• 欧洲委员会凡属于欧盟免签申根区的国家面临大量移民应允许临启动边境检查制度。

    The European Commission said that countries inside the European Union's passport-free Schengen area should be allowed temporarily to reimpose border checks when faced with large Numbers of migrants.


  • 我们无法这个差距多大程度上取决于移民选择多大程度上取决于移民城市生育力下降

    We cannot say how much of the difference is the result of selectivity of migrants at the time of move and how much results from lowered fertility after moving to the urban setting.


  • 心理健康诸多预测变量中,移民年龄预测美国华人移民的心理健康体现出复杂性特殊性

    Among the various predictive variable of mental health, the age when migrated has emboied the complexity and particularity in the process of predict Chinese American Immigrants' mental health.


  • 所有这些只是小修小补,而不欧洲某些国家多元文化上倒退或是美国对待非法移民强硬的措施。

    All this adds up to slight tinkering, rather than the kind of retreat from multiculturalism seen in parts of Europe, or America's harder line against illegal immigration.


  • 移民母语产生澳大利亚英语变体的一个重要因素,其他因素包括移民移民时年龄受教育背景澳大利亚社会关系等等

    Variations are produced by such factors as the migrant's mother tongue and the age at which he migrates, his educational background, his social contacts in Australia.


  • 轮船停泊纽约麦克林托克正和第一上船移民官员们在船上。

    As the ship berthed in New York, McClintock was with the first immigration officers aboard.


  • 移民去了比利

    He emigrated to Belgium.


  • 宣布移民澳大利亚所有人都惊呆了

    Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.


  • 18印度移民出来

    He immigrated from India at age 18.


  • 移民返回地中海,地中海又出现了新的动物物种

    New species of fauna populated the Mediterranean when the old migrants returned.


  • 移民柜台男士后面房间示意沉了下去

    My heart sank when the man at the immigration counter gestured to the back room.


  • 比利失业移民可以获得相当于他们工资三分之二国家福利使得寻找工作变得不那么紧迫

    In Belgium, immigrants who lose jobs can receive almost two-thirds of their most recent wage in state benefits, which must make the hunt for a new job less urgent.


  • 奥地利比利德国卢森堡荷兰瑞典瑞士移民人数每增加一个百分点,本国出生的人的境况就会恶化一点点。

    A one-point rise in immigration made the native-born slightly worse off in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland.


  • 同一Jurania人口增长了6%,部分原因来自地区其他国家人们移民 Jurania。

    During the same period, the population of Jurania increased by 6 percent, in part due to immigration to Jurania from other countries in the region.


  • 1926年,父母移民美国只有岁。

    She was three when her parents immigrated to America in 1926.


  • 所以意大利移民欧洲各地他们带来了戏剧尤其是歌剧因为一种意大利形式

    So as Italians migrated across Europe, they carried theater with them and opera specifically because it was an Italian form.


  • 清教徒前辈移民在1620年到达美洲,冬天很快就来了。

    When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620, winter would soon come.


  • 移民共用杯子,用手指蘸着碗里的食物,欧洲的皇室和贵族们开始增加他们的餐具。

    While the new settlers were sharing cups and dipping their fingers into bowls of food, European royalty and nobility were staring to increase their tableware.


  • 如果考虑到达婴儿波峰从而调整她们终身出生率的话,会发现移民的人口出生率大约2.2,并不平均水平高出多少。

    If you adjust their lifetime fertility rate to take account of this bulge of babies on arrival, you find immigrant fertility is about 2.2, not much above average.


  • 得克萨斯墨西哥边境处发表讲话巴马总体来说,非法移民地下经济挽救出来美国来说好事

    Speaking in Texas close to the border with Mexico, Mr Obama said bringing illegal immigrants out of the underground economy would be good for the country as a whole.


  • MPI研究名作者之一,迪麦仇斯•帕帕迪麦秋指出当象墨西哥这样经济体被击垮输出移民的刺激可能再次快速增加

    Demetrios Papademetriou, one of the two authors of the MPI study, notes that as economies such as Mexico's are also battered, the push to export migrants could rise again fast.


  • 亚利桑那州律师准备走进更多联邦法庭捍卫本州的SB1070法案其余49个在各自寻找解决非法移民的方案。

    AS ARIZONA's lawyers prepare to enter more federal courtrooms to defend SB1070, the state's new law against illegal immigrants and the harshest of its kind, the other 49 states are watching for clues.


  • 然而,将土地分成带来了新的挑战贫困涌入西孟加拉移民持续增加,包括从孟加拉国边境线过来的贫民,这都使得当地人口数量持续上升。

    Yet distributing land into smaller parcels has brought new challenges, as families have kept growing while immigrants have flowed into West Bengal from poorer states, as well as bordering Bangladesh.


  • 然而问及移民对国家而言是问题或是机遇更多德国人却认为是问题的来源(大部分美国人英国人也持相同态度)。

    However, when asked if immigration was a problem or an opportunity, more Germans saw as it as a problem (as did a big majority of Americans and Britons).


  • 次日上午我们到达马尼托巴的温尼伯湖,在十八世纪这里是毛皮交易中心后来有大批欧洲移民火车来到这里。

    The following morning we arrive in Winnipeg, Manitoba, an 18th-century, fur-trading centre that was later flooded by European immigrants arriving by rail.


  • 检查这些美的“非法移民活动找到了不少乐子(他们除了搞到了一些智库午餐会请柬之外似乎无所作为了)。

    Much fun was had examining the activities of the "illegals" in the United States (they seemed to have accomplished little more than garnering invitations to think-tank lunches).


  • 如果移民对此满意他们还有别的选择:当做完弥撒离开映入他们眼帘一个崭新五旬派教堂葡萄牙英语做礼拜

    If migrants are not satisfied by that, they have choices: what meets their eye as they leave mass is a smart new Pentecostal church, with worship in Portuguese as well as English.


  • 一些人声称印度孟加拉移民(缅甸还是一个能够发财致富地方他们来到曾经繁荣的港口)的后代

    Some claim descent from Indian and Bengali immigrants, who arrived in the once-thriving port when Burma was still a place where fortunes could be made.


  • 一些人声称印度孟加拉移民(缅甸还是一个能够发财致富地方他们来到曾经繁荣的港口)的后代

    Some claim descent from Indian and Bengali immigrants, who arrived in the once-thriving port when Burma was still a place where fortunes could be made.


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