• 这位中国明星继续提高比赛技巧增加积分所以到2009年底由于大满贯赛事中突破表现已经成功进入20强。

    The Chinese star continued to improve her game and build her points, so by the end of 2009, she was well inside the top 20, thanks to her breakthrough performance in Grand Slam events.


  • 莱斯大学研究人员该项突破性进展导致该药问世阻碍了跟压力有关的情况

    The breakthrough by researchers at Leicester University could lead to pills that quash such stress-related conditions before they arise.


  • 30年期国库券的收益率年底可能会轻松突破4 %。

    Yields on 30-year Treasuries easily could top 4% by year end.


  • 获得巨大突破,也就是2001年的6月,他的投票率仅有9%。

    In June 2001, a year before his spectacular breakthrough, his rating was barely 9%.


  • 埋伏式营销——即非赞助商大型体育赛事推广自己品牌——自10突破界限以来一直在稳步增长。

    Ambush marketing-piggy-backing on a big sporting event by non-sponsors-has grown steadily since the practice burst out of bounds a decade ago.


  • 通过观察每天活跃股票波动得出一个结论:股票每次在突破8点10都会遵循一定的规律。

    Say that after studying every fluctuation of the day in an active stock I would conclude that it was behaving as it always did before it broke eight or ten points.


  • 10Fours quare用户达到了200万的的里程碑突破百万人数大关个月

    Ten days ago Foursquare reached the two-million-users landmark, just three months after it had reached the one-million mark.


  • 现在CitySquares有四个全国性的广告客户,与相比实现了突破

    CitySquares now has four national-advertising customers, up from zero a year ago.


  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯武器实验室主任唐纳德M克尔最近就通用电气公司进展做了概略说明,他接受记者采访时说,看着经过几十年的夸大宣称取得突破。 他,激光浓缩经历了从“强行推销,期望过高的套技术”到“成为接近真正的产业过程”。

    Donald M. Kerr, a former director of the Los Alamos weapons lab who was recently briefed on G.E.’s advance, said in an interview that it looked like a breakthrough after decades of exaggerated claims.


  • 不过,如果预计销量准确的话,对Palm来说就已经算是突破了,在Pre手机上市,他们的产品在一整个季度里卖出了35.1万部。

    Regardless, the tally if accurate would represent a potential breakthrough for Palm, which shipped just 351,000 phones through the entire quarter before the Pre's debut.


  • 例如,90年代末,假如有人问你这样一个问题,道指2008年底,突破万点大关的可能性有多大

    For example, in the late 1990s, if you were to ask a question--I'm hypothesizing -how likely is it that the Dow will be over 10,000 by the year 2008?


  • 有些从来没有经历灵魂暗夜但是对于一些人而言,他们必须要经受这些作为进入高层次觉醒必然经历需要突破一部分

    There are people who never encounter a dark night of the soul, but others must endure this as part of the process of breaking through to the dawn of higher consciousness.


  • 研究在几十取得的突破发现心脏病吸烟高血压胆固醇因素联系起来。

    Its breakthrough findings decades ago linked heart disease to such factors as smoking, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.


  • 第二星期仍然没有发现任何真皮折痕显着减少,出现在这一领域突破一周已经消失

    By the second week I still didn't notice any significant reduction in the dermo creases, but the breakout that appeared in that area the previous week had disappeared.


  • 阿里巴巴目标是在2020年实现交易额突破6万亿并且提高旗下90%零售商经营效率

    Alibaba has already set a goal to achieve an annual trading volume of 6 trillion yuan by 2020 and help 90 percent of its retailers increase their operational efficiency.


  • 这次清山我们野餐首先有了突破,就是出发直接农庄绝对新鲜而且没用化肥的。

    We make a big breakthrough on the picnic this Qingshan trip, we go to farm to pick the vegetables directly. It's fresh, and no.


  • 因为快速突破进球关键不要尽量快速球交给以便他们对手回位抢占空位。

    As the quick break is the key to scoring, don't hold the ball up but try to get the ball to the forwards quickly so they can work in any space there may be before the opposition can get back.


  • 然而可能突破任务如果得很好表现累计晋升月底交货。

    Still, this could be a breakthrough assignment and if you do well, your performance will count toward a promotion for you at the end of February.


  • 打破吸烟什么突破然后坐在沙发上轻轻的是否有可能移动随时逃跑

    He takes a smoke break before there's anything to break from, then sits lightly on a couch as if he might move or flee at any moment.


  • 设想发现下下十年不久使意愿为对较大突破可能指示。

    It is envisaged that discoveries made in the recent past will likely lead to major breakthroughs in the next decade.


  • 一个专辑信使50万张销量证明可以获得唱片奖,还有他的1997年的合集《错爱突破百万张大关

    His previous album Messenger was certified gold with sales of more than 500,000, and his 1997 collection "Misguided Roese" passed the million mark.


  • 即使现在我们这么物理学突破,也不要认为20世纪前的物理学不相关的。

    Don't think that pre-20th century physics is "irrelevant" since now we have so much more.


  • 光是三个星期突破27,000 次下载不仅为开拓了一项新的收入来源,更让我拥有全新生涯规划,这是我几个月意想不到的。

    Selling over 27,000 downloads in the first three weeks means I now have a significant new income stream and some exciting career choices that I didn't have a couple of months ago.


  • 系统面向对象建模、模型处理、参数设置、模型后处理等方面突破了传统建模方式,实现了GIS功能地下水数值模型完全整合。

    Based on the natural flow character of groundwater and the principle of flow simulation, a digital watertable model was built by the method of inverse distance weights in the GIS environment.


  • Hussein造型混合高雅巴黎感觉的阳刚之气以及一种突破拉斐尔派的希冀。

    The look for Hussein was about mixing masculinity with chic Parisian savoir faire, and a broken glamorous pre-raphaelite texture with straight jagged ends.


  • Hussein造型混合高雅巴黎感觉的阳刚之气以及一种突破拉斐尔派的希冀。

    The look for Hussein was about mixing masculinity with chic Parisian savoir faire, and a broken glamorous pre-raphaelite texture with straight jagged ends.


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