• 正午光线通过前面窗户穿透室内,游荡混凝土墙上上升楼梯

    The midday light penetrates inward through the front Windows, strolls across the concrete wall and ascends the staircase.


  • 入口楼梯立面之间空隙以前封闭的,没有自然光可以穿透楼梯区域

    The void between entrance staircase and the facade was previously boxed up and enclosed and no natural light could penetrate into the staircase area.


  • 串联的空间特性形成了上下两之间视觉连续性使得日光也可以向下穿透地下室

    The cascading nature allows visual continuity between upper and lower levels, and daylight to Pierce its way down to the basement.


  • 波长长,红色橙色波长较短蓝色和紫色穿透浅水深度很快被会吸收很多

    The longer wavelengths, such as red and orange, are absorbed very quickly and penetrate into the water to a much shallower depth than the shorter blue and violet wavelengths.


  • 而且为了抑制湿气穿透电池中,吸收湿气湿气捕捉剂可以混合后盖树脂材料中。

    Also, to suppress that moisture is penetrated into a battery, a moisture trapper absorbing moisture may be mixed in the resin material of the front cap and the rear cap.


  • 即便是强大电子显微镜也无法一个细胞内部结构染料不能穿透到微小病毒内

    And even the strongest electron microscope can't see the inside of a cell and dyes can't penetrate microscopic viruses.


  • 学习提炼你的知,穿透到身体更深部分,以便取得精确因而更有效的,舒适体式

    One learns to refine one's awareness and penetrate deeper into the body in order to achieve more accurate and thus effective and comfortable postures.


  • 盖帽上有64个接入点每个接入点里面都有小型激光器他们发送的光束可以穿透大脑2.5厘米之下。

    A small laser in each of the 64 access points in the skull caps shines a light beam that penetrates about 2.5 centimeters into their brains.


  • 认识人中只有思想穿透感知宇宙AC的地方。只是闪光球体,直径英尺难以看清

    Zee Prime knew of only one man whose thoughts had penetrated within sensing distance of Universal AC, and he reported only a shining globe, two feet across, difficult to see.


  • 泽·普赖姆认识人中只有个曾将思想穿透感知宇宙克的地方。只是耀眼球体直径两英尺难以看清

    Zee Prime knew of only one man whose thoughts had penetrated within sensing distance of Universal ac, and he reported only a shining globe, two feet across, difficult to see.


  • 经由透明玻璃边缘光线穿透到玻璃幕墙的内层表面,这样白天自然光就能让教堂闪亮,晚上的时候教堂发出也能让的外表闪闪发亮

    Passing through clear glass margins, light strikes the interior surface of these veils causing them to glow with natural light during the day and light from the sanctuary8 at night.


  • 大西洋中部海水的盐度为3.2%,甚低频无线电信号可以穿透到海面10 ~20深度几乎就是现代大型潜艇潜望镜深度。

    In the middle of the Atlantic ocean, with a salinity of 3.2 %, a VLF signal will penetrate down to a depth of 10-20 meter, barely periscope-depth for a modern large scale submarine.


  • 经由透明玻璃边缘光线穿透玻璃幕墙的内层表面这样白天自然光就能让教堂闪亮,晚上时候教堂发出的也能让的外表闪闪发亮

    Passing through clear glass margins, light strikes the interior surface of these veils causing them to glow with natural light during the day and light from the sanctuary8at night.


  • 基本的原理我们都很清楚可以分钟内一个不是科学家的好奇者解释完毕(就像这样:温室气体可以让阳光直接穿透到地球表面,地表受热会升温,于是就会散发红外辐射,辐射能量被大气吸收,大气就被加热了。

    We understand the basic physics just fine, and can explain it in a minute to a curious non-scientist.


  • 阶段癌症已经穿透了结肠壁但是没有扩散结肠进入淋巴结其他附近器官组织

    At this stage, the cancer has penetrated the colon wall but has not spread beyond the colon into the lymph nodes or nearby tissues.


  • 由于激光光束能量强大足以刀片上钻物理学家使用穿透刀片数量作为激光能量的计量单位

    Because the beam was powerful enough to drill holes in razor blades, physicists measured its power in gillettes, or the number of blades penetrated.


  • 粉色棕色变化不仅帮助防止了晒伤而且合适数量阳光穿透皮肤从而把未激活的前体变成维生素d3

    The variation from pink to brown not only helps to prevent sunburn but also allows appropriate amounts of sunlight to penetrate the skin to create the vitamin D3 from its inactive precursors.


  • 刚开始,很少有音乐会邀请去演出,随后,她应邀瑞典进行系列音乐会演出,著名钢琴演奏家Kosti Vehanen玛丽安的音乐会上弹奏钢琴,他说,她的声音非常有穿透力,仿佛就象是来自地球深处一样。

    Then she was invited to give a series of concerts in Sweden. The musician Kosti Vehanen played the piano at Marian's concerts.


  • 木匠们先是注意大象瘸一拐地,然后发现肿了脚上穿透出来长长的黑檀木片。

    They noticed that the Elephant was limping, and then they saw the long blackwood splinter sticking out of his swollen foot.


  • 穿透钻取原始概念聚合导航单独记录

    The original concept of "drill-through" refers to the task of navigating from aggregate values to individual records.


  • 了解如何定义一个报告1报告2穿透钻取定义

    See how to define a drill-through definition from report one to report two.


  • 对于设备队列管理器MQ服务器消息网关提供了一个穿透设备,它将消息从compact mqe格式转换成mq格式。

    For messages going from device queue managers to MQ servers, the gateway provides a passthrough facility, transforming messages from the compact MQe format to the MQ format.


  • 气管又分支许多微气管,微气管里充满液体,吸入的氧气溶解于其中,穿透气管管壁扩散昆虫无数细胞中。

    dissolves and then diffuses across the wall of the tracheole and into several of the insect’s cells.


  • 美好期望感觉但是黑暗如此沉重以至于无法完全穿透

    Your good wishes are felt, but the darkness is so heavy that they can not fully penetrate.


  • 安全方向这个方向上弹头不会击中任何人,在确定这一点时要考虑、考虑弹头可能穿透墙壁天花板

    A safe direction means a direction in which a bullet cannot possibly strike anyone, taking into account possible ricochets and the fact that bullets can penetrate walls and ceilings.


  • 安全方向这个方向上弹头不会击中任何人,在确定这一点时要考虑、考虑弹头可能穿透墙壁天花板

    A safe direction means a direction in which a bullet cannot possibly strike anyone, taking into account possible ricochets and the fact that bullets can penetrate walls and ceilings.


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