• 这种聚合两种,打印需要凝固截面部分,一种打印在镂空悬垂其它空间的部分。

    One type is printed where the cross-section is required to be solid, and the other where there are cavities, overhangs and other features with spaces.


  • 不同类型的存储设备物理文件系统—glusterfs将它们称为brick聚合一个统一名称空间

    Aggregate disparate, heterogeneous storage devices and physical file systems-what GlusterFS refers to as bricks-into a unified pool or namespace.


  • 意味着如果空间中作两条平行线它们不会聚合离散,只一直保持相等距离无限延伸下去。

    That means that if you draw parallel lines in space, then they will remain the same distance apart along their infinite lengths instead of converging or diverging.


  • 最大的变化使用名称空间元素分成了框架元素、基于基本CC元素基于聚合 CC 的元素。

    The biggest difference is the use of namespaces for partitioning the elements into framework elements, elements based on basic CCs, and those based on aggregate CCs.


  • LVM可以将分区磁盘聚合虚拟磁盘(virtual disk),从而用存储空间组成一个统一的大空间

    By aggregating partitions and whole disks into a virtual disk, LVM can sum small storage Spaces into a bigger, consolidated one.


  • 今年(2009)年初,在别人合作的篇学术报告中阐述了一项技术——同轴微小高分子聚合,它们以“自我组装方式,精确地形成数以十万亿兆计的存储空间

    Earlier this year she co-authored a paper describing a new technique for coaxing tiny polymer strands to self-assemble into 10 trillion cylinders with precise patterns.


  • Feed聚合任何条目就算来自不同工作空间集合联结一个单一数据Feed

    Aggregate Feeds allow for any Entries, even those from separate Workspaces and Collections, to be joined into a single data Feed.


  • 因此我们需要一些预定义好的方法传统地理空间数据一代的地图聚合之间交换发布这些地理空间数据,并且使用一种对web友好方式使用这些数据。

    As a result, the intersection between traditional geospatial data and these new map mashups requires well defined ways to transfer, distribute, and consume geospatial data in a web-friendly way.


  • 采用静态动态激光散射测量了透明聚合凝胶结构空间相关性和时间相关性。

    The space and time interference of transparent polymer gels measured by laser static and dynamic light scattering, respectively.


  • 聚合砂浆的大量墙壁限定了流动空间所有方向布置的开口集成生活区域

    Extensive walls, coated with polymer mortar, define fluid Spaces and openings positioned in all directions integrate the living areas.


  • 尼龙聚合粘合剂结合它们提供良好的空间控制严格的环境耐性

    Combined with a Nylon polymer binder, they offer excellent dimensional control and tough environmental endurance.


  • 着重研究不同结构阴离子聚合分散剂悬浮液颗粒静电斥力空间斥力的影响

    The effects of anionic polymer dispersant with different structures on the electrostatic and steric repulsion forces between particles in the aqueous suspension are mainly studied.


  • 应用特征选取模式聚合理论降低特征空间维数

    This paper employs feature selection theory and pattern aggregation theory to reduce feature space dimension.


  • 聚合甲基纤维素空间阻剂合成了X型分子筛

    X-type molecular sieves are synthesized by using polymer methylcellulose as a space-confined additive.


  • 压电复合材料一般是压电陶瓷聚合基体按照一定连接方式,一定比例一定的空间几何分布复合而成。

    PVDF/PZT piezocomposite consisting of piezoelectric ceramic and polymer was made according the connection mode, volume fraction ratio or geometric distribution mode.


  • 数值方法研究了在具有致异构非线性聚合光学空间孤子垂直全光调控

    In the photoisomerized polymer, the perpendicular and all-optical control of optical spatial soliton is simulated by numerical method.


  • 堵漏施工中,交联聚合物凝胶漏失通道限制,能够通过挤压变形进入裂缝孔洞空间,最终达到封堵漏层的目的

    In plugging construction, the purpose of plugging was achieved through extrusion into the cracks and pore space, which was not limitation with loss channels.


  • 本文研究了光电导聚合空间电荷建立过程稳态特性

    In this paper, the building process and the steady state behavior of the space charge field in photoconductive polymer have been discussed.


  • 发光(EL)一种研究聚合陷阱特性空间电荷存贮输运特性聚合物的结构转变和分子运动的重要工具,现已获得广泛应用。

    Electroluminescence (el) has been widely used as a tool to study the trap character, the charge storage and transport, the structure transformation and molecular motion in insulating polymers.


  • 输入空间引入函数正交基,输入函数网络函数表示该组正交基展开形式,利用基函数正交性简化过程神经元聚合运算。

    By introducing a group of function orthogonal basis into the input space, the input functions and the network weight functions are expressed in the expansion form.


  • 中心金属离子周围电子效应空间效应影响着催化剂反应性能和所得聚合的微观结构

    The steric and electronic configuration around the center metals has profound effect on the polymerization activity and the stereo - and regio-selectivity of the resulting polymers.


  • 首先采用模式聚合理论进行特征抽取,将文本分类具有相似贡献特征合并映射新的特征空间

    Firstly, using pattern aggregation theoretical models to extract features, merge the features which have the similar contributions to text classification, then a new mapping feature space is formed.


  • 接待大厅聚合有致组合灯具如清晨的露珠同时具有强烈的导向性空间中自然流动

    Well-organized composite lights in the reception lobby represent the dewdrops in the early morning. Meanwhile, these lights present strong guidance, flowing naturally in space.


  • 本文研究电导聚合物中空间电荷建立过程稳态特性

    Study on space charge and dielectric character of dielectric after high energy electron radiation;


  • 研究表明水杨醛亚胺镍配合物中苯环上取代基电子效应和空间位阻乙烯聚合活性聚合物的分子量有所影响。

    With increasing the electron withdrawing substituents in the phenoxy ring, the catalytic activity was increased, and the molecular weight of polyethylene decreased.


  • 怎样今天的城市街道成为聚合场所不是分隔空间

    How to make urban streets a place for gathering together rather than separation?


  • 产业集群一种普遍空间经济现象由于某个某些产业地理空间上的集中聚合,对于产业所在的区域产生巨大的影响

    Industry cluster is a pervasive space economies phenomenon. Becase of one or more industry clustered together in area, industry cluster having effects on cities.


  • 空间辐射环境下聚合物绝缘材料深层充放电效应威胁航天器安全重要因素之一

    The deep dielectric charging effect in polymeric materials is one of the most important factors threatening the satellite's life in space environment.


  • 电导率测定结果显示聚合电导率商业聚苯胺要好由于未经过掺杂,导电率还有进一步提高空间

    Conductivity of the polymer is better than the commercial polyaniline, moreover, the conductivity of the polymer can be further improved after doping.


  • 电导率测定结果显示聚合电导率商业聚苯胺要好由于未经过掺杂,导电率还有进一步提高空间

    Conductivity of the polymer is better than the commercial polyaniline, moreover, the conductivity of the polymer can be further improved after doping.


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