• 离队各位外国玩家相信我们

    Please the leave foreign players believe us.


  • 知道,我意大利的不够不会离队

    I know that I should have done better since coming to Italy, but I am not leaving.


  • 离队时候,有的人说说退出了有的炒了。

    When people leave bands one person says he quit and the other person says he was fired.


  • 如果算上那些离队球员认为我们必须再买三个四个新球员。

    If we consider that furthermore there are players who are out of contract and players who might be leaving, I think there will be between three or four.


  • 总会记得生命中的一些瞬间来说最难忘的就是离开曼联就是处理离队方式

    You have defining moments in your life and for me it was actually when I left Manchester United, and the way he handled me leaving.


  • 没有看到弗朗西斯科·托蒂迭戈·米利托离队的相关报道,为什么布冯总和这些事情联系呢?

    I don't read that Francesco Totti or Diego Milito are leaving their respective teams, so why should Buffon who also has a contract?


  • 尤文双星球队降级转会计划阻止,两人可能都有或多或少的不满尤其是卡莫拉内西,高呼离队意愿。

    The pair were denied a transfer in the summer following the club's demotion to Serie B, with Camoranesi particularly vocal in his demands to leave.


  • 德·维德已经决定留在尤文图斯,布冯少数威胁俱乐部如果赛季建立一支有竞争力球队就可能离队的球星之一。

    While Nedved has already pledged his future to the Old Lady, Buffon is one of a few big name players who have threatened to leave if the club doesn't build a competitive side next term.


  • 据英国广播公司报道,当地时间22,此前一直宣称离队的曼联球星鲁尼突然了个180度态度转弯同意红魔续约5年

    Wayne Rooney performed a shock U-turn Friday by agreeing to a new 5-year contract with Manchester United just days after appearing to be on his way out of Old Trafford, BBC reported.


  • 尽管安切洛蒂利物浦签,但还是急切的希望阵容进行一定的补充,尤其在巴拉克、乔·科尔已经确定离开,而德科也接近离队的时候。

    Although Ancelotti has brought in Yossi Benayoun from Liverpool, he's anxious to bring in reinforcements after moving on Ballack and Cole. Deco is also expected to leave.


  • 曼城主帅承认想不到有哪支队伍在第一轮2:0落败后还能翻盘,而且基辅经验老到,在过去的7场欧罗巴联赛中未尝败绩。 特维兹不会首发,萨巴莱塔也因私事离队

    The City boss admitted he cannot recall ever turning around a 2-0 first-leg defeat, and


  • 来自奥地利的前卫星期一的比赛中,作为替补把“谢谢头发预计也将在今年夏季合约期满后离队

    The Austrian midfielder - who had 'thanks' -stencilled in his hair when he came on as a substitute on -monday - expects to leave when his contract ends in the summer.


  • 但不幸的时候,我们暂时不能进一步提高,因为球员现在离队了。

    Unfortunately now we cannot work on it because all the players go away.


  • 唯一不开心时刻,是赛事组织方位成员离队回家

    The only bad moment came when three of the organisation crew left to go back home (Bertrand, David and Anne).


  • 去年队长,今年法布雷加斯离队后他接过了队长的袖标。

    He was vice captain last year and was then captain while Fabregas was out.


  • Shepherd原是美军驻南德katterbach一个军事基地阿帕奇直升机技师2007四月开始擅自离队

    Shepherd who had worked as an Apache helicopter mechanic at a US military base in the south German town of Katterbach has been AWOL from his unit since April 2007.


  • Rose段时间内,唯一的队员,所以现在就可以开始评估任务

    Rose is the only team member who will be away during this iteration, so you can start estimating tasks now.


  • 让Shane离队对Lori来说在情感上想象妖男,不管最后做出怎样的选择,她都会觉得是因为自己一时的意气用事导致的。

    Letting go of Shane becomes much more emotionally difficult that she expected, and whatever choice he makes, she's going to feel she made the wrong decision out of impulse.


  • 上个月考察队反映,驻地冰面大约680英里的地方下了3分钟阵雨,他们认为这是非常反常的。

    Last month explorers at the team's ice base some 680 miles further south reported a three-minute rain shower, which they described as a freak event.


  • 失去上述三名球员至少短期内似乎并未对球队造成不良影响:在一位标志性人物离队4比赛中,曼联取得了101的战绩;然而值得我们注意的是,在这三个赛季中曼联均未能夺冠

    Put together, the first four matches after each icon's departure yielded 10 wins and a draw, although, tellingly, in none of those seasons did Manchester United finish as champions.


  • 温格确认名为效力多年后卫获准离队劳伦最后一个赛季身披阿森纳球衣

    Arsenal fans may have seen the last of Lauren in an Arsenal shirt after arsene Wenger confirmed that the long-serving right back will be allowed to leave.


  • 媒体曝光了这个产业一个销售团体从事不合法销售,一旦人们加入无法离队

    The media exposed the industry, it was a selling group which worked on the illegal selling, once people joined in the group, there was no way for them to get rid of it.


  • 媒体曝光了这个产业一个销售团体从事不合法销售,一旦人们加入无法离队

    The media exposed the industry, it was a selling group which worked on the illegal selling, once people joined in the group, there was no way for them to get rid of it.


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