• 获取主管转换活动支持可以SOA建立程序计划

    After you get executive support for the transformation initiative, you establish a program plan for SOA.


  • 客户主管在指示程序如何处理格式良好输入数据时,抓住机会,对万一发生错误时程序具体操作细节同他们达成共识

    When a client or supervisor dictates how a program should process well-formed input data, take the opportunity to agree in detail on how the program should act in case of error.


  • 我们认为整个破产程序无效的,”英国石油公司俄罗斯公司时任对外事务主管霍华德·蔡斯一封电子邮件中写道

    "We regard the entire bankruptcy process as invalid," Howard Chase, BP Russia's then-director of external affairs wrote in an email.


  • 大型主机被广泛采用时代那些机构主管人员通过程序准入行驶权力,由他们选择谁的程序应当昂贵计算机所采用。

    In the glass-walled facilities of the mainframe era, these systems operators exercised their power by choosing whose programs should be allowed to run on the costly computing machines.


  • 但是由于技术主管推迟如此长的时间做决定我们现在十分清楚这个应用程序消息传递方面需求因此可以采用简单的工具来完成任务

    But because the tech lead delayed the decision so long, we knew exactly what this application needed in terms of messaging, allowing us to get the simplest tool that did the job.


  • 这些场景中技术主管可能会同时使用应用程序架构师产品专家

    In these scenarios, the technical lead may use both an application architect and a product specialist.


  • 动态布置种功能,xd理器使用功能决定集群放置多少应用程序服务器副本比较合适。

    Dynamic placement is a facility in which the XD autonomic managers determine how many copies of an application server are appropriate within a cluster.


  • 可以认为应用程序位于自主计算管理价值链顶部1所示)。

    The latter can be thought of as sitting at the top of the autonomic computing management value chain (as you'll see in Figure 1).


  • 例如公司中的30主管经理需要查看应用程序中的销售数据

    For example, all 30 directors and executives in your company need to see all the sales data in your application.


  • 除了查阅本专栏通常关注服务器方面的安全性开发问题还请查看这个春季发布的有关主管应用程序技术专栏文章(至少以上)。

    Along with the column's usual focus on server-pertinent security and development issues, look for at least one more installment this spring on technologies for hosting legacy applications.


  • 相应IT团队主管负责创建遵循管制领导团队规定ITSOA原则总体应用程序体系结构解决方案。

    Corresponding it team leads are responsible for creating the overall application architecture and the solution that adheres to the it and SOA principles mandated by the governance leadership team.


  • 双重密钥安全表示用户必须通过两个系统认证-应用程序服务器(位于主管服务供应商)金融机构

    Double key secure means the user must authenticate two systems — the application server (at the hosting service provider) and the financial institution.


  • 这项检查表设计用来帮助主管新进员工引介时,确保每位新进有加班费员工都能被通知相关政策程序

    This checklist was developed as an aid to supervisors in induction and to assure that each new non-exempt employee is fully informed of the relevant policies and procedures.


  • 另外一点Peter NorvigGoogle研发主管,是一本领先的人工智能教材作者也许目前在世最好程序之一

    An additional point: Peter Norvig is Director of Research at Google, author of the leading textbook on artificial intelligence, and may be one of the better programmers alive.


  • 有效培训下属主管指导讨论正确有进步的工作程序

    To train subordinate supervisors in effective "coaching and counselling" and the correct process of progressive discipline.


  • 可以公司主管演示一套程序不能电脑变得象人一样

    You can demonstrate a program for a corporate executive, but you can't make him computer literate.


  • 但是20年后大多数IT主管不愿意Windows服务器运行重要的应用程序

    Twenty years later, most it directors would rather chew on glass than run their mission-critical applications on Windows servers.


  • 洗衣房主管指导根据酒店制定政策程序对酒店布草进行及时分类清洗

    Clean and classify linen timely under the leadership of laundry supervisor according to hotel's set policies and procedures.


  • 可以公司主管演示一套程序但是无法精通电脑

    You can demonstrate a program for a corporate executive, but you can't make him computer literate.


  • 这时通过使用之前WebSphere应用程序服务器配置一章中输入用户(服务器用户ID)进行登录

    This time, log in by using the Primary administrative user name (Server user ID) that you entered previously in the WebSphere Application Server configuration section.


  • 地区主管部门建议下我们装备台BBC电脑,并委托一位在其他医院工作的电脑爱好我们编写程序

    At the suggestion of the district , we experimented with a BBC micro, with a computer buff who worked elsewhere in the hospital deputed to write our program.


  • 起重主管负责提供培训咨询现场必要支持保持程序履行

    Rig Supervisor is responsible for providing training, consultation and on-site support necessary to ensure compliance with this program.


  • 协助QC主管监督所有理化微生物测试批准程序进行要求记录报告

    Assist QC supervisor to QC supervise that all physical, chemical and microbiological testing are being performed as per authorized procedures and record and report as per the requirements.


  • 任何人知悉项之事件时,得规定程序学校主管机关检举之。

    Anyone with the knowledge of the events mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs may report them to the school or competent authority according to prescribed procedures.


  • 程序主管

    I'm programmer supervisor.


  • 这样做的话必须符合有关主管部门以及船运公司规定安全程序

    If this is done, safety procedures specified by relevant authorities and shipping companies must be complied with.


  • 程序提及安全问题不能完全理解的条例,立即主管联系

    Supervisor should be immediately contacted if there is any safety issue not covered in the procedure or any item therein not fully understood.


  • 程序提及安全问题不能完全理解的条例,立即主管联系

    Supervisor should be immediately contacted if there is any safety issue not covered in the procedure or any item therein not fully understood.


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