• 入选论文主题突出鲜明研究方法特征显著

    Study methods of the included theses have special features and they require both creation and variety.


  • 左下图的胶片并不差劲但是文字平衡好导致主题文字并没有很鲜明突出出来

    The slide on the left below is not horrible but the balance is off and the text does not pop out as much as it could.


  • 河流与它周围环境形成鲜明对比主要是由于紧挨着河岸植被(在图中颜色鲜艳),一点在陨石坑东南的一段河流突出

    Waterways contrast with their surroundings due primarily to the vegetation clinging to their riverbanks, especially the river southeast of the crater.


  • 喜欢混合古董现代的,因为更多风格形成鲜明对比使事物更加突出

    I like mixing antique and modern because things stand out more when styles are contrasted.


  • 乌鲁木齐谚语最主要特点突出的通俗性鲜明地域性

    The Urumuqi idiom is mostly characteristic of extrusive ordinary nature and vivid regional nature.


  • 提高创编能力突出个性化主题鲜明

    Enhance the ability of creation, highlight individuality and distinct theme.


  • 桌子水平视角拍摄使得食物看起来更加鲜明突出能通过其他背景元素形成对比,从而突出食物质感。

    Shooting at table level will make the food look more prominent in the shot, and it will also allow you to capture some of the background to show the context of the meal.


  • 斯皮瓦殖民批评突出特色理论方法异质性特征鲜明女性主义视角。

    The most outstanding characteristics of Spivak's criticism on the post-colonialism are the heterogeneity in theory and method and the distinct feministic perspectives.


  • 城市广场表达城市风貌突出节点塑造特征鲜明广场性格是体现城市特色关键

    Urban square is the outstanding node point to express the style and the feature of a city, and creating distinctive character of squares is the key to show the characteristics of a city.


  • 国字这种脸型轮廊鲜明下颌线条突出前额下巴以及两颊的颧骨骨都相对较宽

    Square face: This face has strong angles, strong jaw, wide forehead, wide chin and wide cheekbones.


  • 以此构建具有突出时代特征具有鲜明区域特色教学内容课程体系以及与之相配套的质量保证体系。

    By doing this, with outstanding features of times and region the teaching contents, course system and guarantee system of quality are constructed.


  • 主要特征主调鲜明突出陪衬作用。

    The main melody is very clear, and the supporting voice simply throws it into relief.


  • 梯田文化分布范围相当广泛,广整个太平洋地区已经形成了一个特点鲜明共性突出太平洋梯田文化圈

    Terrace culture distributes quite abroad and reaches the whole area around the Pacific, and has formed a terrace culture cycle around the Pacific with distinctive traits and obvious common.


  • 在当今要求学报鲜明风格特色情况编辑充分发挥其主体意识,即发挥编辑的能动性和创造性才能使学报特色鲜明、更突出

    Nowdays under the condition of the needing for journals to have distinctive style and feature, editors should give subject consciousness and creativity to make journal more distinctive features.


  • 一定城市规划指导思想下形成建设起来的带形城市,城市特色鲜明突出,综合而为如今的山地滨海城市特色美。城市保护中应当得到保护、展示再利用

    A band city is constructed with city plans, so the characteristic of city is the mainly aesthetics of mountain and coastal city, which should be protected, showed and reused.


  • 所反映出十八世纪河南方言词汇具有鲜明区域性色彩突出时代特征二者又是相互依存互为表里的。

    The Henan dialect vocabulary in 18th century reflected in this book has sharp regional colour and outstanding feature of times, both of which are inter-dependent and mutually conditional.


  • 有机化学》化工专业十分重要的基础课,其特点是内容庞杂、反应繁多,既有鲜明的理论性又有突出应用性。

    Organic Chemistry is an important basic course for chemical industry specialty, including plenty of contents and various reactions, distinctive theories and applications.


  • 个性鲜明性格突出释放每个人风格迥异艺术魅力

    Personality is distinct, personality, release the everyone styles of artistic charm.


  • 这个建筑个向外突出的长鼻子结构,一层有卧室,二层表面有一鲜明穿孔黑金属带,酷似建筑徽标

    The two-storey folded volume of the building with its projecting snout, bedrooms on the first floor and striking perforated bands along the façade looks like a built logo.


  • 酒店餐饮空间主题鲜明突出,具有丰富文化内涵

    The theme of hotel and restaurant space should be more distinctive and full of cultural connotation, especially for the hotel design.


  • 古代哲人那种鲜明突出个性反映了人类最初的自我的自在

    Ancient philosopher's distinctive and conspicuous personality reflects mankind's original self-existence.


  • 作为一个城市不可分割、不可缺少经济形态树立新的经济标杆对于所在地区的经济拉动作用非常鲜明突出

    It, as an inseparable economic form of a city, set a new economic measure standard for a city and will greatly boost the economic development of the city.


  • 抢眼、够鲜明陈列,琳琅满目的卖场很难消费者所忽略,不仅能够突出产品的卖点、刺激气氛。

    An exhibition of a group merchandises which is vivid and especial in the supermarket fulled of beautiful things in eyes, can hardly be ignored by the consumers.


  • 玉蟾宫建筑群拥有殿堂十余座建筑结构完整风格鲜明,系统、完整地突出道教主题文化特色,目前中国最大的仿古建筑群

    The palace is composed of about20 halls, and is the largest architectural complex in ancient style in China. The complete construction and bright style characterizes Taoism culture.


  • 感性形式作为具有象征性、符号性的理想形式,特别鲜明突出,而社会历史文化内涵却比较潜在、宽泛和朦胧。

    The relations of unity of opposites are based on the social practice of human beings. As a kind of symbolic ideal form, the perceptual form of the beauty of nature is distinct.


  • 尤其作者运用对比手法塑造人物形象体系使美与丑、形成十分鲜明对比从而突出作品主题

    In particular, the author compared the use of practices shaping the images system so that Meiyu Chou, formed a very good and evil in stark contrast to the works of prominent theme.


  • 尤其作者运用对比手法塑造人物形象体系使美与丑、形成十分鲜明对比从而突出作品主题

    In particular, the author compared the use of practices shaping the images system so that Meiyu Chou, formed a very good and evil in stark contrast to the works of prominent theme.


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