• 就是为什么远离开始遇到疼痛信号惊叫哎呦”的原因。

    That's why you exclaim "Ouch" after staying away from the pain signals you encountered before.


  • 心脏监测器最后一次跳动逐渐停止时,知道莱拉已经开了生活

    As the last beats in the heart monitor trailed off, I knew Lyra had left my life forever.


  • 以色列人的时候,有利未远离,就是离开我,随从他们偶像他们担当自己罪孽

    And the Levites that are gone away far from me, when Israel went astray, which went astray away from me after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity.


  • 这个敏感性信息能够反过来帮助人们睡眠期间,使自己潜在噪音干扰来——比如,可以通过耳塞或者住宾馆要求住的房间远离吵人制冰机。

    That information can in turn help people insulate themselves from potential disturbances during sleep - by wearing earplugs, for example, or requesting a room far away from the ice machine in a hotel.


  • 周末14遭到指控的间谍离开美国俄罗斯消失茫茫人海中。 他们飞机降落的地点可能远离自己的故土,如何开始新的生活也充满未知之数。

    The 14 alleged spies deported from Russia and the United States vanished into obscurity over the weekend after landing far from home and facing uncertainty over how to restart their lives.


  • 怀着沉重心情确认克里斯·洪德·罗斯遇难的事实,今天利比亚进行报道受了重伤,而后永远离开了我们。

    It is with a very heavy heart that I confirm the death of Chris Hondros, who died today of his injuries while covering events in Libya.


  • 一定还记得迈克远离我们天,妈妈电话尖叫道迈克已经死了的时候,只是问道‘是谁的?’

    You must remember from the day that I found out that Michael was no longer with us, when my mother screamed 'he's dead' on the phone, I just went into this, 'Who did it?


  • 离开离开爸妈远离最亲朋友,这算是过的最痛苦事情了。

    Leaving home, my parents and family, and separating from some of my closest friends, was one of the hardest things I ever did.


  • 贝克·汉姆离开曼联展翅翱翔成为全球明星的时候,斯科尔斯吉格斯远离镁光灯最后成为了从一而终的俱乐部传奇。

    While Beckham eventually flew the nest and became a global brand, Scholes and Giggs shied away from the limelight and became one-club wonders.


  • 基于表面含糊健康原因食客告知,“波罗的海之惊奇”这道菜从菜单上了。

    Diners are told that Baltic Surprise is off the menu forever on seemingly dubious health grounds.


  • 就是为什么远离开始遇到疼痛信号才惊叫:“呦”的原因。

    That’s why you back away from the obstacle that initiated the pain signal and exclaim, “Ouch!”


  • 后来卓别林的帮助下继续在好莱坞创造了两大经典之作《厄运《戏仿大仲马》。 在巴黎,时年41岁的麦克斯·林戴以自杀的方式永远离开了这个世界。

    But in the early 20s and with Chaplin's help, he made two classics in Hollywood, Seven Years Bad Luck and the Dumas parody, The Three Must-Get-Theres.


  • 离开了,远离世界远离自己

    I went away, far away from your world, far away from my heart!


  • 这种脱离教育情境、远离教育的“生活世界”、忽略儿童个体差异性、独特性教育学导致教育理论研究离开了教育本身一种疏远

    Pedagogy also keeps away from pedagogical "life-world" and ignores the difference between each individual child, so it breaks away pedagogy itself and makes people a sense of alienation.


  • 同学们的欢笑历历在目当初迈进校园情形如同眼前如今……我们就要远离开了

    Our laughter also be visible before the eyes, first enter the campus situation as the still in sight, but now... We must leave.


  • 最后弟弟到了远离他的地方生活离开弟弟的内心破碎了,根本不知道应该怎么办

    Finally, his younger brother went away and lived separately, leaving him heart broken and at a loss what to do.


  • 如果我们远离麻烦行为道德下来汲取教训然后土星奖励我们礼物离开星座

    If we stay out of trouble, behave ethically, buckle down, and learn our lessons well, then Saturn rewards us with a gift just before he leaves that zodiac sign.


  • 离开轴心,远轴远离对面的,器官有机体

    Located away from or on the opposite side of the axis, as of an organ or organism.


  • 土星,会送给你超过一份礼物从未测试阶段

    Saturn always leaves a gift by the door when your tour of duty is over, but never during the testing phase.


  • 然而外祖母已远离开了我们,但知道正和所有支持家人一样在看着我。

    And while she's no longer with us, I know my grandmother's watching, along with the family that made me who I am.


  • 弹簧(66)以压缩方式俘获每个盖子关联气头之间,沿着离开横向通路远离盖子的方向置吹气头夹盘。

    A spring (66) is captured in compression between each cap and an associated blowhead chuck biasing the blowhead chuck in a direction out of the lateral passage and away from the cap.


  • 那时离开这里时候了,再一趟这个远离汽车公路高楼大厦,超级市场,电脑电视拥挤的人群世界就不知道什么时候了。

    Then it will be time to leave the mountains. It will be difficult to re-enter the world of automobiles, roads, buildings, stores, computers, television and crowds of people.


  • 漠然看着了色的童年面容似乎找到了童年梦,觉得早已远远离我,再也属于自己,仅仅是一种无可奈何的存在而已。

    I stared blankly at my little face in the faded photos, feeling as if I were reliving my childhood. But I also felt that my childhood had long been irretrievably gone and no longer belonged to me.


  • 开被隔绝高大树木或者电信杆。

    Stay away from isolated tall trees, towers or utility poles.


  • 小说包法利夫人》出版后福楼拜开令厌恶现代社会转入华丽古代世界创作历史小说《萨朗波》。

    After the novel Madame Bovary was published, Flaubert who was far away from modern times he disliked and turn into the magnificent ancient world created a historical novel Salammb.


  • 小说包法利夫人》出版后福楼拜开令厌恶现代社会转入华丽古代世界创作历史小说《萨朗波》。

    After the novel Madame Bovary was published, Flaubert who was far away from modern times he disliked and turn into the magnificent ancient world created a historical novel Salammb.


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