• 两个窗格,其中下面窗格具有属性视图重要作用

    It has two panes, with the properties view playing an important role in the lower pane.


  • 研究如何可以使用内容窗格之前,我们一下内容窗格什么以及为什么存在

    Before exploring how not to use a content pane, let's first look at what it is and why one exists.


  • 映射节点编辑器目标窗格选择一个节点,这时在与刚选择的目标节点对应的脚本窗格选中突出显示所有语句

    Selecting a tree node in the target pane of the Mapping node editor will select and highlight all statements in the script pane that correspond to the target node you have just selected.


  • 文档结构一个窗格可折叠层次结构显示任何属性元素主体在另一个窗格的表中显示。

    The structure of the document is displayed in a collapsible tree hierarchy in one pane, while any attributes or element bodies are displayed in a table in another pane.


  • 2演示应用程序另一个面板它包含复杂组件类型分割窗格显示HTML内容编辑器窗格

    Figure 2 is another panel of the demonstration application, containing more complex component types such as split panes, trees, and an editor pane showing HTML content.


  • 由于命名靠外第一空间迭代器同时包含窗格al0AL1,所以窗格名称后面的第一个数字一个分支的组数字。

    Since the first spatial iterator named outer encompasses both panes AL0 and AL1, the first digit following the pane name is a grouping digit for a branch in the tree.


  • 自定义如何窗口顶端窗格窗格查看磁盘,请指向查看菜单的顶端底端,然后单击使用视图

    To customize how you view your disks and volumes in the upper and lower panes of the window, point to Top or Bottom on the View menu, and then click the view that you want to use.


  • 注意服务器配置编辑器底部选项中的其他窗格(同样显示11中),特别是JMSEJB窗格

    Be aware of the other panes available through the tabs at the bottom of the server configuration editor (also shown in Figure 11), particularly for JMS and EJB.


  • 上面窗格显示正在进行的接口操作下面窗格显示操作关联

    The upper pane indicates the interface operation you are working on, and the lower pane shows the flows associated with that operation.


  • 左边窗格选中某个文件夹时,所包含文件显示在最右边窗格查看器

    When you select a folder in the left pane, the files it contains are shown in a table viewer in the right pane.


  • 左边窗格选中某个文件夹时,所包含文件显示右边窗格查看器中。

    When you select a folder in the left pane, the files that it contains are shown in a table viewer in the right pane.


  • 一个新的选项卡式窗格将出现在下面的窗格(控制台)中,其中显示程序输出如下图所示。

    A new tabbed panel appears in the lower panel (the Console), displaying the program's output, as shown below.


  • 内容窗格本身并不使用,但是编程人员未必总是记得直接处理内容窗格

    The content pane itself isn't too difficult to work with, but one didn't always remember to deal directly with the content pane.


  • 例如应用程序可以使用片段创建窗格UI用户可以任一窗格进行交互

    For example, an application can use a set of Fragments to create a true multipane UI, with the user being able to interact with each pane independently.


  • 现在可以浏览器窗格看见这个新的视图VOB目录可在文件夹窗格中看到。

    You should now see the new view in the Browser Pane with the root of the VOB visible in the Folder Pane.


  • 可以去掉那些兴趣的更改减少窗格目标窗格所显示deltas

    You filter out changes that you are not interested in to reduce the deltas shown in the source and target panes.


  • 单击Output选项卡然后来自左侧窗格所有映射右侧窗格输出链接

    Click the output TAB, and then map all columns from the left pane to the output link on the right pane.


  • 用户界面透视图窗格导航窗格详细信息窗格组成,如图4中所示。

    The user interface consists of a perspective pane, a navigation tree pane, and a details pane, as shown in Figure 4.


  • 左边窗格选择Simple,在右边窗格中选择File然后单击Next

    Select Simple in the left pane, File in the right pane, then click Next.


  • XMLNotepad基本界面两个窗格构成,窗格中是XML文档可折叠视图,另一窗格包含一些表明元素内容属性

    The basic interface to XML Notepad consists of a collapsible tree view of an XML document in one pane, with the other pane containing lines indicating the content of elements and attributes.


  • 窗格目录中打开链接可以使用ShowinTableofContents按钮(右窗格顶端)显示左侧窗格导航中的位置

    As you follow links in the right pane content, you can use the Show in Table of Contents button (top corner of right pane) to display your position in the navigation tree in the left pane.


  • 导入示例左边窗格选择希望导入示例,然后在右面的窗格单击Importthesample选项

    To import a sample, select the sample you want to import in the left pane and click the option import the sample in the right pane.


  • 单击左侧窗格Transaction单击右侧窗格上的Add

    Click Transaction on the left pane and click Add on the right pane.


  • 选择向导面板上左面窗格中选择Web服务并且右面窗格中选择WSDL(参阅16)。

    On the select a wizard panel, select Web services from the left pane, and in the right pane select WSDL (see Figure 16).


  • 向下滚动至helloworldapp . html主体部分TreeSnippet窗格编辑窗格中。

    Scroll down to the body section of helloworldapp.html, and drag Tree from the Snippet pane to the edit pane.


  • Settings窗格指出如何配置Scorecard窗格中的选中

    The Settings pane indicates how the selected item in the Scorecard pane is configured.


  • 窗口只有一个窗格,此窗格无法关闭

    Cannot close pane when the window has only one pane.


  • 使文件夹窗格空间最大化,请将水平拆分器拖动导航窗格底端使用按钮切换文件夹窗格

    To maximize the folder pane space, drag the horizontal splitter bar to the bottom of the Navigation Pane, and then use the small buttons to switch folder panes.


  • 使文件夹窗格空间最大化,请将水平拆分器拖动导航窗格底端使用按钮切换文件夹窗格

    To maximize the folder pane space, drag the horizontal splitter bar to the bottom of the Navigation Pane, and then use the small buttons to switch folder panes.


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