• 评论告诉我们最喜爱外语科技博客我们立即订阅

    Tell us your favorite foreign language tech blogs in the comments so we can subscribe immediately!


  • 一些知名科技博客由于保护隐私复杂性注销自己账户

    Some prominent tech bloggers had switched off their accounts because of the complexity of keeping information private.


  • 今天苹果公司推出最新产品媒体科技博客主们都为之倾倒

    Today, Apple announces its newest device, and the press and tech bloggers swoon.


  • 辨识你自己社会媒体专家或者科技博客博主区分大米品牌

    Mashable world. Identifying yourself as the social media expert or the tech geek blogger is about as differentiated as brands of rice.


  • 张照科技博客网站上引发大范围争议一些用户推测可能一个恶作剧。

    The image has created a buzz on technology blogs, but some users have speculated that it may be a prank.


  • 科技博客engadget报道Courier配有摄像头耳机插孔以便于媒体播放

    Technology blog Engadget is also reporting that the Courier will also have built in camera and a headphone jack for media playback.


  • 玩意儿可以科技博客评论上发表个人见:“只是尚未投产两个屏幕的口袋笔记本吗?”

    It's the kind of gadget that's mused about in tech blog comment sections: "What if they made a tablet with — wait for it — two screens?"


  • 同时科技博客Thisismynext表示款经过改进iPad机型将于今秋正式推出。

    Also, tech blog this is my next says a tweaked iPad model is also due out this fall.


  • 科技博客BoyGeniusReport报道称,布拉德利认真考虑离职事宜已有数月之久。

    According to a report from tech blog Boy Genius report, Bradley has been mulling over his departure from the company for months.


  • 这个热门话题相关报道很难进行,因为科技博客作者资源有限很多原始资料很难无法翻译

    News on this hot topic has been difficult to report, as many original sources are difficult or impossible for tech bloggers with limited resources to translate.


  • 平均而言,一个ReadWriteWeb工作人员相比其他大型科技博客工作人员,睡眠时间多久

    How much sleep, on average, does the staff of ReadWriteWeb get compared to other big tech blogs?


  • 遗留酒吧原型机科技博客Gizmodo拆解披露其细节之后iPhone4出现新闻热门搜索字词

    The iPhone 4 also showed up in the top search terms in news, after a prototype version of the phone was left in a bar and then dissected on the gadget blog Gizmodo.


  • 科技博客techcrunchMG•西格勒上周三撰文发问:“为什么谷歌今天博客针对专利问题发难?”

    "Why did Google blog about patents today?" Techcrunch's MG Siegler asked on Wednesday.


  • 据福布斯科技博客博主Kashmir Hill,比方说条评论下点喜欢”:“不该1键选择英语

    Let's say you hit the "Like" button on the comment: "I shouldn't have to press 1 for English.


  • 10月末科技博客因为社交网络领域的一则新闻沸沸扬扬扎克伯格不再Google +上拥有粉丝最多用户

    One day in late October, tech blogs started buzzing about the latest bit of news on the social web: Zuckerberg had lost his place as the most followed Google + user.


  • 与此同时日本科技博客macotakara . jp无缘无故发表了类似新闻,Apple将开会推出第二iPad

    Meanwhile Japanese tech blog macotakara.jp, citing no one in particular, also claimed that Apple was holding a "small event" to introduce the second-generation iPad.


  • 网络科技博客TechCrunch早些时候报道了这项可能达成交易最近谷歌其他公司一直努力发挥网上图片盈利潜力

    The possible deal, which was earlier reported on Internet-technology blog TechCrunch, comes as Google and other companies have been trying to realize the financial potential of online images.


  • 科技博客Mashable克里斯蒂娜沃伦为大家提供了一条有用的建议大型苹果零售店附近的运营商门店可能没那么拥挤

    Mashable's Christina Warren helpfully suggests that outlets located near a big Apple Store are likely to be less crowded.


  • 不过作为科技博客作者这个问题理解Wikipedia自由教育性质内容奉献精神——即便这种教育备受争议。

    However, as a tech blogger, I understand this issue to be Wikipedia's dedication to free and educational content - even when that education is widely debated.


  • 德国网友美国(科技博客)Gizmodo网站上写道:“街对面就是一家医院,他们门前正在发生生产事件竟然毫不知情。”

    A German reader wrote on the Gizmodo website, "There is a hospital across the street and they have no knowledge of a birth right in front of their door."


  • 名德国网友美国(科技博客)Gizmodo网站写道:“街对面就是一家医院,他们门前正在发生生产事件竟然毫不知情。”

    German reader wrote on the Gizmodo website, "There is a hospital across the street and they have no knowledge of a birth right in front of their door."


  • 解答Groupon小企业是否有害?”这个问题时,美国著名科技博客网站Techcrunch列为专家,并引用了他的分析。

    TechCrunch cites him as an expert to answer the question, "Is Groupon Bad for Small Business?"


  • 不少科技博客发表了一些iphone手机地点历史信息地图,一些博主写道,早期地点数据非常准确的,完全显示出了用户准确的地点历史信息。

    Many tech bloggers posted maps based on the location data logged by their iPhones, and several wrote that the data was eerily accurate, giving a block-by-block view of their activities in some cases.


  • 不幸是,Squared举例说明“科技博客”时,给出了一张照片(照得很难看),还CNetCaroline McCarthy 64了。

    Unfortunately, when I tried to explain to Squared who some examples of "tech bloggers" were it brought back a terrible picture of me and said that CNet's Caroline McCarthy is sixty four years old.


  • 科技博客VentureBeat报道升级地图采用信息容量较小矢量图形,可以缓存用户使用频繁地图信息,用户体验到稳定可靠的操作应用。

    According to Venture Beat, the smaller vector graphics used in the updated maps will allow for caching of map data that you most often use, giving you a more consistent experience.


  • 读写网(ReadWriteWeb,科技博客)上,作者科特·霍普金斯(Curt Hopkins)认为卡梅伦“正成为完全忽视社交媒体需求强权人士”。

    On ReadWriteWeb, writer Curt Hopkins said Cameron "joins the long line of powerful men who totally miss the point of social media."


  • 读写网(ReadWriteWeb,科技博客)上,作者科特·霍普金斯(Curt Hopkins)认为卡梅伦“正成为完全忽视社交媒体需求强权人士”。

    On ReadWriteWeb, writer Curt Hopkins said Cameron "joins the long line of powerful men who totally miss the point of social media."


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