• 偏远地区空气纯净庄稼不用有毒杀虫

    In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of poisonous insecticides.


  • 如果认为可以一种聪明方式改变生活广告商可以空气清新那样,你可能就错了

    If you think you can change your life in a clever way, the way an advertiser can get you to buy an air freshener, you're probably wrong.


  • 这一过程效率取决于吸收材料的表面积,我们可以通过将液态吸收水雾的形式喷入空气中,就轻松的扩大接触面积

    The efficiency of this process depends on the surface area of the sorbent, and an easy way to increase the surface area is to spray a liquid sorbent into the air as a fine mist.


  • 帕洛·阿尔托研究中心(PARC),研究人员打算建造一些几的吸收吹送过这些高塔空气一种状的吸收接触。

    At PARC, researchers propose building towers several metres high through which the air would be wafted, coming into contact with a sorbent mist.


  • 蒸发器帮助空气冷却冷却器冷却过程准备冷却压缩机冷却在蒸发器冷却器之间传递。

    The evaporator helps cool the air, the condenser readies the refrigerant for the cooling process, and the compressor moves refrigerant back and forth between them.


  • 为了汽车空气清新上省钱——有人能有多大的开销——杂志上撕下香味纸片放进通风孔

    To save money on car air fresheners-not a huge expense in the first place, one would think-he rips the perfume strips out of magazines and puts them in his vents.


  • 首先注入空气然后荧光增白使用CT扫描仪搜寻心脏病详尽证据

    First air, and then a white dye, are injected, and the ct scanner used again to look for detailed evidence of heart disease.


  • 这里日本公司一直拥有最强劲的增长势头,他们兜售设计新颖品质优良的马桶,例如那些有振荡坐浴盆,空气清新和风干机的。

    The Japanese company has been riding robust growth here, peddling commodes with sleek designs and features such as oscillating bidets, air fresheners and blow dryers.


  • 柠檬可以干燥冬天保持空气清新潮湿,同时起到空气清新加湿器的作用。

    Freshen and moisturize the air in your home on dry winter days.


  • 空气清新、护发素其他一些花里胡哨可有可无的东西曾被许多人认为必不可少,现在没有了,大家也对付着过

    Many make do without air fresheners, hair conditioner and other fripperies once deemed essential.


  • 润土也是一种湿,可以吸收周围空气中的水分。 在包装搬运时要特别注意上述材料不能碰水,以免浪费。

    Bentonite clay is also hygroscopic and absorbs water


  • 空气残留着防腐味道

    The smell of preservative lingers in the air.


  • 然后把测量空气必要化学清洁混合进行清洗

    The measurement chamber is thencleaned with water mixed with air and dosed with a cleaning chemical ifrequired.


  • 现在已经开发出方案虽然相同都是基于同一个思想,就是空气通过吸附”的材料,而这种材料的化学性质使它能二氧化碳结合。

    Several designs are being developed, but they involve variations on the same theme. In each case air is brought into contact with a “sorbentmaterial, which binds chemically with the carbon dioxide.


  • 维斯必须蒸馏加热使空气样品通过吸附除去二氧化碳氪等会污染灵敏探测器气体

    Weiss had to distill, heat and pass the air samples over adsorbents to remove gases such as carbon dioxide and krypton that could foul the extremely sensitive detector.


  • 避免尾气排放的环境中行走使用杀虫购买有机食物关闭窗户避免外部污染空气进入,在房间空气过滤器

    She avoids walking through exhaust, doesn't use pesticides, buys organic foods, shuts her Windows to keep air pollution outdoors and USES air filters in her home.


  • 不要使用商业空气清新一个研究报告显示长期暴露空气清新的环境下会导致婴儿腹泻以及母亲头痛。

    Don't use commercial air fresheners; one study found that high exposure to them is associated with infant diarrhea and an increase in headaches in mothers.


  • 蒸发器有助于冷却空气冷凝器帮助准备冷却过程中的制冷压缩机有助于制冷它们之间移动来回

    The evaporator helps cool the air, the condenser helps ready the system's refrigerant for the cooling process, and the compressor helps move refrigerant back and forth between them.


  • 不要使用商业空气清新一个研究报告显示长期暴露空气清新的环境下会导致婴儿腹泻以及母亲头痛。

    Don’t use commercial air fresheners; one study found that high exposure to them is associated with infant diarrhea and an increase in headaches in mothers.


  • 公司开发了一高科技空气清新这种空气清新电脑上,可以散发出与讯息有关的香味。

    It has developed a kind of hi-tech air freshener that plugs into a PC and sprays a smell linked to the message.


  • 其中短命氢氟碳化合物,发明取代氯氟烃制冷可以稀释高层空气中的臭氧层同时也是主要升温

    The most troubling of the short-lived HFCs were invented to replace chlorofluorocarbons, refrigerants that were thinning the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere, and were also a major warming agent.


  • 许多人试着过上了没有空气清新护发素的日子,有些人甚至会特殊优惠网上东西。

    Many make do without air fresheners, hair conditioner and other fripperies once deemed essential.Many scour the internet for special deals.


  • 这次调查兹公司新型空气清新——雷纽兹超级除臭一同推出。

    The poll was conducted in conjunction with the launch of a new Renuzit air freshener, Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer.


  • 除了提供口罩,加拿大队还携带空气净化器哮喘喷雾、眼药水、咽喉含片来减轻恶劣空气副作用

    As well as taking a supply of masks, team Canada will bring air purifiers, asthma puffers, eye drops, nasal sprays and throat lozenges to help with the side effects of poor air.


  • NREL使用含有干燥液体来降低空气湿度,然后利用热水加热浆状液体使干燥

    NREL USES syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity. Hot water is used to heat the syrups and dry them out.


  • 空气储备可能缺乏药物比如止痛药,减充血,治鼻窦炎过敏

    Stock up on any medications you may be lacking, such as pain relievers, decongestants, and sinus and allergy medicines before the cold weather sets in.


  • 制冷变为蒸汽,吸收空气中的热量

    A refrigerant vaporises, absorbing heat from the air to be cooled.


  • 还有就是因为有些消费者因陋就简,完全改变之前的消费习惯比如放弃购买空气清新以及敏感肌肤特制洗涤

    Some shoppers are also forgoing altogether items that they used to consider staples, such as air fresheners or special detergents for sensitive skin.


  • 还有就是因为有些消费者因陋就简,完全改变之前的消费习惯比如放弃购买空气清新以及敏感肌肤特制洗涤

    Some shoppers are also forgoing altogether items that they used to consider staples, such as air fresheners or special detergents for sensitive skin.


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