• 就职演讲阐述所有美国人积极公民需要

    In his inaugural speech he spoke of the need for all Americans to be active citizens.


  • 然而如果抓住这个机会他们进行有效就业培训引导他们成为积极公民就有可能导致广泛希望幻灭社会紧张

    However, failure to seize this opportunity to train them more effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens, could lead to widespread disillusionment and social tensions.


  • 自由个人积极公民可以进入公共领域

    The free individual or active citizen can enter the public arena.


  • 此外我们重点放在学校师资公民社会社区等能力建设上,提高教育质量和增加积极成果。

    Furthermore, we place an emphasis on capacity building for schools, teachers, civil society and communities to enhance the quality of education and the positive results.


  • 最奇怪雷瑟要求互联网公司公共问题公民教化进行积极的关注。

    Strangest of all, Mr Pariser calls for an "active promotion of public issues and cultivation of citizenship" by big Internet firms.


  • 虽然这些山寨组织仅有少部分打算公众提供有用信息,但阿桑奇对于全球化公民社会积极贡献似乎获得了更广泛认可

    If just a few of the copycat organisations manage to provide useful information to the public, Assange's positive contribution to global civil society might be more widely acknowledged.


  • 这本《公民手册目的鼓励更多的更积极活跃公民出现,他们兴趣的公众问题具有积极性,渴望自己生活之外获得完全不同的经历。

    The citizens Handbook is meant to encourage the emergence of more active citizens - people motivated by an interest in public issues, and a desire to make a difference beyond their own private lives.


  • 不列颠哥伦比亚省多达百分之八十的专门调查小组报告已经认同越多活跃公民积极参与响应范围公众问题调查就有效

    In British Columbia, no less than eight recent task force reports have identified more active citizens as the key to responding more effectively to large scale public issues.


  • 我们积极考虑秘鲁列为中国公民旅游目的地国促进双方人员交往

    We will take it into active consideration to put Peru on the list of Chinese citizen's tourist destinations to enhance bilateral people exchanges.


  • 重要的是,他们还是育儿有方的父母、为人友善的邻居积极参与公民

    Above all, they are successful parents, good neighbors, and active citizens.


  • 但并不是所有人认为英国足够激昂公民积极主义精神启动这个计划

    Not everyone is convinced that the spirit of civic activism is sufficiently vibrant in England for the scheme to take off.


  • 迄今华盛顿决策者公民诉求给与了积极回应他们理解尊重公众要求不诚实需要

    Thus far, many policymakers in Washington have responded favorably to their constituents' requests, saying they respect and understand the public's need for dishonesty.


  • 可能会鼓励一种节约,人民积极参与公民事务文化并且鼓励人们恢复婚姻小家庭的观念。

    It would encourage a culture of thrift, civic activism and renewed respect for marriage and the nuclear family.


  • 大学生公民教育实施重要对象他们心智日趋成熟,对事物自己分析判断,他们积极热情、精力充沛。

    College students are the important object of implementing the citizens 'education because their intelligence are active, enthusiastic, near to mature and have their own judge.


  • 当前,气候变化我们人类共同家园最大威胁要求作为现代公民我们每一个人都应该具备积极参与或介入公共事务的勇气素质,并网络社会的空间积极表达意见,这点非常重要。

    As we face the greatest threat to our planet, climate change, civil courage and the online spaces where it is expressed will be crucial.


  • 这些法律颁布规范行政主体行使行政权力保护公民合法权益提高行政主体的行政效率起到了积极重要作用

    The promulgation of these laws, to norm administration's power, improve administration efficiency and protect citizen's legal rights, have very important functions.


  • 公民社会起到作用必须积极参与参与国家公共事务和公共生活

    And citizens to play a role in the community, it is necessary to actively intervene and participate in national public affairs and public life.


  • 觉得股推进中国公民社会透明积极力量

    I think this can be a positive force to push Chinese civil society to promote more transparency.


  • 你们能够接受提出的努力学习成为社会中积极主动青年公民挑战吗?

    Will you accept my challenge to work hard and to become socially active young citizen?


  • 来自世界各国的优秀青年进行交流、互通文化培养自我世界公民意识积极投身公益事业

    With excellent young from all over the world to communicate, exchanging cultural, cultivate self world citizen consciousness, to actively take part in public welfare undertakings.


  • 而要确保共和制度有效运作公民积极参与公民美德以及与此相关的美德教育就是不可或缺的

    To ensure the effective functioning of the Republican system and the active participation of citizens, civic virtue and civic education is indispensable.


  • 加强日本有关方面合作积极协助重灾区中国公民尽快转移安全地区

    The parties concerned should strengthen cooperation with Japan and actively assist the Chinese citizens in the hardest hit areas to transfer to a safe area as soon as possible.


  • 诚信经营一个负责任企业公民,为社会作出积极贡献质量生活地方

    To operate with integrity, be a responsible corporate citizen and contribute positively to the quality of life of the local community.


  • 同时进一步实现制度公平重视积极公平观念树立大力倡导自由平等精神不断提高公民科学文化素质

    We also need to attach importance to establish positive fair values, advocate the spirit of the freedom and equality and continue to enhance the scientific and cultural qualities of the citizens.


  • 同时进一步实现制度公平重视积极公平观念树立大力倡导自由平等精神不断提高公民科学文化素质

    We also need to attach importance to establish positive fair values, advocate the spirit of the freedom and equality and continue to enhance the scientific and cultural qualities of the citizens.


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