• 有时候如果一个过程函数稳定或者测试中,那么应该其定义FENCED,这样可以自己进程地址空间运行

    Sometimes, if a procedure or function is unstable or is being tested, it will be defined as FENCED so that it can be run in its own process address space.


  • 李肇星说,中国致力于世界地区和平稳定一如既往地国际社会一道推动中东和平进程而努力。

    Li noted that China is committed to world and regional peace and stability and will as always work with the international community to make efforts towards the peace process in the Middle East.


  • 如果工作进程就是简单地降低核武器数字那么未来某个时间可能看到非常稳定世界,在这个世界中,危机出现先发制人可能成为一个强有力的诱因

    And if your process is simply one of reducing Numbers, you could get to a point where you have a very unstable world, where the incentive in a crisis to strike first could be powerful.


  • 我们认为有利于南各国关系正常化进程有利于维护地区和平稳定

    We think it is not only be beneficial to the normalization process of the relations among the Former FRY, but also to the maintenance of peace and stability of the region.


  • 给并未完全稳定和平进程带来一丝新的变数

    This has introduced a new element of instability into a peace process which has never been fully secure.


  • 21世纪里,一个国家稳定繁荣取决于整个世界自由进程

    Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad.


  • 这些Out OfMemory异常通常不是致命的仍然很糟糕因为它们会使进程处于一种稳定状态

    These OutOfMemory exceptions are generally not fatal but still bad as they leave the process in an unstable state.


  • 美国支持所谓吉布提和平进程,以此作为索马里国内达到稳定途径

    The United States supports the so-called Djibouti Peace Process as a route to stability in Somalia.


  • 不仅严重地阻碍了我国工业化城市化进程而且社会稳定埋下了诸多隐患

    This not only seriously hinders the course of industrialization and urbanization of our country, but also causes many hidden troubles for social instability.


  • 中方尼泊尔和平进程取得进展感到高兴衷心希望实现和平、稳定繁荣

    The Chinese side is pleased to see the progress made in the peace process in Nepal, and sincerely hopes that Nepal will realize peace, stability and prosperity.


  • 无论国际风云如何变幻,中国始终支持欧洲一体化进程,始终支持一个团结、稳定、繁荣的欧盟国际事务中发挥更作用

    Inspite of changes in the international landscape, China has always supported European integration and a bigger role in international affairs by a united, stable and prosperous EU.


  • 形成一个相对稳定教学进程结构

    Forming a relatively stable structure of teaching process.


  • 印度俄罗斯可以一道进行许多努力推进全球和平稳定,推动全球经济复苏进程

    There is much that India and Russia can do together to advance global peace and stability and the process of global economic revival.


  • 适合宿主编程模型可能导致服务器进程本身稳定方法

    Methods or classes that do not fit the host programming model and could lead to a destabilization of the server process itself.


  • 教学模式指在一定教育思想、教学理论学习理论指导教学活动进程稳定结构形式

    The teaching mode is a stable structured form of teaching activity process under the guide of certain education thoughts, teaching and learning theories.


  • 为了进一步推进矩阵变换器实用化进程矩阵变换器系统稳定分析尤其重要

    To further advance the process of matrix converter practical for matrix converter system stability analysis is particularly important.


  • 我们一贯支持欧洲一体化进程希望看到一个团结繁荣稳定欧盟强大的欧元

    China has all along supported the European integration process, and hopes to see a united, prosperous and stable eu and a strong euro.


  • 根据理论分析,通过回灌能够实现垃圾填埋场所产生滤液场内处理,改善渗滤液水质,同时能加速老填埋场稳定进程

    The theoretic analysis shows that recycling can treat the leachate generated in an old landfill in-situ, improve the quality of the leachate and accelerate the stabilization of the MSW.


  • 进程检查点机制是在进程正常运行适当时刻设置检查点,进程状态保存稳定存储器中。

    Checkpoint facility enables the intermediate state of a running process to be saved to stable storage.


  • KBI公认纪录推进客户药物开发项目可扩展性强大的进程导致更加稳定积极产品

    KBI is recognized for its track record in advancing its clients' drug programs by developing scalable, robust processes that result in more stable, active products.


  • 欧盟扩展进程已经成为欧洲稳定因素

    The process of EU enlargement has been a stabilizing factor in Europe.


  • 目前城市固体废物主要采用地质填埋处理淋滤液循环可以使填埋场稳定进程加快。

    At present, municipal solid waste is disposed mainly by landfills. Leachate recycle has been found to potentially greatly accelerate the "stabilization" of the landfill.


  • 我们立法机构必须社会问题纳入立法进程之中,否则长期以来破坏社会的稳定

    It is imperative that our legislative body include this social issue into the law-making agenda; otherwise it will upset stability of this nation in the long run.


  • 如果没有稳定进程,其输出可以准确测量,那么此时利用技术该进程不会产生附加值

    Note: Without stable processes where output can be accurately measured. It would be non-value added to implement this tool at this time.


  • 尤其是东扩进程启动后,一些东南欧国家开始纳入欧盟考虑范围,地区的和平稳定对于欧盟来说更为重要

    Especially, when EU's east-enlargement starts up, the peace and stabilization of southeast Europe play more important roles in the EU's progress.


  • 尤其是东扩进程启动后,一些东南欧国家开始纳入欧盟考虑范围,地区的和平稳定对于欧盟来说更为重要

    Especially, when EU's east-enlargement starts up, the peace and stabilization of southeast Europe play more important roles in the EU's progress.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定