• 思想积极要求上进进修习惯较好

    Thinking actively sought to make progress, good study habits.


  • 不仅积极回答问题积极要求他们

    Not only should you be actively answering questions, but you should also be actively asking them.


  • 终止亚马逊森林退化巴西好处良多,许多巴西提出积极要求因此我们姑且还可以期待。

    Yet ending deforestation in the Amazon would be in Brazil's interest, and many Brazilians are demanding it, which is why it is now imaginable.


  • 大选在即,你们代表应该你们的要求作出迅速积极的反应。

    With an election coming soon, your representative should be very responsive to your request.


  • 诺里斯先生希望要求引起积极回应

    Mr. Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a positive response.


  • 活动积极分子上个月提高地方自治要求

    Activists stepped up their demands for local autonomy last month.


  • 他们认为实验仍然太多问题这些问题可能导致积极结果。他们起草份清单要求未来研究制定新的标准

    They also agreed that there were still too many problems in the experiments which could lead to positive results, and they drew up a list demanding new standards for future research.


  • 第5,“挖掘需求”,鼓励开发团队成员积极寻求客户没有要求或者可能还没有考虑到特性解决方案

    Chapter 5, "Inventing Requirements," encourages development team members to look actively for innovative features and solutions that the customer did not request or might not even have considered.


  • 发表一个积极讲话敦促他们做出正确选择然后曼德拉要求他们各派提出的协议上签字

    I would give a positive speech urging them to do the right thing, then Mandela would demand that the parties sign on to his proposal.


  • 此外管理层业务涉众计划持续资助以及积极交流成功关键要求

    Additionally, the ongoing sponsorship of the initiative by executives and business stakeholders with active communication is a critical requirement for success.


  • 一个有效全球气候变化应对机制,要求所有主要排放国都积极地参与

    An effective global response to climate change will require the active participation of all major emitters.


  • 去年美中商贸联委会为例中国同意取消风力涡轮机供应商当地含量要求——一个积极步骤

    Take last year's JCCT, when the Chinese agreed to remove a local content requirement for wind turbine suppliers - a positive step forward.


  • 一方面,银行板块普遍走,对银行监管机构达成涉及资本储备要求的巴塞尔协议III做出积极反应

    Bank stocks, on the other hand, were nearly all higher as they continued to react positively to the new Basel III rules on capital requirements.


  • 如果帮助一个慈善机构可能他们积极回应要求链接请求,而且可以自由选择文本

    If you help a charity, there is a good chance that in return they will respond positively to a request for a link, with the anchor text of your choosing.


  • 传统的群技术要求用户能够积极 与,但此处问题在于不是每个都会做出贡献

    Traditional crowd-sourcing demands active participation from its members. The problem here is that not everyone contributes.


  • 中方鼓励国内金融机构东盟国家设立分支机构,积极考虑东盟金融机构在中国开设分支机构要求

    China encourages its financial institutions to set up branches in ASEAN countries and will actively consider the desire of ASEAN financial institutions to open branches in China.


  • 同时,高额准备金要求起到积极作用,因为它强制银行大量资金存储央行

    High reserve requirements, which force Banks to park much of their capital with the Central bank, helped too.


  • 地区要求美国这些机制议程制定中发挥积极作用——这些机制富有效力积极负责同样符合我们利益

    There is a demand from the region that America play an active role in the agenda-setting of these institutions —and it is in our interests as well that they be effective and responsive.


  • 迄今华盛顿决策者公民的诉求给与了积极回应他们理解尊重公众要求不诚实需要

    Thus far, many policymakers in Washington have responded favorably to their constituents' requests, saying they respect and understand the public's need for dishonesty.


  • (让参与者观看能够引起快乐悲伤情绪电影片段要求他们仔细回想自己生活中积极或消极一方面)。

    He did this by having them watch movie clips that either invoked happy or sad emotions, and asking them to dwell on positive or negative aspects of their own lives.


  • 我们希望安理会积极考虑各个组织特别是非盟要求

    We are hopeful that the council will consider positively the requests made by those organizations, in particular the African Union, that is the u.n..


  • 宋涛中方要求三国以下方面给予积极协助

    Song Tao said that China demands the three countries to give active assistance in the following areas.


  • 这个秋天要求一个积极移民政策引进高度熟练外国工人Keidanren现有人数仅有18万。

    This autumn it called for a more active immigration policy to bring in highly skilled foreign workers, whose present number the Keidanren puts at a mere 180,000.


  • 只有通过组织支持团体要求正义才能实行积极社会变化

    Only by organizing support groups and demanding justice can positive social change be brought.


  • 一些股东公司施压要求公司积极地通过发现谋利

    Some shareholders have pressed for the company to be more aggressive in profiting from the find.


  • 一些股东公司施压要求公司积极地通过发现谋利

    Some shareholders have pressed for the company to be more aggressive in profiting from the find.


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