• 介绍竖直矩形窄通道进行的池沸腾实验研究。

    An experiment on boiling in rectangular narrow space is presented.


  • 巷道货架仓储货架,因货架系统叉车搬运通道相比之下较为,故巷道或窄通道货架。

    Narrow roadway rack is a kind of storage shelves, the shelves for forklift transport channel system compared with relatively narrow, narrow roadway or narrow channel shelf named.


  • 这些办公室房间通道

    The offices were a warren of small rooms and passages.


  • 然后单独长的DNA分子被送入微流芯片水压通过一个通道恒定速度牵引它们

    Single long molecules of DNA are then fed into a microfluidic chip, where hydrostatic pressure pulls them at a constant speed through a narrow channel.


  • 标记DNA从这个通道流过经过一个非常会聚光束

    As the labeled DNA flows through the channel, it passes over a very narrowly focused beam of light.


  • 泳池巧妙坐落地块部分利用高度形成后面通道屏障允许机房处理以及周围草坪花园

    The pool resourcefully sits on the narrowest part of the block, using its height to form a barrier on the rear access and to allow a plant room to service it, and, the surrounding lawn and garden.


  • CT扫描器包括不是特别移动检测床,它可以慢慢地拖行至一个环形通道,其形状就像是一个巨大甜甜圈。

    The CT scanner consists of a moving couch, not particularly narrow, that slowly moves a person through a hoop that has a shape of a very large donut.


  • 走廊回廊一种的门厅,通道游廊,通常通向房间或套间。

    A narrow hallway, passageway, or gallery, often with rooms or apartments opening onto it.


  • 就是不要浪费精力通道的股票的原因

    That is why you should not waste your energy on any stock whose channel is narrow.


  • 本文某一尺寸为例,定量评估了矩形通道进尺寸偏差热工水力特性(流动CHF影响

    The size impact of narrow side on thermal hydraulic behaviors of rectangular channel (pressure drop and CHF) has been evaluated quantitatively in this paper, as a given fuel element as reference.


  • 波导每个微小通道只有60-120纳米十亿分之一米),1500纳米波长的红外激光传播的道还要

    Each of the tiny channels within the waveguide is only 60-120 nanometers (billionths of a meter) wide, thinner than the 1,500 nanometer wavelength of the infrared laser light channeling through them.


  • 通道具有结构紧凑换热温差低等优点,因此源强化传热技术被广泛应用在微电子、低温制冷、化工及其航空航天领域。

    Heat transfer in narrow channel has lots of advantages such as compact structure, low heat transfer temperature difference and high efficiency and so on.


  • 矩形通道轴向均匀加热临界热流密度试验研究关键技术包括试验本体设计、试验技术、试验数据处理等,而试验本体的设计试验研究能否正常开展的关键。

    Test section design, test techniques and test data processing are one of the key technologies of test research of CHF for non-uniform axial power shapes in rectangle narrow channel.


  • 系列车型我公司专门特定市场开发产品。该产品设计充分考虑石材市场专用产品载重量、作业通道路面环境恶劣特殊因素。

    This series models are specially for specific market development of products. This product design for special products of stone market, big load road and narrow channels, such special environments.


  • 矩形通道内水两相沸腾流动特性进行实验研究。

    The characteristics of two-phase flow pressure drop were experimentally investigated in narrow rectangular channels with large width-height ratio 1.


  • 本文对双面加热圆弧形通道内重水自然对流进行了模化试验数值模拟

    We studied the natural convection in narrow double-side heating arc by mock-up tests and numerical simulation in this thesis.


  • 矩形通道轴向非均匀加热临界热流密度进行了研究。

    Critical heat flux for axial non-uniform heat flux distribution in rectangle narrow channel was studied in this report.


  • 特点在于表层采用超细纤维,滤料结构形成流体通道呈现

    The characteristics of this filter media are that the surface layer adopts microfibre and that the hydro-channels of the filter media's structure are narrow in the front and wide in the back.


  • 根据常规通道内的经验计算公式,不能描述流道中的汽泡频率特性。

    The traditional bubble frequency correlation to estimate regular channel could not be used to predict the narrow channels.


  • 根据常规通道内的经验计算公式,不能描述流道中的汽泡频率特性。

    The traditional bubble frequency correlation to estimate regular channel could not be used to predict the narrow channels.


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