• 饭店这儿不远

    The restaurant is not far from here.


  • 现在不远了。

    There's not far to go now.


  • 科隆茨的下游处不远

    Cologne is not so very far downriver from Mainz.


  • 知道一家很好的意大利餐馆,而且这儿不远

    I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either.


  • 知道一家很好的意大利餐馆这儿不远

    I know a nice little Italian restaurant not far from here.


  • 他们一起很多次山,爬到了老鹰出没地方不远悬崖上

    Many a climb, they had together that took them far up, to the bare cliffs near the eagle's haunt.


  • 渔民农民提供新鲜食物,不今天超市里的那些食物,这些食物尝起来看起来真正的食物;而且一些小城镇,纽约不远

    There were fishermen and farmers who provided fresh food that tasted and looked like food, unlike that in today's supermarkets, and there were small towns, and New York wasn't that far away.


  • 确实喜欢身边有些在,所以喜欢家人学校不远房子里

    I do like to have some people around me, so I'd prefer to live with a family somewhere in a house not too far from the university.


  • 一个这里不远城市

    It's a city not far from here.


  • 事实上,在这儿不远地方就能找到

    In fact, you'll find one not far from this spot.


  • 父亲兄弟帮助下金在伦敦不远的地方开了一家工厂。

    With the help of his father and brother, Perkin set up a factory not far from London.


  • 我们这里不远会议室里,我们将回顾每个门课上表现

    We are going to be in a conference room not far from here, and we are going to be reviewing every person's performance in this class.


  • 周一有人国家广场不远地方竖起了一张长了个匹诺曹长鼻子布什的超大图片。

    On Monday, not far from the National Mall, someone erected a big blow-up of Bush with a Pinocchio nose.


  • 路那头这里不远的地方。

    She lives down the road a piece from here.


  • 条路座城镇不远

    The route passes close by the town.


  • 他们房子不远

    They halted at a short distance from the house.


  • 学校火车站不远,不费劲就走到了。

    The school is within easy walking distance of the train station.


  • 只船停泊在了半岛海岸不远

    The boat was anchored off the northern coast of the peninsula.


  • 莉莉公园大街不远的一处顶层公寓里

    Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.


  • 托妮阿茨费尔德不远酒店预定了一个房间

    Toni reserved a room in a hotel not far from Arzfeld.


  • 令人恐惧的该国拥有核武器为期不远

    The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.


  • 图书馆不远漂亮的房子

    She's got the nicest little house not far from the library.


  • 十二月到了下雪不远了。

    December is coming, and the snow is coming.


  • 花圃不远

    It was not very far to the flowering field.


  • 形成这些沉积物河流实际上一个叫做古代海洋不远

    The river that formed these deposits was actually not far from an ancient ocean known as the Tethys Sea.


  • 著名科学家思想家查尔斯·达尔文出生于2月12日家人住在英国文河不远的地方。

    The famous scientist and thinker, Charles Darwin, was born on February 12, his family lived not far from the River Severn, England.


  • 李家丢失汽车发现遗弃公路不远树林里。

    The lost car of the Lees was found abandoned in the woods off the highway.


  • 年暑假,艾米莉阿姨带我们去了一家利物浦不远的野生动物园。

    Last summer holiday, Aunt Emily took us to a safari park, not far from Liverpool.


  • 他们不远处,地震中的其他幸存者临时搭建医院痛苦哀号

    Not far from them, other survivors in the earthquake wail in pain at the makeshift hospital.


  • 可怕汽车慢慢开越近,最后听见不远的地方停住了。

    The terrible motor-car drew slowly nearer and nearer, till at last he heard it stop just short of him.


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