• 认为P_3(或N_3)三叉神经及三叉神经脊束突触突触混合电位

    It was not the rnuscle potential. We believe that P3(N3 )is mixedpresynaptic and postsynaptic potentials evoked from the trigeminal root and nucleus of trigeminalspine bundle.


  • 蛋白质到达这些突触失去到来的信息反应能力导致记忆丧失

    After the proteins have attached, the synapses lose their capacity to respond to incoming information, resulting in memory loss.


  • 另外在传出信息神经末端释放少量的神经传递,从而增加突触神经细胞中的神经胶质素。

    In addition, the nerve endings from where information is sent must release slight amounts of neurotransmitters to stimulate the neuroligin in the postsynaptic nerve cell.


  • 化学突触经常用来放大神经信号即便很小突触细胞改变一个很大的突触细胞对信号的响应

    Chemical synapses also serve to amplify neuronal signals, so that even a small presynaptic nerve terminal can alter the response of a large postsynaptic cell.


  • 电信号到达传递神经元突触附近释放化学物质

    At the side of a synapse that belongs to the transmitting neuron, an electrical signal arrives and releases packets of chemicals.


  • 每个神经突触都有拥有一系列蛋白它们机器零件一样,结合一起搭建出一个被称为突触后致密(postsynaptic density PSD)的分子机器

    Within each synapse is a set of proteins, which, like the components of an engine, bind together to build a molecular machine called the postsynaptic density - also known as the PSD.


  • 这种用前肢踩踏训练一个小时内就可以两侧运动皮层椎体神经元形成突触后树枝状小棘”的结构。

    Training in a forelimb reaching task leads to rapid (within an hour) formation of postsynaptic dendritic spines on the output pyramidal neurons in the contralateral motor cortex.


  • 研究再一次显示睡眠状态相比,脑对同水平刺激反应明显增强而这表明突触活动增强

    The studies again showed that, for the same levels of stimulation, responses were stronger following a long period of waking and weaker after sleep, suggesting that synapses must have grown stronger.


  • 它们的平均振幅依赖精确突触ap与EPSP时间,相差性的上下控制。

    Their average amplitudes were differentially up - or down-regulated, depending on the precise timing of postsynaptic APs relative to EPSPs.


  • 模型方程分别对应突触电位感受器电位、始分级电位和轴突上的的脉冲系列,每个方程都具有明确的生理意义。

    The equations of the model, corresponding to postsynaptic potentials, receptor potentials, initial segment graded potentials and the impulse train along the axon respectively, have been given.


  • 第一,川楝素以先易化抑制的双相作用干扰神经递质释放,阻遏神经肌肉接头中枢神经突触突触传递

    The first is that by interfering with neurotransmitter release by causing an initial facilitation, TSN eventually blocks synaptic transmission at both the neuromuscular junction and central synapses.


  • 研究突触最大的困难在于如何观察的反应来自突触前或突触后因子导致

    A major challenge in studying the synapse is how to tell what observed effects are due to presynaptic factors and which to postsynaptic ones.


  • 目的探讨突触密度蛋白- 93 (PSD - 93)脊髓损伤(SCI)表达变化以及定位情况

    Objective To study the expression and distribution of postsynaptic density protein-93 (PSD-93) after spinal cord injury (SCI).


  • 目的探讨短暂缺血再灌流突触传递功能的改变神经系统可塑性

    Objective To investigate the synaptic transmission function and neural plasticity after transient ischemia followed by repufusion.


  • 结果提示突触神经元具有相对简化几何构筑相当复杂局部突触回路

    The results indicate that dorsal column postsynaptic neurons possess a relatively simplified geometric organization and a considerable complexity in their local synaptic circuitry.


  • 谷氨酸代谢异常过度释放和对突触后受体高频刺激引起兴奋性神经毒性导致神经元死亡

    The abnormal metabolism and excess release of Glutamic acid as well as high-frequency stimulation to the postsynaptic receptor induce excitatory neural toxicity, resulting in the death of neurons.


  • 应用透射电镜图像分析技术观察电刺激对脑突触形态及其结构参数变化

    The synaptic interface structure and the changes of its indexes of rats after cerebral infarction were analyzed with transmission electron microscopy and computer image processing system.


  • 现在开发这些突触后蛋白给了研究者一个战略切入点其他人则可以坐在前排位置见证神经科学展开人类大脑疾病内在奥秘。

    Mining the postsynaptic proteome now gives researchers a strategic entry point, and the rest of us a front row seat to witness neuroscience unravel the complexity of human brain disorders.


  • 目的探讨戊四氮诱导癫痫大鼠空间学习记忆功能影响海马突触致密物95(PSD-95)表达变化。

    Objective To explore the effect of pentylenetetrazol(PTZ)-kindled epilepsy on rats learning, memory and the expression of postsynaptic density 95(PSD-95).


  • 突触后电位表现电流效应频率依赖性IPSP具有长时程抑制作用。

    Postsynaptic potentials manifested current effect and frequency dependency and their IPSP displayed a prolonged inhibition.


  • 突触前递释放装置发育成熟突触受体转运中枢神经系统突触发育过程非常重要两个方面。

    Maturation of presynaptic transmitter secretion machinery and trafficking of postsynaptic receptors are two critical steps in synaptogenesis and synaptic development of central nervous system (CNS).


  • 树突发育突触功能活性依赖调节过程中,突触致密蛋白磷酸化机制仍然未知的领域。

    Phosphorylation of postsynaptic density proteins remains a largely unexplored mechanism in activity-dependent regulation of dendrite development and synaptic function.


  • 以往研究认为具有gaba样作用通过增强突触后gaba_a受体介导中枢抑制产生麻醉作用

    The previous studies indicated it produced anesthetic effect through its mimic GABA action, which enhanced central inhibition mediated by postsynaptic GABAa receptors.


  • 这些结果表明突变不仅影响集聚蛋白诱导突触后结构功能影响神经肌肉接头功能的维持

    These results indicate that the mutation does not interfere with the ability of agrin to induce postsynaptic structures but that it dramatically perturbs the maintenance of the neuromuscular junction.


  • 树突神经元树突功能性突起结构通常作为突触成份投射来的轴共同构成完整突触连接。

    Dendritic spines are functional protrusions on neuron dendrites and generally act as postsynaptic sites to form integral synapses with axon terminals.


  • 目的研究大鼠发育过程中视皮层神经元突触电流变化探讨皮层视觉依赖性突触形成重新分布细胞内机制

    Objective To investigate the changes of post synaptic currents (PSCs) of neurons in developing visual cortex for intracellular mechanisms of experience dependent synapse formation and redistribution.


  • 神经元功能主要突触、胞体膜和始三种膜结构的不同活动特性决定

    The membrane of a neuron is mainly composed of the following three parts:the postsynaptic membrane, the somatic membrane and the membrane of the initial segment.


  • 采用细胞电压钳记录技术,给予选择性受体阻断剂以分离不同突触受体电流

    The recordings of postsynaptic currents were performed by using the whole-cell voltage-clamp method.


  • 采用细胞电压钳记录技术,给予选择性受体阻断剂以分离不同突触受体电流

    The recordings of postsynaptic currents were performed by using the whole-cell voltage-clamp method.


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