• 开关插座具有可更换种类特点

    The switch socket of the utility model has the advantages of multiple types and replaceable performance.


  • 此书中,写道未来商业市场中,企业必须积极注意消费者的个性化需求,在原来不受到重视的销量种类产品或服务由于总量巨大的此类商品,赚取得以超过主流产品的利润。

    In it, he argued that the future of business is to sell less of more. The main premise is that collectively, things that are in rather low demand can amount to quite large volumes.


  • 超市商品种类以往任何时候都并且美国农贸市场的数量二十年前

    Supermarkets offer more variety than ever, and there are over four times as many farmers' markets in the U.S. as there were 20 years ago.


  • 你们课本中将这些分类作为一种特殊类型冰川运动但是你们发现,将其作为一种冰川运动类型的教科书忽略型的教科书同样

    Your textbook includes these as types, as a particular type of glacier movement, but you will see that there are as many textbooks that omit it as a type of movement as include it.


  • 其他种类代同堂家庭更为常见

    Other varieties of multigenerational family are more common.


  • 敢相信,亚马逊丛林的一个灌木丛中的蚂蚁种类可能比整个英国的蚂蚁种类还要

    Can you believe that a single bush in the Amazon may have more species of ants than the whole of Britain!


  • 带雨林只占地表的一小部分,大约是6%,但它的树木种类比世界上任何其他地区都

    Rainforests make up only a small part of the Earth's surface, about six percent, but there are more kinds of trees than any other area in the whole world.


  • 随着中国个人财富增加消费者更加热衷于到超市购物,原因主要是超市货品种类多质量好、干净、价格很有竞争力

    As individual wealth rises in China, shoppers are becoming keener on supermarkets, attracted by their product variety and quality, cleanliness and competitive pricing.


  • 杏仁巴西胡桃、夏威夷果、开心果这么种类可以选择。

    Almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamias, pistachios: there's so much variety to explore.


  • 一些种类黏菌上万个个体聚集起来,形成可以爬行细胞体。

    Some species gather by the thousands to form multicellular bodies that can crawl.


  • 位于意大利博洛尼亚的欧洲拉马奇尼基金会的莫兰·索弗里蒂博士指责美国人在研究并未对阿斯巴甜和其它种类甜味剂加以区分而且没有计算一个人终生食用甜味剂的数量。

    He contended the U.S. research didn't distinguish between aspartame and other sweetener use and did not measure lifetime sweetener use.


  • 可以包含任何种类关系包括图表类型关系

    It can contain any kind of relationship, including subtyping and many-to-many relationships.


  • 我们扩大范围包括种类平台,数目比之前的

    We have also widened the scope to include more platforms within some of the categories.


  • 世界上河流只有亚马逊河鱼种类湄公河

    Of the world's rivers, only the Amazon has more species of fish than the Mekong.


  • 方法原理那些包含技术故事相比横跨技术故事复杂也因此需要估算

    The theory here is that a story crossing many technologies will be more complex and thus have a larger estimate than stories only involving one or two types of technology.


  • 而且一定要尽可能剧本——特别是选定型的剧本——那会教你最近格式编排的变化点,向那些成功的剧本学习。

    Also, definitely read as many scripts as you can — especially in the genre you have chosenwhich will show you the recent formatting changes and scripts that are more successful than yours.


  • 提出关于迁移一种设计策略包含并行同步存储灵活租赁安全概念

    A design strategy for this type of migration, one that includes the concepts of parallelism, synchronization, storage, elasticity, multi-tenancy, and security.


  • 正如我们近年全球鲨鱼种类正如预计的那样急剧减少,甚至某些种群数量的降幅达97%

    We already knew that shark species around the world have experienced dramatic declines in recent years, with some species down 97 percent or more.


  • 不同项目不同准则它们种类复杂程度上的变化非技术人员所意识到的要

    Different kinds of projects have different criteria, and they vary in type and complexity more than most nontechnical people realize.


  • 迄今为止,我们思考知识宝库里发现所有种类逻辑,是还是

    How many, or how few, of all types of logic have we found so far in the Library of thinking and knowledge?


  • 称作“生活方式危机第二危机相比之下要普通

    The second type of crisis, what I call a Way of Life crisis, is far more common.


  • 记住合伙人众的分类单纯业务合伙人种类

    Bear in mind that the stakeholder category of partners includes more than simply business partners.


  • 湿热热带丛林里丰富彩的野生生物构成整个地球动植物种类一半还要

    The colourful wildlife found in tropical humid forests makes up more than half of the animal and plant species on Earth.


  • 过去的一里,发现了六霸王龙物种。过去的十年里所知道霸王龙种类是之前的两

    But in the past year half a dozen new tyrannosaur species have been described, and during the past decade the known diversity of tyrannosaurs has more than doubled.


  • 因为有丰富液态水地球支持种类多的生命形态包括可能是智能生物海豚人类

    With its abundance of liquid water, Earth supports a large variety of life forms, including potentially intelligent species such as dolphins and humans.


  • 笔者提出鉴于病毒化石存在时间种类多,很情况下可能发生基因注入也许经过数百万时间。

    The authors propose that given the viral fossils' time span and diversity, the insertions likely happened on multiple occasionspossibly over the course of millions of years.


  • 通过公开的1500细菌参照序列进行对比他们排除人类DNA尽可能地鉴定出其中细菌种类

    By comparing the DNA sequences with publicly available reference sequences for 1500 bacterial and other species, they excluded all human DNA and identified as many bacteria as they could.


  • 有些种类蜗牛有着里到外逆时针不过少见

    Some species of snail have shells that spiral out in an anticlockwise direction, but it is much rarer.


  • 徐星发现恐龙种类任何当代科学家都要表示某些恐龙拥有鸟类的特征,甚至长有羽毛

    Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.


  • 徐星发现恐龙种类任何当代科学家都要表示某些恐龙拥有鸟类的特征,甚至长有羽毛

    Discoverer of more dinosaur species than any other living scientist, Xu Xing, with a cast of parrot-faced Psittacosaurus, says some dinosaurs have birdlike traits, including feathers.


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