• 本次手术实施一例使用实验室培育器官移植手术,患者植入一根全新的气管。

    Surgeons have performed the first transplant operation using an organ wholly grown in a laboratory to give a man a new windpipe.


  • 气管培育到移植整个过程汇聚了数科学团队的共同努力,他们分别来自伦敦马萨诸塞瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩的,通过外科手术植入气管的地点同样斯德哥尔摩。

    The procedure required the coordinated efforts of scientific teams in London, Massachusetts and Stockholm, Sweden, where the windpipe was surgically implanted.


  • 最初进行移植手术时,我的静脉必须长期植入导管

    When I had my first transplant I had to have a long-term catheter placed in a vein.


  • 2004年,FDA允许人工心脏作为心脏移植的过渡装置植入数总计超过900颗。

    In 2004, the FDA approved its use as a "bridge" device before a transplant. In all, surgeons have implanted more than 900 man-made hearts.


  • 目前正在致力于最终完善最终干细胞移植人体步骤目标是在今后首先治愈耳聋小鼠

    Currently he's working on perfecting the steps toward eventual stem cell transplantation into humans, with the goal of first curing deafness in mice within the next five years.


  • Grazia也怀疑过“麦当娜做过带状移植手术吗”就是把装有“弹性管状装置钩子植入脸部皮肤下面

    This procedure apparently involves a "flexible, tube-like device" covered in tiny hooks being inserted beneath the skin on the face.


  • 许多人装置肯定移植他们大脑

    Many say that devices must have been implanted in their heads.


  • 目的评价不同年龄阶段髂骨松质移植修复牙槽术后植入变化情况。

    PURPOSE: To evaluate the changes of transplanted bones after cancellous iliac bone grafting in cleft alveolar repair in various ages.


  • 原位移植之后分化干细胞移植具有免疫相容性小鼠的肝实质组织

    After orthotopic transplantation, differentiated human stem cells engraft in the host liver parenchyma of immunocompromised mice.


  • 作为一家中国突出表现的国际设计公司凯里熟练世界品牌移植多种文化土壤

    As an international firm with a strong presence in China, Callison is adept at translating global brands for various cultures.


  • 结论血清pon1活性作为判断植入肝脏存活生化指标之一协同其他生化指标用来监测移植患者的肝脏功能

    Conclusion the activity of PON1 in serum may be as one of the effective index to assess whether the implant is alive and monitor the patients liver function coordinated with other tests.


  • 将经过SPIO标记的干细胞移植正常大鼠心脏使用MRI进行活体成像观察并病理结果进行对照分析。

    SPIO-labeled ADSCs were transplanted into normal rat hearts and were in vivo imaged with MRI. Image findings on MRI were correlated with histological findings of the rat hearts.


  • 结论:兔耳大神经侧吻合植入失神经皮瓣后,供神经长入神经移植体,并最终形成具有功能的感觉未梢。

    Conclusion:The axonal reinnervation of sensory nerve endings from the proximal stump to distal implanted nerve in end-to-side nerve neurorrhaphy is feasible.


  • 虽然早期移植人类胰岛细胞植入以及存活已经获得成功,但是移植胰岛细胞远期的丢失已经显现成为重要临床问题

    Despite success of early islet allograft engraftment and survival in humans, late islet allograft loss has emerged as an important clinical problem.


  • 移植寄养右侧股薄移植寄养于左侧股部,神经植入肌肉

    In ectopic transplantation group, the right gracilis was cut off and transplanted to the muscle of the left leg, and the obturator nerve was implanted to the muscle.


  • 结论导管球囊扩张内支架植入治疗移植动脉狭窄有较高临床应用价值

    Conclusion PTRA and stent implantation are useful and valuable method in the treatment of transplanted renal artery stenosis.


  • 方法成功动物活体特异方面显示移植脊髓神经前体细胞应用核素显像活体、无创地监测移植干细胞提供了可行性依据

    The success in displaying the implanted cells in spinal cord provides the feasibility of in vivo tracking of stem cells after transplantation with radionuclide imaging.


  • 时至今日,飞激光早已广泛应用于各类复杂的眼部手术角膜移植植入角膜,缩短康复时间之馀,复原效果

    To date, femtosecond laser is widely used in such complicated surgeries as corneal transplantation and ICR (Intracorneal Ring) implantation, achieving faster healing and better visual results.


  • TLWGRS研究一项前瞻性多中心研究,用来评价那些等待心脏移植期间植入LVAD病人心肌功能恢复发生率

    The LVAD Working Group recovery Study was a prospective multicenter trial to assess the incidence of myocardial recovery in patients bridged to cardiac transplantation.


  • 接着进行颈椎前路融合手术。一步中,在前面去除椎间盘留下空隙移植间融合器。

    Next, the anterior cervical fusion is performed, in which a bone graft or a cage is inserted into the space where the disc used to be.


  • 癌变通常发生植入器官肾癌多发移植接受者同样地肺癌也多发于移植接受者。

    The cancers sometimes showed up in the transplanted organ. Kidney cancer was most common in kidney recipients. Likewise, lung cancer among lung recipients.


  • 目的探讨保存人心包膜移植治疗羟基磷灰石义眼台植入结膜狭窄效果

    Objective To investigate the effect and safety of preserved human pericardium in the treatment of conjunctival sac narrow after hydroxyapatite orbital implants.


  • 植入文化缺省原文中的文化缺省翻译过程中直接移植译文中而不任何补偿以及删减

    Transplantable cultural default refers to the cultural default in the original works that can be transplanted to the target language when translated without any compensation and omission.


  • 结论外置移植结合螺钉种植体植入增加受区骨量

    Conclusion the onlay cattle bone grafting in conjunction with screw type dental implants can be used to increase the volume of the recipient bone.


  • 目的观察脐血单个核细胞移植大鼠脊髓损伤部位分化迁移情况损伤后功能修复。

    Aim: To observe the differentiation, immigration, and improvement of behavior after infusion human cord blood mononuclear cells (HCMNCs) in rat spinal cord injury model.


  • 方法8前牙美观缺失伴唇颊侧凹陷畸形要求种植修复患者,采用自体碎骨屑移植充填缺损区,无孔纯覆盖治疗,共计植入种植体19枚。

    Methods:8patients with bone defects in the aesthetic zone were implant19dental implants, the defects around implants were filled with autograft bones, and then covered by titanium membranes.


  • 本发明涉及这样的方法装置,其适于将要进行移植手术室中,用于选择性地医疗涂层涂覆植入性医疗器械

    A method and device, for use in an operating theater just prior to implantation, for selectively applying a medical coating to an implantable medical device.


  • 本发明涉及这样的方法装置,其适于将要进行移植手术室中,用于选择性地医疗涂层涂覆植入性医疗器械

    A method and device, for use in an operating theater just prior to implantation, for selectively applying a medical coating to an implantable medical device.


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