• 包括一个私人公寓绩效奖金

    Also included is a private apartment and performance bonus.


  • 许多伦敦准备私人公寓出租一笔。

    Many Londoners plan to rent out their homes for huge profits.


  • 知道新加坡私人公寓明年供需数据吗?

    Do you know the demand and supply numbers of private condominiums in Singapore for the next year ?


  • 楼上走,西大楼分为混合私人公寓酒店房间

    Moving upstairs, the Nishi Building splits into a mixture of private apartments and hotel rooms.


  • 城市别墅一个完美组合伦敦私人公寓自由热情好客的一家精品酒店

    Urban Villa presents the perfect combination of the freedom of a personal apartment in London with the warm hospitality of a boutique hotel.


  • 令人瞠目结舌天际线河流宽敞的客房或套房的观点,或斜倚一个私人公寓

    Take in the jaw-dropping skyline or river views from a spacious guestroom or suite, or recline in a private serviced apartment.


  • 有些赌局私人公寓社区协会后屋。这些公寓用纸或者窗帘紧紧拉着。

    Some games take place in private apartments, with paper covering the windows or shades pulled tight, or in the backrooms of community associations.


  • 坐落加利·弗尼亚旧金山的圣瑞吉斯博物饭店预计拥有269间客房102私人公寓

    Regis Museum Tower Hotel in San Francisco, California which is expected to have approximately 269 rooms and 102 condominiums.


  • 如果生活私人公寓确保没有支出家庭室友理清你们电视家庭生活来说需要一个就够了。

    If you are living in private accommodation make sure you don't pay council tax and sort out your TV licence with your housemates - you only need one for the household, not one each.


  • 扮演着相当重要的角色私人公寓俯瞰大海并且连接三种文化元素通过艺术收藏品呈现在我们面前。

    Water also plays a significant rolethe condominium overlooks the oceanand is the element that links the three cultures represented by the art collections.


  • Katz知道如果法院在PKWare寻找的话他们也许会去Mequon乡村俱乐部附近豪华私人公寓他。

    Katz knew that if authorities were looking for him at PKWare, they probably were also trying to find him at the handsome, brown-brick luxury condominium he owned near Mequon Country Club.


  • 多数公寓都是私人

    Most of the apartments are privately owned.


  • 华尔街工作时候的妈妈每天晚上都会地铁站接她,她一起安全的走他们私人住宅楼上的整洁单间公寓

    When she worked on Wall Street, Rose met her each evening at the subway to walk her safely to their tidy one-bedroom apartment upstairs in a private house.


  • 许多学校休闲中心旅馆公寓还有一些私人会所设有室内的或者室外游泳池

    Many schools, recreation centers, motels, apartment buildings, and private clubs have an indoor or outdoor pool.


  • 那个时代服饰时尚可能已经消失了但是耐久材料建起来的艺术装饰风格的酒店公寓私人住宅电影院银行还是保存了下来。

    The clothing and fashions of that era may have vanished, but art-deco hotels, apartment blocks, private residences, cinemas and Banks - made of more durable materials - have survived.


  • 一些高级人员公寓”(教皇私人圈子)将越来越精力耗费教廷管理上

    Officials say “The Apartment”, (the pope's private circle) is getting a lot more involved in day-to-day curial administration.


  • 苍鹭虽然普通别墅但是有自己单独的院子,看样子私人住宅,想找公寓的人肯定没有找到这儿来的。

    The Herons, though an ordinary villa, stood in its own grounds, and was certainly the last place in which one would have expected to find lodgings, so private was its appearance.


  • 2010年卖出了17,645套单元房(私人住宅公寓),一举打破了1997年2007年房地产鼎盛时期创造记录

    In 2010, 17, 645 units (private homes or apartments) were sold, way above the records achieved at the peak of booms in 1997 and 2007.


  • 正如四合院明确了居民公共生活私人空间划分,现代公寓中心花园也有着相同功能,只不过是规模变得大了而已。

    As with the courtyard houses, there was a rich hierarchy of public and private zones. The central garden served the same function as the courtyard, at much larger scale.


  • 这里奥运会之后必然成为公共私人用房混合社区,但这些公寓楼建设私人资金没有到位,原因是房产市场低迷和欧洲财政危机。

    Private funding for these blocks of flats, due to become a mix of social and private housing after the games, did not materialise, thanks to the property slump and the credit crunch.


  • 此外,这所豪宅公寓配有一个屋顶游泳池网球场私人直升机停机坪伸缩的落地玻璃幕。

    There's also, of course, a rooftop pool, tennis court, private helipad and floor-to-ceiling retractable glass walls.


  • 考虑到私人财产不足公寓出租期限1增至10

    The concept rests on the lack of private property as the apartments will be rented for the period from 1 day to 10 years.


  • 这还不算,就打算离开智利时候我抢劫了,丢失了大部分价值私人物品公寓钥匙手机、存有私人文件优盘以及我的护照。

    On top of it all, I got robbed right before leaving Chile and lost pretty much every physical item of value: my apartment keys, cell phone, USB stick with personal documents on it - and my passport.


  • 所有公寓均超过伦敦住宅设计指导空间标准设有阳台屋顶露台形式私人设施空间

    All apartments exceed London Housing Design Guide spatial standards and feature private amenity space in the form of large balconies and rooftop terraces.


  • 旋转对称平面设计使得每个公寓拥有自己私人户外区域最少面对两个方向景观

    The rotationally symmetric arrangement allows each apartment to have its own private outdoor area with a view of minimum of two directions.


  • 旋转对称平面设计使得每个公寓拥有自己私人户外区域最少面对两个方向景观

    The rotationally symmetric arrangement allows each apartment to have its own private outdoor area with a view of minimum of two directions.


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