• 格柏科学集团公司是美国纽约股票交易所上市公司,股票交易代码为GRB

    S. A. , a corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the "GRB" symbol.


  • 密苏里州植物园伊凡·希门尼斯非常爱护在科学集团之外处所探讨工作

    Ivan Jimenez of the Missouri Botanical Garden says he appreciates the chance to talk about his work with people outside the scientific community.


  • 科技成立于1968年,总部位于美国康涅狄格州隶属于世界领先全球性高科技公司格柏科学集团

    Gerber Technology established in Connecticut of USA in 1968, subordinated to Gerber Scientific a world-leading global high-tech company.


  • 虽然科学被认为是怪人体制局外人,而如今我们已经是权力集团一部分

    While scientists were once considered cranks and outsiders to the system, we are now part of the establishment.


  • 科学美国人》自然出版集团一部分

    Scientific American is part of the Nature Publishing Group.


  • 虽然社会学成为门学科在一个世纪就已出现了,并且这种大量出现理想化(构想)有助于在感召力领域集团心理学领域的科学研究

    Sociology was not yet a discipline, but before the century was out, mass idealisation of this sort would lend itself to the scientific study of charisma and group psychology.


  • 世界上最保守科学机构某种程度上被魔化成大喊大叫煽动家们组成的阴谋集团

    The world’s most conservative scientific body has somehow been transformed into a cabal of screaming demagogues.


  • Kai Oistamo毕业芬兰Tampere技术学院,拥有科技博士学位工程科学硕士学位。2005进入Nokia集团董事局。

    Kai holds a Doctorate degree in technology and a Master of Science degree in Engineering from the Tampere University of technology in Finland.


  • 他们实验结果发表在2010年221日的《自然杂志网络版上(《科学美国人自然出版集团一部分)。

    Their results were published online February 21 in the journal Nature. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)


  • 这一新的研究结果发表6月6日的在线版《自然神经系统科学》杂志上(《科学美国人》隶属自然出版集团)。

    The new research was published online June 6 in Nature Neuroscience (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group).


  • 科学美国人自然出版集团成员

    Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.


  • 科学定义自己成员基于包容不是排斥无私工作但令人担忧社会平时需要集团对抗

    Science tries to define its membership on the basis of inclusion, rather than exclusion; work on altruism suggests, worryingly, that communities more normally need an outgroup to form against.


  • 或许公平——产业集团多年一直想尽办法诋毁气候科学——研究人员需要得到理解。

    That may not seem fair - industry groups have played dirty for years smearing climate scientists - but researchers will need to be above reproach.


  • 博尔基础工业集团有机中心首席科学尔斯本布鲁克博士表示的中心的研究已经得出了不同结论

    Charles Benbrook, PhD, chief scientist for The Organic center, a Boulder-based industry group, says his center's research has produced different conclusions.


  • 饭店集团区域扩张层面特别是区域扩张的可行性分析以及扩张方式科学选择方面缺少一个系统分析工具

    There lack a systematic analysis tool in the lay of hotel group regional expand, in particular at the aspect of feasibility analysis to the regional expand and scientific choose the expand way.


  • 本文通过研究探索,推动江汉集团内部审计形成新的运作模式使内部审计能真正成为企业科学管理重要工具

    Through this study and search, the author wants to form a new internal audit mode in Jianghan Group, and so internal audit becomes an important tool for the scientific management in enterprises.


  • 12月7号,星期一,各国领导人环境科学压力集团环境保护者一些其他有关人员聚集哥本哈根参加期待已的环境峰会

    WORLD leaders, climate scientists, pressure groups, protesters and a host of other interested parties converge on Copenhagen for a long-awaited climate summit that begins on Monday December 7th.


  • 根据最近民意调查,尽管八国集团欧盟致力于改变能源利用的方式,但十分之九研究气候变化科学相信我们实现一目标。

    According to two recent polls, nine out of 10 scientists working in climate change don't believe we will achieve the changes in energy use committed to by the G8 and the EU.


  • 要建立科学完善集团公司财务管理模式选择财务决策权关键

    The key for groups to improve their financial management mode is a choice of financial decisive right.


  • 集团公司下达节能指标进行科学分解避免集中完成指标而进行的突击断电行为

    Assigned to the group decomposition of energy indicators for scientific, avoid concentrated targets for completion of the assault, strong power behavior.


  • 科学规范项目管理工作现代施工企业杭州建工集团日益重要

    Scientific, standardized project management for the modern construction enterprise Hang Zhou construction Group is more and more important.


  • 科学一个足够庞大利益集团可以自己照顾好自己。

    Science is a big enough interest group. It can look after itself.


  • 中国家长高度重视学术严谨性很多英国受教育的中国少年进入英国顶尖的“罗素大学集团学习科学和数学。

    Chinese parents value academic rigor highly, with many U. K. -educated children going on to Britain's top-tier "Russell Group" universities to study science.


  • 介绍了阳泉煤业(集团)有限责任公司煤质科学管理方法

    The science methods of coal quality management in Yangquan Mining Group Corporation Ltd. were introduced in this paper.


  • 为了实现测绘成果资料科学管理建立西山矿区地形图管理系统,以2GB数字化地形图创立了一个西山煤电集团公司规范的数据库

    This paper states the geographical map management system of Xishan coal mining area. Xishan coal electricity group company builds the company standard data-base for 2GB digital geographical map.


  • 这个项目自然出版集团母公司麦克米兰出版有限公司下的数字科学公司开发,这并不是巧合,这个项目人们可以查阅文章支持下载打印

    This program, devised by Digital Science, a firm not at all coincidentally owned by NPG's parent company, Macmillan, lets people view the paper, but not download or print it.


  • 一方面集团有色金属领域更进一步深入,努力实现对资源科学更合理更有效的统筹规划开发。

    On the one hand, the Company will penetrate into the domain of non-ferrous metals further and manage to utilize the sources more scientifically, rationally, effectively.


  • 一方面集团有色金属领域更进一步深入,努力实现对资源科学更合理更有效的统筹规划开发。

    On the one hand, the Company will penetrate into the domain of non-ferrous metals further and manage to utilize the sources more scientifically, rationally, effectively.


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