• 阿姆鲁兹·努尔哈希姆阿里·古弗隆伊玛目·德拉因2002年巴厘岛爆炸事件而判死刑,爆炸造成202死亡

    Amrozi Nurhasyim, Ali Gufron, and Imam Samudra, have been sentenced to death for the 2002 Bali bombings that claimed the lives of 202 people.


  • 可以肯定当听到瑞安报告那些得知那些孩子如何受到虐待时,显然非常地生气。” 迪阿尔德·马丁大主教说道

    "He was very visibly upset, I would say, to hear of some of the things that are told in the Ryan Report and how the children had suffered," said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin.


  • 对于向各个国家(包括欧洲)提供天然气想法,别尔德哈梅多夫先生表示出了兴趣未曾做出任何承诺

    Mr Berdymukhammedov has signalled interest in the idea of supplying gas to various destinations, including Europe, but has made no major new commitments.


  • 托尔斯泰的<战争和平>,熄了,·维尔甚这位美国批评家觉得卧室里仿佛挤满了”,心情迟迟无法平静.

    ON SWITCHING off the light after reading “War and Peace”, Edmund Wilson, an American critic, would find his bedroom magicallyfull of people”.


  • 强势赢得了这次罗德·拉沃尔球场比赛中的重头戏。

    But Murray was winning strongly in one of the best contests at the Rod Laver Arena in this tournament.


  • 当天下午,奥萨马前往白舍尔,探寻发现罕纳尸体地方

    That afternoon, I went with Osama to Bishr to look for the spot where Muhannad's body had been found.


  • 奥拉基其他追随者包括胡德堡枪击者尼达尔。马里克·哈桑圣诞节爆炸案犯阿卜杜勒·塔拉布克,时代广场恐怖案犯费萨尔·哈扎德。

    Al-Awlaki's other followers include the Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan, the Christmas Day bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, and the Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


  • 心目中的英雄津巴布韦领导人罗伯特·加贝古巴领导人菲德尔·卡斯特罗以及利比亚领导人阿迈尔·卡扎菲

    Among his heroes, he counts Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Cuba's Fidel Castro and Libya's Muammar Qaddafi.


  • 德尔·塔瓦(adelAlMutawa),沟通集团执行总监表示:“关闭网站决定从来都不是轻易作出,我们收到公众投诉后进行了彻底调查。”

    Adel Al Mutawa, Executive Director, Group Communications, said: "the decision to block a site is never taken lightly, and we conduct thorough investigations upon receiving requests from the public."


  • 分队基地,也就是Ajdabiya学校,默哈副手阿卜杜·贾瓦德·艾尔·贝丁(Abduljawad al - Bedin)正在等待委员会任命指挥官决定

    At one of the brigade's bases, a primary school in Ajdabiya, Mohammed's deputy, Abduljawad al-Bedin, said he was waiting for the council to decide who would become the new commander.


  • 印度企业家苏尼埃尔•萨(Suniel Mutha)当年结婚时,婚礼是新娘老家马德拉斯(Madras)举办的,900位来宾到场,仪式持续了整整

    When Indian entrepreneur Suniel Mutha married, he and his bride tied the knot in Madras, her hometown. There were 900 guests, and the festivities lasted three days.


  • 默哈·艾尔拉吉里(Mohammed al - Rajili)委员会分队的联络人,他随时都会现场与贝丁商讨任命事宜。

    Mohammed al-Rajili, the council's liaison with the brigade, was due to arrive any minute to discuss the issue with Bedin.


  • 同事丽利兹。德尔定期到这些地区巡逻,查看有什么潜在危险

    Murray and her colleague Liz Pender routinely patrol these areas looking for potential risks.


  • 他们赶到斯塔法,逮捕吉佐尔·德尔索,这个行为失常的的吉奥诺·西斯机器人工程师熔岩世界建立自己战斗机器人工厂。

    They traveled to Mustafar, to capture Gizor Dellso, a rogue Geonosian droid engineer who had erected his own battle droid factory on the fiery world.


  • 奥尔拜火教(波斯教)主要神明,世界创造者光明源泉和善化身

    The chief deity of Zoroastrianism, the creator of the world, the source of light, and the embodiment of good.


  • 犹太人研究了塔尔·一个伟大原因有很多。

    Jews have studied the Talmud for a great variety of reasons.


  • 里德·巴尔古提回忆录那里出生,我出生在这里唤起一切。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。

    Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, "I Was Born There, I Was Born here", which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, "I Saw Ramallah".


  • 设计是瑞士建筑师雅克·赫佐格皮埃尔龙,大球场生命,直至愿望作为一个全球性地标

    Designed by the Swiss architects Jacques Herzog and Pierre DE Meuron, the stadium lives up to its aspiration as a global landmark.


  • 里德?巴尔古提回忆录那里出生,我出生在这里唤起一切。这本回忆录是他2003年的作品《我看到了拉马拉》的续篇。

    Mourid Barghouti evokes them all in his memoir, "I Was Born There, I Was Born here", which continues the story begun in his 2003 work, "I Saw Ramallah".


  • 比赛快结束侯赛因“亚赛尔得到一张黄牌,这卡塔尔主教练德赛马卢丁”索·维奇乐趣荡然无存,因为持有自己观点罚出场。

    Even a red card shown in stoppage time to Hussain Yaser failed to dampen the joy of Qatar coach Dzemaludin Musovic, who was also ordered down the tunnel for protesting the decision.


  • 星期四俱乐部球衣展示会上拒绝评论关于科尔不同寻常的联系,只是如果德尔离开切尔西就需要一名替代者

    Mourinho, speaking at the launch of the club's new kit on Thursday, refused to comment on speculation linking him with Cole but did say Chelsea would buy a replacement should Del Horno leave.


  • 罗伯特·西尔(RobertMusil)的《德之》(The Man Without Qualities)中有一位图书馆员,他说,人们光本书,就会忽视真正重要东西——与书之间联系

    The librarian in Robert Musil's "the Man Without Qualities" explains that reading any particular book distracts from what is truly important: the relationship between all books.


  • 卡卡皮尔洛将托蒂德罗西布·拉希莫维奇以及争夺奥斯卡最佳球员的奖项。

    Kaka and Pirlo, along with Totti, De Rossi, Ibrahimovic and Mutu, will contend the Oscar for best overall player.


  • 卡卡皮尔洛将托蒂德罗西布·拉希莫维奇以及争夺奥斯卡最佳球员的奖项。

    Kaka and Pirlo, along with Totti, De Rossi, Ibrahimovic and Mutu, will contend the Oscar for best overall player.


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