• 猫咪的主人安娜·埃斯波西托写信告诉美国波士顿萨克·福马高级刑事法院只是误会陪审团专员回应名为萨尔虎斑猫3月23日必须出庭陪审。

    Anna Esposito wrote to Suffolk Superior Crown Court in Boston to explain that a mistake had been made, but a jury commissioner replied saying the cat, named Tabby Sal, "must attend" on March 23.


  • 据说亨利命人安妮的掏了出来,然后把放在个心型的盒子并保存萨克福马一座教堂壁龛里。 人们在1836年发现了它,把它原先安葬在教堂的遗骸一起安葬。

    Allegedly, Henry secretly kept it in a heart-shaped casket in a church alcove in Suffolk, until it was rediscovered in 1836 and reburied underneath the church's organ.


  • 是个来自德拉斯的穷学生,他的才华使考上了斯坦

    He was a poor student from Madras whose genius took him to Stanford.


  • 上周日讨论中说:“学期每逢节假日学生参观动物可好多了。”

    "It is better than asking students to see animals every semester or holiday," Mahfud said in a discussion on Sunday.


  • 所以人们贝利梅斯死与卡拉丁、麦克塞特杰克逊相提并论

    So this week folks are mentioning Billy Mays in the same breath as Carradine, McMahon, Fawcett and Jackson.


  • 如果“成原则”成立,那么应该1号,而麦克2号赛特是3

    Under the rule of three, he could have been No. 1, making McMahon No. 2 and Fawcett No. 3.


  • 他们喀布尔一位叔叔打电话给一些体质虚弱孩子去做几天手工活,并其卸掉货车上电池

    They say an "uncle" in Kabul phoned Marouf asking him to send some physically weak children for a couple of days of manual Labour, unloading a delivery of car batteries from lorries.


  • 之前某些追捕成为了密友,甚至俄克拉何家里接待了泰迪·罗斯

    He became fast friends with some of the men who had pursued him, and even welcomed President Teddy Roosevelt to his home in Oklahoma.


  • 一些选民,戴着迷彩穿着T恤,瞠目于参议员的金碧辉煌,他们是来小学或者他们叔叔之类的问题

    Some were his constituents, in camouflage caps and T-shirts, gape-mouthed among the gilt and marble, come to talk to him about the problems of Marsh Fork Elementary School or their uncle’s black lung.


  • 斯坦医院第一个星期宏升孩子们希望控制探望者的人数。

    During his first week in Stanford Hospital, Maloney's kids wanted to keep visitors at bay.


  • 强调一提议是非常严肃

    Mahfud stressed the seriousness of his proposal.


  • 临时帐篷前面拍照留念。

    Fom Mua stands in his temporary camp in the mountainous jungles of Laos.


  • 第二便死在梅尼孟丹街垒里。

    Mavot was killed on the following day at the barricade of the Rue Menilmontant.


  • 9月22日英国历史上首例蓝舌病郡的头牛身上发现了,这一种蚊虫叮咬传染影响反刍动物的病毒性疾病

    On September 22nd, a cow in Suffolk was said to have contracted Britain's first-ever case of bluetongue disease, a virus carried by midges that also affects sheep and other ruminants.


  • 6月份决定冻结议会活动代理议长阿德·苏姆计划这个星期晚些时候安排新的会议日期

    Acting parliament speaker Fouad Mahsoum, who was responsible for freezing the legislature's activities last June, says he is planning to set a meeting date, later this week.


  • 截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、古岛、尤岛、萨鸟岛圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744登革热疑似病例。

    As of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.


  • 2009年11月18日-截至2009年11月16日,该国卫生部报告了其五个岛屿——布拉瓦岛、古岛、尤岛、萨鸟岛圣地亚哥岛上发生的16 744登革热疑似病例。

    November 2009 - as of 16 November 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 16 744 suspected cases of dengue in five islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, Sal and Santiago.


  • 截至2009年10月28日,该国卫生部报告了其4个岛屿布拉瓦岛、古岛、尤岛圣地亚哥岛上发生3367病因不明病毒疑似病例。这是首次报告的佛得角登革热疫情。

    As of 28 October 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 3 367 suspected cases of viral diseases of unknown etiology in 4 islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, and Santiago.


  • 2009年10月30日-截至2009年10月28日该国卫生部报告了其4个岛屿布拉瓦岛、古岛、尤岛圣地亚哥岛上发生3367病因不明病毒疑似病例。这是首次报告的佛得角登革热疫情。

    October 2009 - as of 28 October 2009, the Ministry of Health has reported 3 367 suspected cases of viral diseases of unknown etiology in 4 islands: Brava, Fogo, Maio, and Santiago.


  • 索尔·坎贝尔劳伦诺艾•帕洛特将出现斯坦的比赛中。

    Sol Campbell, Lauren and Noe Pamarot are all in line to feature at Stamford Bridge.


  • 我们上赛季就明确了卢达的引进现在我们只不过全神贯注于将带到斯坦桥而已。

    We were light in certain areas last season and now we're just concentrating on bringing him in.


  • 见到都是通过的好伙计麦克纳曼印象里的说话不多但是很友好慷慨冷幽默。

    Having met Robbie on several occasions through his great mate Steve McManaman, I've always found him reserved but friendly, generous and endearingly quick with deadpan one-liners.


  • 图纳虽然看似取得了胜利很快遭到居住宫殿里布奥僧侣的突袭

    Though Fortuna appeared to be the victor, he was soon descended upon by the mysterious B'omarr monks who lived in the palace.


  • 不来梅场恶战拜仁慕尼黑周六将面对法兰克

    After the two cracking games against Real Madrid and Werder Bremen, Bayern Munich have to deal with Eintracht Frankfurt on Saturday.


  • 美国大约有半数规定要确保工人的收入高于联邦最低收入,易说道

    Roughly half of U. S. states have rules ensuring workers are paid more than the federal minimum, Immervoll said.


  • 美国大约有半数规定要确保工人的收入高于联邦最低收入,易说道

    Roughly half of U. S. states have rules ensuring workers are paid more than the federal minimum, Immervoll said.


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