• 这些设想听起来科幻小说空间黑洞理论许多严谨科学家天文学家接受

    These speculations sound like science fiction. But the theory of black holes in space is accepted by many serious scientists and astronomers.


  • 要是仅仅专注于短篇小说,要是我自己留出试验空间,我永远不会有今天的收获。

    Had I been focused only on my goal of writing short fiction, had I not allowed myself the room to experiment, I'd never be where I am now.


  • 科幻小说中,这个短语通常星球之间或者远离地球空旷空间

    In science fiction, this phrase most commonly refers to a region of empty space between stars or that is remote from the home world.


  • 我们谈论很多科幻小说罢了,理论上没有什么阻止出去(倒太空间)。

    We're talking a bit of science fiction now, but in theory there's nothing that stops you going out (into space).


  • 一个虚拟空间进行商务会议在科幻小说描述那样充满魅力。

    Holding business meetings in a simulated environment is not quite as glamorous as the depictions of virtual reality found in science fiction.


  • 堪称现代小说艺术之楷模了不起的盖茨比》我们提供了学习研究叙事学理论的广阔实践空间

    The Great Gatsby, which is commonly set as a model for modern art of novels, supplies us an enormous practical space to study and exercise the theory of narratology.


  • 小说时间——空间艺术小说的时间研究,一直是小说美学的重要课题。

    Novel is a time-space art. Time study of novels is a very important part in novel aesthetics.


  • 反讽技巧运用使小说摆脱语言实指意义束缚读者注意力引入语义之外广阔的领悟空间

    By using the ironical techniques, the novel has got rid of the bondage of language's implicative meaning and led the readers' attentions to a wider apperception space beyond the semantic meanings.


  • 空间视角切入小说《子夜》中的上海可以解读一个意象化的空间世界

    Observed from the space perspective, Shanghai in the novel the Midnight can be interpreted as a world of space teemed with images.


  • 时间空间形式分别展开,成为长篇小说文体结构变革的两种姿态。

    To spread out Time Form and Spacial Form respectively, we can know the evolution process of style.


  • 关注现实生活同时,感觉派的作家不忘开掘人们丰富的精神空间,内心独白蒙太奇手法的运用使他们创作出特点鲜明心理分析小说

    While observing the real life, the neo-sensualists discovered the spiritual space, and the monologue and montage made their psychoanalytic fictions excellent and distinctive.


  • 小说所隐含诸多不确定性因素空白读者营造合理诠释的广阔空间

    The implicit blanks and uncertainty factors in the novel create a vast reasonable interpretation space for the readers.


  • 《红楼梦》古典小说空间结构表现出现代小说风范。

    Dream of Red Chamber is a classical novel, but it shows some features of modern novels in space structure.


  • 小说叙事性戏剧叙事性时间空间叙述效果方面有许多相同点。

    The narrative character of novels is similar to that of a drama in many aspects of time, space, narration, effects and so on.


  • 时间空间小说叙事重要元素,作家对时空处理方式背后隐特定的人生观念和审美趣味

    As time and space are key elements in the narrative of novels, the means of handling time and space adopted by writers often mirror their specific views on life and aesthetic interest.


  • 因此斯氏传记充满想象张力虚构空间,不再历史附庸成为传记体小说

    As a result, the biography by Strachey was full of imagination and fabled space and became "biographical novel" instead of the appendage of history.


  • 反映像系列网站项目空间博客小说

    Antimapping Series: a website, a project space, a blog, a novel.


  • 小说这样的文学类型狂欢提供空间,其结果是允许文本其他声音

    Forms like the novel provide a space for such carnivalization, and as a result allow for alternative voices within the text.


  • 意义出发历史小说应该说是当代女性作家淋漓尽致书写自我表达当下的女性主义意识最佳空间

    Therefore, proceeding from this meaning, new historical novels would be the best position for contemporary feminine authors to thoroughly write and express the contemporary ideas on feminism.


  • 就晚清小说理论来说,还缺乏现代性视角进行专门梳理,这一点为本文论述提供了足够的空间

    The novel theory of the late Qing Dynasty lacks the exploration and analysis from the perspective of modernity, which provides the feasibility and necessity of this dissertation.


  • 第四讨论小说通过回忆瞬间构建空间结构及其美学意义

    The last chapter deals with the spatiality built by moments of recollection and its aesthetic significance.


  • 本文正是通过对于黑小说对话群落呈现,力图展示出对话建构黑塞小说艺术空间思想结构方面的功能意义

    Through presenting the dialogue communities in Hesse 'novels, the thesis strives to reveal the function and meaning of dialogue in building the art space and thought structure of Hesse's novels.


  • 尽管官场丰富性复杂性文学提供较大创作空间,但当代官场小说思想上和艺术上缺陷和不足。

    Despite the richness and complexity of bureaucracy provided a bigger room for the literature creativity, in terms of ideology and art the contemporary officialdom novel has its flaws and shortcomings.


  • 就是余华小说空间形式上的并置

    That is the apposition chains on space.


  • 认为中国古代异域小说是借助对异域想象创造一个梦幻空间并以此实现对现实空间超越

    It argues that the ancient Chinese "alien fiction" creates an illusionary space by imagining an alien land, on the basis of which to transcend the realistic space.


  • 日本手机小说成功盛大文学看到手机小说巨大市场空间

    Novel of Japanese mobile phone "love empty" successful, let royal literature see the huge market space of mobile phone novel.


  • 作者小说最后一部分常规的写作方式讲述出来,而其它部分跳跃式的,在时间空间随意穿行

    Only the last part of the novel is told in the normal way. The other three parts move forward and back through time and space.


  • 作者小说最后一部分常规的写作方式讲述出来,而其它部分跳跃式的,在时间空间随意穿行

    Only the last part of the novel is told in the normal way. The other three parts move forward and back through time and space.


- 来自原声例句

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