G7), which we found easier to access.


  • 关注客人客房会议用餐投诉要求需求立即采取有效措施

    Attends to guest complaints, requests or inquiries regarding room, conference and meal and immediately takes all required corrective measures.


  • 危机会议进行当中,各国代表需要立即处理的突发性事件

    "Crisis", to which delegates must respond immediately, is an emergent matter or unexpected event that happens during a conference.


  • 立即召开紧急会议应对公关危机

    He is calling an urgent meeting for immediate action on the public relations crisis.


  • 然而,参加了会议津巴布韦矿物部长宣布,马兰吉(Marange)矿区的钻石无条件地立即开始出售

    Zimbabwe's mines minister, however, emerged from the meeting, declaring that sales of diamonds from Marange would resume immediately without conditions.


  • 他们要求立即一个会议因为发生紧急的事需要讨论

    They call for a meeting for there's something urgent to discuss right now.


  • 离开办公室之后伦敦公司打电话来,他们决定立即召开董事会议

    There was a call from the London office after you left the office. They have decided to call the directors' meeting into session immediately.


  • 董事长收到请求后,立即每一位董事发出经过修改会议通知

    The chairman of the board shall forthwith distribute a revised notice of meeting to each of the directors following receipt of any such request.


  • 董事会会议投票决定增加资金的计划差不多以比预期多出两倍通过所以球队夏天将会立即提供一笔大资金买入几巨星

    The Board of Directors voted for an increase in capital that was almost double the anticipated figure, so the side will immediately be able to offer big money contracts for star names this summer.


  • 会议决定:(立即组织我国核设施进行全面安全检查

    It decided that: (A) immediate organization of a comprehensive safety inspection of nuclear facilities.


  • 即使国际货币基金组织建议前,国务院会议上的决策者决定执行立即有效”的投资计划应对当前局势。

    But even before the IMF suggestion, policymakers at the State Council meeting had decided to carry out investments "swiftly and powerfully", to meet the situation.


  • 上周东京举行一次学术会议报告了有关研究结果。目前该研究进行中,该药物立即商业化可能性“目前很小”。

    The study, which was outlined at an academic meeting in Japan last week, is still ongoing, and the chances are "low at the moment" that alopestatin will be commercialised soon, he said.


  • 上周东京举行一次学术会议报告了有关研究结果。目前该研究进行中,该药物立即商业化可能性“目前很小”。

    The study, which was outlined at an academic meeting in Japan last week, is still ongoing, and the chances are "low at the moment" that alopestatin will be commercialised soon, he said.


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