• 随着程序越来越复杂开始使用多种不同方式组成的大量信息结构

    As your programs get more complicated, you will begin to work with large collections of information structured in a variety of ways.


  • 因此控制流方式考虑这件事就是程序if开始然后事情,都进行检查

    So the way to think about this in terms of flow is, it starts with that if and it says, check both of those things.


  • 开始,. NET运行时提供正统打包系统就是程序集合方式

    From the beginning, the.net runtime had a decent packaging system based on a collection of assemblies.


  • 创建全球化应用程序容易的方式就是使用设计良好全球化架构良好全球化开发指南从头开始创建。

    The easiest way to create a global application is to start from scratch, with a well-designed globalization architecture and good guidelines for globalization development.


  • 以此方式可以开始应用程序开发并且关于实现业务逻辑工作仍旧开发团队重点

    In this way, application development can be jump started and work on implementing the business logic maintains its place as the primary focus of the development team.


  • 已经开始关于基于以上几验证程序工作,该验证程序类似查看应用程序方式给出XML输出

    I have begun work on a validator that works along these lines, giving XML output in a way that's similar to the viewer application.


  • 开始编码之前规划应用程序导航尽早隔离纠正问题方式这会形成平滑的开发周期

    Planning the application's navigation before you've started coding is a good way to isolate and correct the problem early on, which makes for a much smoother development cycle.


  • 一旦确信按照所需方式应用程序建模可以开始移动避免交叉线增进理解性。

    Once you're satisfied that your diagram models the application the way that you want it to, then begin moving bubbles around to avoid crossing lines and improve its understandability.


  • 有些公司采用传统安装程序方式交付应用程序开始选择提供完整的虚拟

    Instead of shipping applications with traditional install programs, some companies are now choosing to ship complete virtual machines.


  • 至此我们观察应用程序稳定方面——也就是说开始运行之后工作方式

    So far, we've looked only at the application's steady-state aspectsthat is, how it will work once it's running.


  • HTML程序开始Web页面打交道的方式;html通常他们完成应用程序站点最后一步——调整一些布局颜色或样式。

    HTML is how programmers start to work on a Web page; HTML is often the last thing they do as they finish up an application or site, and tweak that last bit of placement, color, or style.


  • Python解释器最简单级别类似方式操作,即程序顶端开始然后行一行地顺序执行程序语句。

    The Python interpreter, at its simplest level, operates in a similar manner, starting at the top of a program and sequentially executing program statements in a linear fashion.


  • 打电话告诉了自己IBM程序朋友罗伯特·罗斯,之后他们开始考虑如何调整这种寻找配对者方式贴近家用

    He called up his friend Robert Ross, a programmer at I.B.M., and they began considering ways to adapt this approach to find matches closer to home.


  • 安装程序允许Windows开始菜单中添加squirrel快捷方式

    The installation program will also allow you to add a shortcut to SQuirreL to your Windows Start menu.


  • 本文开始处所述所有引导加载程序类似方式工作满足共同目的

    As stated at the start of this article, all boot loaders work in a similar way to fulfill a common purpose. But LILO and GRUB do have a number of differences.


  • 这里示例程序类似因为正确开始构建Rails应用程序方式确定的。

    The sample application here is like them, since there is a certain way to get started right in building a Rails application.


  • 发现空白Shalestarter应用程序开始总是开发新的Shale应用程序容易的方式

    You'll find that starting with the blank Shale starter application is almost always the easiest way to start working on a new Shale application.


  • 这种方式每个HTML页面中的每个链接进行转换然后应用程序导航Tapestry动态页面之间开始工作不是在静态的HTML模板之间。

    Convert each link in each HTML page in this manner, and your application navigation will start to work between the Tapestry and dynamic pages, rather than your static HTML templates.


  • 一种简单的应用程序规划方式开始,在使用Tapestry这个方式特别重要

    I'll start with an easy approach to planning your application, which is especially important when using Tapestry.


  • 相反虚拟XP环境中安装应用程序时,它们同时会被发送主机操作系统(Windows7)(开始菜单中放置快捷方式)。

    Instead, as you install applications inside the virtual XP environment, they are published to the host (Windows 7) OS as well. (With shortcuts placed in the Start Menu.)


  • 必胜客自从2009年开始提供通过短信网页iphone移动方式订购业务,并且打算不久IPADAndroid平台发布订购程序

    Pizza Hut has been offering mobile orders by way of SMS, its mobile website and an iPhone app since 2009, and is planning on releasing apps for both the iPad and the Android platform soon.


  • 应用程序快捷方式被创建虚拟开始菜单的“所有用户”中吗?

    Was a shortcut for the application created in the "All Users" start menu in the guest operating system?


  • 我们已经有了一些伟大的东西方式所以下载这个程序现在乐趣空虚的乐趣开始了!

    We've got some great stuff coming your way, so download this app now and let the fun flatulent fun begin!


  • 可以通过开始菜单桌面上快捷方式程序

    You can start the program by going through the start menu or by the shortcut on your desktop.


  • 开始学习下贱导向要义程序试图将代码继承方式组织(“是一个”),而经验程序员会发现“有一个”关系常常更为适用

    When first learning abject principles programmers tend to do everything with inheritance (the is-a model). With more experience programmers find that the has-a relationship is often more appropriate.


  • 其它功能包括允许同时开始运行多个程序运行功能支持隐藏显示快捷方式图像显示等。

    Other features include support for Launch Groups that allow you to start multiple programs at once, zooming in and out of shortcuts, image display and more.


  • 开始菜单程序分成若干小组这种更为合理方式快速找到启动软件

    It will start the program group menu is divided into several teams to a more reasonable manner that allows you to quickly find the software you want to start.


  • 开始菜单程序分成若干小组这种更为合理方式快速找到启动软件

    It will start the program group menu is divided into several teams to a more reasonable manner that allows you to quickly find the software you want to start.


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