• 高校图书馆馆藏科学配置应当围绕这个中心进行。

    The scientific disposition of university library collection should centre on this focus.


  • 冷凝系统冷凝感装置科学配置适应高低不同环境温度

    The scientific configuration of condensation system and condensation temperature-sensing device can adapt different environmental temperatures.


  • 运用计算机辅助决策轨道车管理提高工作效率、科学配置资源有效手段

    Using computer aided managing railcar to improve the efficiency and to allocate resources scientifically is an effective means.


  • 必须合理预留生态环境需水,实现水资源科学配置有效管理,维持生态平衡

    The environmental water demand is considered for scientific disposition and management and ecologic equilibrium.


  • 树立资金时间价值观念努力降低筹资成本科学配置资金提高资金使用效率。

    Establish the idea of fund's time value, work hard to lower the cost of funds raising, dispose the funds scientifically and improve the efficiency of funds.


  • 文化资源优势真正转化为文化资本的优势,需要一个对文化差异深入发掘科学配置恰当转换的运作过程。

    If we want to turn the advantage of cultural resource into the advantage of cultural capital, we need to explore deeply, configure scientifically and transform appropriately the cultural differences.


  • 两者之间根据木桶定理及互补效应,实现农作物多种养分资源科学配置高效综合利用,营养套餐施肥技术提到了一个新的高度

    It achieved scientific allocation and efficient synthetically utilization of varieties of nutrients in crop, it enhanced the nutrient package fertilization to a new height.


  • 具有许多配置管理使生产规范化科学

    It has a lot of high disposition administer to make its total production normalizable and scientific.


  • 莫恩说:“设置优先权,让机器人自带系统自行决定最佳配置科学获得使用水下自动探测机器人最佳效果。”

    "Were putting in priorities and letting this robotic system decide what is the best fit to give the scientist optimum use of the vehicle," said Maughan.


  • 西方科学界对电池技术冷落同时,在日本便携式电子产品配置更好电池现有研究基础于1991年推出了商业化锂离子电池。

    Western battery science languished while the Japanese, looking for better batteries for portable electronics, followed up on the existing research and, in 1991, commercialized the lithium-ion battery.


  • 投标康复生活辅助设备需进行科学合理配置提供最新技术水平的设备。

    The rehabilitation and ancillary equipments must represent the up-to-date technological level and the scientific and reasonable configuration.


  • 所投标的医疗耗材进行科学合理配置提供最新技术水平的医用耗材药品。

    The medical equipment must represent the up-to-date technological level and the scientific and reasonable configuration.


  • 如何公有土地构造一个科学合理权利体系促进土地资源优化配置

    How to construct a scientific and rational right system concerning public-owned land so as to facilitate the optimization of land resource allocation?


  • 加强医疗设备优化配置科学管理充分发挥医疗设备作用效能

    Optimal allocation and scientific management is strengthened in order to give full play to the role and effect of medical equipments.


  • 指出构建科学经营树种合理配置防护林体系控制防护林杨树天牛灾害根本措施

    Construction and scientific administration of the shelter forest system while rationally allocating different tree species is the fundamental measure to control the PLB disasters.


  • 基于嵌套式工作流驱动型的产品配置管理设计方法开发了一个PDM系统示例证明其方法是科学有效的。

    PDM system is developed making use of embedded workflow driving product configuration management approach. The case demonstrates feasibility of approach to the model.


  • 旨在今后植物引种、植物景观配置、园艺植物品种推广栽培提供科学依据。

    The aim of the study is to provide some scientific basis for plant introduction, configuration of plant landscape, and cultivation and application of plant species in future.


  • 可通过以下途径解决这个问题合理配置教学资源加强医学科学宣传,运用立法司法程序等

    So, Multiple roads considered to resolve: reasonable allocate resources of education; enhance medical scientific propagandas and depend on legislation and judicature procedure finally.


  • 重构机床设计不仅特定任务配置现有机床模块而是设计一种阐释重构科学理念新型机床

    The design of RMT is not just configuring the existing modules for a specific task, but rather a design of a new type of machine, which can illustrate the ideas of reconfiguration science.


  • 高校师资资源管理高校科学合理配置、使用、更新、激励开发教师一系列管理过程

    The administration of college teachers resources is the process of disposing and stimulating teachers scientifically and reasonably.


  • 公司业绩科学客观正确评价有助于上市公司改善提高资本配置效率

    Making scientific, objective and right evaluation of operating performance of the listed companies is helpful to improve and increase their allocation efficiency of capitals.


  • 内门扇采用滑轮独特的锁定构置,以及离合传动执手配置操作科学合理

    Doors used in a wide cone Angle and a unique locking pulley set structure, and the clutch drive handle configuration, operation of scientific and reasonable.


  • 目的科学预计不同规模医院护理人员配置数量

    Objective To forecast the quantity of nurses allocated on hospital ships.


  • 行为金融学是以金融市场投资人真实行为为基础,研究人们面对不确定性如何进行资产配置科学

    Behavioral finance is the study of how investors allocate their risky assets when they face the uncertainty in accordance with the practitioners' behavior in the financial market.


  • 桥梁计算中,充分发挥混凝土作用,合理配置筋,符合工程实际,更科学可靠的计算方法。

    In counting of anti -shear strengthen for a lid beam of bridge, it gives full effective of springs and concrete, fit the bend springs, that would be up to the engineering in practice.


  • 调控优化配置水资源角度出发,如何科学合理地配置水土保持措施,还有必要系统地开展理论技术研究

    How to arrange soil and water conservation measures reasonably and scientifically from the point of optimizing the allocation of water resource needs theoretical and technical research systematically.


  • 科学合理地解决备件配置问题一直为人们所瞩目,备件配置数量多少不仅影响装备维修甚至影响装备的战备完好率。

    Scientific and proper ration of spares is a significant problem because the amount of spares can not only affect equipment maintenance and overhaul but also its operational readiness.


  • 非正式员工的管理,调整人力资源战略合理规划人员配置、实现人力资源一体化、开展科学考评实行激励机制等方面着手,多做工作。参考文献8

    The author thinks that we should adjust human resource strategies, properly plan human resource allocation, and use scientific evaluation and other incentive mechanism. 8 refs.


  • 非正式员工的管理,调整人力资源战略合理规划人员配置、实现人力资源一体化、开展科学考评实行激励机制等方面着手,多做工作。参考文献8

    The author thinks that we should adjust human resource strategies, properly plan human resource allocation, and use scientific evaluation and other incentive mechanism. 8 refs.


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