• 可以拍摄使用一张中性灰色卡片放在一个稳定高度设置曝光

    A neutral gray card may be used to set exposure at a consistent level before placing the subject in the scene.


  • 通过试验得出无控制性结构面的边坡极限稳定高度角的关系大致满足马斯洛夫方程

    The relationship of gradient and corresponding critical slope height of the slope without significant constructional surface fits Masilofo equation.


  • 身体感到,可体温保持升高后的高度差不多稳定不变

    The body feels hot and the temperature remains more or less constant at the new elevated level.


  • 然而,无论自然会发生什么事,看起来危险还是我们短暂行星时间内、在气候稳定幸运时段建立起来高度复杂相互连接社会

    And, whatever happens to nature, it is our own highly complex interconnected society, built on a lucky period of stable climate during a tiny sliver of planetary time, that looks most at risk.


  • 充满高度确定性环境下金融市场重视那些较少冒险更为稳定公司

    In conditions of high uncertainty, financial markets value companies that take fewer risks and are more stable.


  • 中国安理会常任理事国维护世界和平稳定方面发挥积极作用意大利对此高度评价。

    As a permanent member of the Security Council, China has played a positive role in maintaining world peace and stability, which has been highly appreciated by Italy.


  • 文明作为高度复杂体制一个趋势忽然稳定走向不稳定

    As a highly complex system, civilisation has a "tendency to move quite suddenly from stability to instability."


  • 自置居所实际上逐步灌输邻里稳定(虽然有着高度稳定租赁制度德国表示二者无需结合在一起)。

    Home ownership may indeed instil neighbourly stability (though Germany with its high levels of stability and renting suggests the two need not go together).


  • 说道血腥玛丽化学物质属于高度稳定”,而且因为西红柿中存在酸性物质,这种酒很容易变质

    The chemicals in a Bloody Mary are 'highly unstable' - and its quality tends to deteriorate quickly because of the acids in the tomato juice, he said.


  • 一个实现来说这个平衡高度稳定

    This package is balanced in the sense that it is an implementation package: highly unstable.


  • 带来稳定身份验证授权以及高度定制内容

    This gets you firmly into authentication and authorization, as well as very highly customized content.


  • 金融市场变得高度稳定

    The financial markets can become highly unstable.


  • 对于经济稳定特别是国际环境来讲,那种将高度使用杠杆操作贷款发行人那里的风险转移市场工具非常关键的。

    A market vehicle for transferring risk away from these highly leveraged loan originators can be critical for economic stability, especially in a global environment.


  • 对于那些高度依赖渔业社区而言当地食用供应量质量下降,或他们生计稳定提高都将引发更为严重问题

    For communities who heavily rely on fisheries, any decreases in the local availability or quality of fish for food or increases in their livelihoods' instability will pose even more serious problems.


  • 式无尾翼布局具有高度机动性和优越超音速性能,但亦具有先天空气动力上之不稳定

    The tailless delta-canard configuration is inherently aerodynamically unstable, which provides a high level of agility, particularly at supersonic speeds.


  • 那些精力充沛健谈的可能记住过去美好的时光结果拥有更多的幸福高度神经敏感即那些郁郁寡欢情绪稳定焦躁不安的人很可能回忆痛苦的过去有着少的幸福。

    People high on the neurotic scale, which can mean being moody, emotionally unstable and fretful, were more likely to have an anguished remembrance of the past and to be less happy.


  • 高度稳定——只要按时还贷报税,你永远不必担心无家可归

    Greater stabilityas long as you can afford the property taxes and your mortgage payments, you don't have to worry about being evicted.


  • 提出一种基于FPGAIJF数字基带编码实现方案具有高度集成、占用资源少、配置灵活性能稳定特点

    An implementation scheme of IJF coding based on FPGA is proposed, which has the features of highly integration, flexible configuration, stable performance.


  • 这样国家对于北非以及欧洲而言都具有高度稳定的风险而且也是不利于北非欧洲的。

    The country would be highly unstable and a real liability to North Africa and Europe.


  • 亚洲文化教导和谐稳定价值西方社会变化常态,人们高度重视寻找新的更好处事方式

    Asian culture teaches the values of harmony and stability, while in western society, finding new and better ways of doing things is highly valued and change is the norm.


  • 大跨结构具有高度几何非线性,结构设计一般整体稳定控制

    The structural design of large-span latticed shell is controlled by global stability due to the geometric nonlinear property.


  • 再手术原因高度近视屈光状态稳定个体激光反应差异性、激光机能量不稳定术者操作技术有关

    The cause of retreatment was related to the unstable refraction in high degree myopia, the individual difference in reaction to laser, unstable energy of the machine and technique of the operator.


  • 然而对于稳定CAD病人来说,大剂量抑制疗法费用效益高度敏感关于抑制素效益费用的模型假定

    In patients with stable CAD, however, the cost-effectiveness of high-dose statin therapy is highly sensitive to model assumptions about statin efficacy and cost.


  • 形成稳定充分条件结构的质量刚度阻尼小、或是高度(长度)大、细比大。

    The sufficient conditions to an instable structure are heavy mass, small stiffness and damping and tall with high aspect ratio.


  • 目的治疗高度稳定腰椎骨折中评估项名为单纯后路三柱重建术手术方法

    OBJECTIVE: To assess a technique, three-column reconstruction through single posterior (TRSP) approach, in treatment of highly unstable thoracolumbar fracture.


  • 之后主要针对加州富群体征收的所得税总收入的10%增长一半以上这使财政收入具有高度稳定

    Income taxes, mainly on the richest Californians, have during that time grown from 10% of total revenues to more than half, making state revenues highly volatile.


  • 之后主要针对加州富群体征收的所得税总收入的10%增长一半以上这使财政收入具有高度稳定

    Income taxes, mainly on the richest Californians, have during that time grown from 10% of total revenues to more than half, making state revenues highly volatile.


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