• 本人认为定额不是、卡、工具恰恰相反,科学重要手段

    I think the tool that the quota is not "managing, blocking and pressing", just contrary, it is the important means of scientific management.


  • 水力学模型平原区洪水演进、流域防洪调度、兴利除害技术治水科学合理利用重要工具

    Hydrodynamic model is important tools of river flood routing and flood control, promote the beneficial and abolish the harmful, technically water control and scientific water manage.


  • 那青年儿子伙伴们一般叫“载入史册的失败”)因此本月哈佛商业评论准备了别样的风格尝试:将刊物主题定为“这个F世界”--用来艺术科学道路上的失败的价值。

    So with this month's HBR, we're attempting something unusual: devoting the entire issue to “the F word”—to examining the art and science of failing well.


  • 这个永久性展览分为3个部分(科学艺术工业)。其中游客可以参观以此主题美国拉丁美洲

    The permanent fair would be divided into three sections (Science, Art, Industry), where visitors could visit United States and Latin American pavilions based on those themes.


  • 科学这种营养察觉能力称为大脑第六感觉

    Scientists are calling this nutrient awareness the brain’s sixth sense for calories.


  • 因此科学家们试图了解纳米人体健康是否任何不利影响

    Scientists are therefore trying to work out if there are any adverse effects that nanotubes might have on human health.


  • 女性含有勒氏激素多少,科学运用一个数学模型估计女性进入绝经期的时间。

    Based on the amount of AMH women had, scientists used a mathematical model to estimate when women would go into menopause.


  • 伊朗科学采集了266位年龄2040岁的女性血液样本测量她们血液中的苗勒激素含量

    Iranian scientists took blood samples from 266 women aged 20 to 40 and measured the amount of anti-Mullerian Hormone, or AMH, in their bodies.


  • 科学家指出吸入纳米抑制人体免疫系统

    Inhaling carbon nanotubes can suppress the immune system, according to scientists.


  • 由麻省理工学院科学家组成个研究小组发现了一个人们没有发现的现象,这种现象能够产生强有力能量,可以穿过叫做纳米细微导线

    A team of scientists at MIT have discovered a previously unknown phenomenon that can cause powerful waves of energy to shoot through minuscule wires known as carbon nanotubes.


  • 科学正在考虑大象进行节育包括对公象做切除输精手术。

    Boffins are pondering birth control for elephants, including even vasectomies.


  • 科学现在开始这些纳米组合起来从而制造一个超强电梯送上36000公里高的太空

    Scientist have now started to join together these nanotubes which could make a super strong cable that is able to transport an elevator to 36,000km and then off to space.


  • 计算机科学哈里·波特(Harry Porter)博士继电器制作了一台八位。继电器是一种电子开关Magic- 1用的晶体更加简单的元器件。

    Computer scientist Dr Harry Porter built his 8-bit machine from relays - electronic switches that are even simpler than the transistors used in Magic-1.


  • 该发现指导科学合成纳米利用矿床具有十分重要意义

    It has very important significance for scientist to design the condition of CNTs synthesis and utilize the ore deposit.


  • 微波是一科学经过电波探测时发现口袋中的巧克力溶化后发现的。

    The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.


  • 科学饲养

    Tube that is the scientific breeding management.


  • 如何纳米富勒进行有效功能修饰当前碳纳米、富勒烯研究应用领域中亟待解决的一个科学问题

    It is an urgent scientific problem how to decorate carbon nanotubes and Fullerenes effectively for their potential application.


  • 脉冲氙灯闪光灯本文介绍了国外用于军事科学研究的各种类型脉冲氙灯。

    The pulsed xenon lamp is also known as xenon flash lamp. In this paper, various linear pulsed xenon lamps for military and scientific applications in other countries are described.


  • 尿异常机制尚不清楚,但这非常值得注意新现象,需要进行系统研究,以便不断完善地震预报科学探索思路

    We need to make a systematic research on the mechanism, so as to bring about steady improvement in the train of thought on the study of earthquake prediction science.


  • 前阵子荷兰科学成功创造出依靠单个电子进行开关纳米晶体

    A while back Dutch scientists managed to create a nanotube activated transistor that could toggle on and off with the flow of a single electron.


  • 不断学习实践中,熟练掌握了“种、、防”一整套科学饲养技术

    In the study and practice, and she mastered ", materials, pipe, "a scientific breeding technology.


  • 纳米发现引起了全世界众多科学广泛关注,其优异电学力学磁学性能,可以许多领域得到应用

    The discover of carbon nanotubes attract many scientists's attention. Carbon nanotubes can be used in many domain due to it have excellent mechanics, electricity and magnetics.


  • 用于修饰说明一科学分支中的概念,其中涉及到自由电子流运动发射性能等,特别是真空气体光电和特定的导体或半导体中电子的运动。

    Pertaining to that branch of science dealing with the motion, emission, and behavior of currents of free electrons, especially in vacuum, gas, or phototubes and special conductors or semiconductors.


  • 关于电子器件(例如电子晶体放大器)研究应用科学分支

    Branch of science that deals with the study and application of electron devices, e. g., electron tubes, transistors, magnetic amplifiers, etc.


  • 内分泌定义研究内分泌它们的内分泌的科学

    Endocrinology is defined as the study of the ductless or endocrine glands and their internal secretions.


  • 看看每天出现在CNBC(财经频道)上队伍或是顺便参与一个高层会议会疑惑是不是克隆技术科学们所研究的先进

    Watch the parade of chief executives who appear on CNBC every day, or drop in to a high-powered conference, and you begin to wonder whether cloning is more advanced than scientists are letting on.


  • 看看每天出现在CNBC(财经频道)上队伍或是顺便参与一个高层会议会疑惑是不是克隆技术科学们所研究的先进

    Watch the parade of chief executives who appear on CNBC every day, or drop in to a high-powered conference, and you begin to wonder whether cloning is more advanced than scientists are letting on.


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