• 发现工作相当有帮助段经历让她了解人类身体运动,人们是如何移动何静立的,还有他们姿势又是怎么样的。

    She really found that this helped her work—that it gave her an understanding of body movements and actions, how humans move, and stand still, what their postures were like, too.


  • 研究小组发现运动降低了8%快速眼球运动移动速度阻碍发挥捕捉新的视觉信息能力

    The team found that exercise reduced the speed of rapid eye movements by about 8%, preventing their ability to capture new visual information.


  • 这种反向耦合中移动位置移动影响可以产生变化复杂运动

    Such a back-coupling, in which the position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated and varying motions.


  • 这些安提基西拉机械装置指示器移动显示相对行星恒星日月运动

    The indicators of the Antikythera Mechanism, would then move to show the motion of the Sun and Moon relative to the planets and stars.


  • 个重物有很大动量,也就是说,比如一位高速移动足球运动一旦运动起来,就很难改变运动状态

    A heavy object, like a football player moving at a high speed, has a lot of momentum—that is, once he is moving, it is hard to change his state of motion.


  • 冰川向前移动,其底部海洋接触处的融化还有波浪潮汐运动导致冰块断裂漂浮海上

    The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off and float out to sea.


  • 运动带动凤凰的移动并且发出声响。

    The movement of the ball causes a phoenix to move and make a sound.


  • 是不是上帝导演卡通电影使得台球移动,上帝又将运动相应感官,植入我们的头脑中呢?

    If God is as it were creating this cartoon film of billiard ball moving along and God is directly causing within us the perception that correspond to that movement.


  • 波浪运动那样移动胳膊

    Move your arms in a wave like movement.


  • 保龄球花费一点时间得到启动一次移动,花费更多的时间停止任何运动改变带来慢一些变化。

    Like a bowling ball, he takes more time to get started and once moving, takes more time to stop. Any changes of movement take place more slowly.


  • 但是整个离子移动化学反应过程电容中进行的电子运动要慢

    But the whole process of ion movement and chemical reaction is slower than the movement of electrons in a capacitor.


  • 钢琴踏板在僵硬地、机械地上下移动,这疯狂的、徒劳无功的运动二十六年时间起来的一堆大粪不过却是准时完工的。

    The pedal is moving up and down, stiffly, automatically, a crazy, futile movement, like a tower of dung that takes twenty seven years to build but keeps perfect time.


  • 长曲棍球快速移动运动,它是一种印第安土著游戏现代版本

    Lacrosse is a fast-moving sport, the modern version of a game played by American Indians.


  • 背侧运动皮层大脑运动皮层指令部位。 基于这个部位神经细胞研究他们可以实际运动出现前预测出猴子移动方向

    By studying the activity of nerve cells in this area, they were able to predict where the monkeys intended to move before the movements were actually made.


  • 比如说扩散方程描述了空间中的烟雾移动染料溶液中的运动

    So, for example, that governs the motion of,say, smoke in the air, or if you put dye in the solution or things like that.


  • 微粒之所以,不会这样,试管尾端移动,是由于液体分子,因为温度进行某种混乱运动

    The reason why the light particles couldn't fall in the first place has to do with the fact that the molecules of the liquid due to their temperature, have a chaotic motion.


  • 片中戴上个特殊面罩,在上面她像安装附件一样固定了一圈一削尖了的铅笔然后开始移动,这些铅笔在一张竖直放置的上前后运动描绘出潦草密集的线条图案。

    Resembling a bondage accessory and wrapped around her head, the mask’s spike-like pencils are drawn back and forth over a vertical sheet of paper, producing a dense scribble.


  • 在那时候,开普勒尝试观察天上行星移动尝试提出运动的理论。

    So, what happened back then was Kepler was trying to observe the motion of planets in the sky, and trying to come up with general explanations of how they move.


  • 控制战略旨在平静车身运动因为如果移动车辆中被连接到了一个钩子固定天空

    The control strategy seeks to calm vehicle body movement, as if the moving vehicle were connected to a hook fixed on the sky.


  • 这个版本主要专注新的已有HTML项目添加丰富运动设计,而且是可以出色运行桌面移动设备的(它可以创建出适应各种尺寸的屏幕平滑补间和过渡);

    This version of Edge focuses primarily on adding rich motion design to new or existing HTML projects, that runs beautifully on devices and desktops.


  • 比方说鼠标上下移动变换沿向上移动45度角的拖动用于表示上的运动

    Typically, up and down mouse movements translate into movement along one axis , whereas 45-degree-angle drags are used for each of the other two axes.


  • 因为矫揉造作正如知道那样,是灵魂移动运动重心之外出现的时候,才被发现的。

    For affectation is seen, as you know, when the soul, or moving force, appears at some point other than the centre of gravity of the movement.


  • 只要它们方向保持足够迅速移动,它们就拥有形体但是随着它们倒转向外以离心方向运动,它们就丧失了形体。

    As long as they move fast enough in a centripetal direction, they have living bodies, but as they reverse to the outward, centrifugal direction, they lose their bodies.


  • 它们可见动态运动素质以及表演者移动方式——它们暗示了充满创作性过程塑造空间表演

    They are seen in dynamic movement qualities and in ways the performers move - they implicate creative process and shaping spatial interpretation.


  • 运动目标覆盖测试眼球运动收敛正常并且没有移动

    Eye movements and convergence are normal and there is no movement in cover test with an accomodative target.


  • 运动至少移动移动能帮助血液循环,在运动时候有新的创意。

    Exercise -or at least get moving. It helps the blood to circulate, and gets ideas moving around.


  • 尽量减少用户向和运动方向不同方向必要性尤其是移动速度走路的时候。

    Minimize the necessity for the user to look away from the direction of travel, particularly when moving faster than a walking pace.


  • 改进车辆移动物理效果是9.14版本测试一部分玩家使用最终版本改进的运动物理效果。

    As part of the version 9.14 Common Test, players will have access to the final version of the improved vehicle movement physics.


  • 改进车辆移动物理效果是9.14版本测试一部分玩家使用最终版本改进的运动物理效果。

    As part of the version 9.14 Common Test, players will have access to the final version of the improved vehicle movement physics.


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