• 因为现今联邦法律已经禁止使用联邦基金克隆胚胎用于研究或者有意威胁胚胎生命NBAC胚胎研究上将保持沉默

    Because current federal law already forbids the use of federal funds to create embryos for research or to knowingly endanger an embryo 's life, NBAC will remain silent on embryo research.


  • 由于海豚一旦停止接触它们迅速身体里化合物清除,所以如果禁止使用这种船用油漆,它们的死亡率就会迅速下降。

    Since dolphins rid their bodies of the compounds rapidly once exposure ceases, their mortality rate should decline rapidly if such boat paints are banned.


  • 认为我们不能歇斯底里四处高喊:“禁止这些。给所有的狗戴上口套。”

    I don't think we can go around screaming hysterically: "Ban these dogs. Muzzle all dogs."


  • 太多职场政策通过禁止员工休假有力阻止了员工形成健康的工作和生活间的平衡即使是在他们需要休假的时候也不例外。

    Too many workplace policies effectively prohibit employees from developing a healthy work-life balance by barring them from taking time off, even when they need it most.


  • 老虎栖息所在国家目前正在讨论禁止捕猎老虎联合立法

    The countries in which the tigers' habitats are located are currently debating joint legislation that would ban tiger hunting.


  • 个月帕尼亚虽然不情愿勇敢决定尝试教育公众争取通过法律禁止司机汽车行驶使用手机

    Four months later, Pania reluctantly but courageously decided to try to educate the public and to fight for laws to ban drivers from using cell phones while a car is moving.


  • 禁止使用某些硬木来做家具建筑材料保护森林从而保护栖息动植物大有帮助。

    The prohibition of using certain hardwoods for furniture and building materials goes a long way towards protecting forests and thus the flora and fauna within that habitat.


  • 恭恭敬敬来找你们,为我间接造成的损害道歉,并请求你们重新考虑我被终身禁止入住酒店的决定。

    I come to you, hat in hand, to apologize for the damage I had indirectly caused and to ask you to reconsider my lifetime ban from the hotel.


  • 蒲伯厄本比较成功神父点着雪茄烟民众欢庆报告触怒,蒲伯当即下令,很成功禁止神职人员吸烟

    Pope Urban VIII was more successful. Infuriated by reports that priests were celebrating mass with lighted cigars, the Pope promptly - and successfully - prohibited smoking in the pulpit.


  • 同样已经开发大型企业应用程序可能使用gae禁止API

    Likewise, large enterprise applications that are already developed are likely to use APIs that GAE prohibits.


  • 允许每年搞个起诉下院议员活动因此她将尝试单独废除禁止异族通婚法案提议一项黑人最低工资制

    She was allowed to bring one Private Member’s Motion a year, so she would try single-handedly to repeal the Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act, or propose a minimum wage for blacks.


  • 限制或者禁止非洲哺乳动物猴子移动可以有效减缓病毒在非洲之外扩散

    Restricting or banning the movement of small African mammals and monkeys may be effective in slowing the expansion of the virus outside Africa.


  • 然而,我们不必言听计从赞同禁止化学物的想法并迎合预言——美国各行各业需要一些更加严格行业标准美国本土创建一种产品等级运动场

    Yet you do not have to share his taste for banning chemicals to agree with his prediction that American industry will want stricter standards to create a level playing-field at home.


  • 明确规定禁止通婚联姻。

    The ban on intermarriage here is quite specific.


  • 1962年,苏联当时领导人Nikita Khrushchev极严厉抨击禁止莫斯科前卫艺术家一次展览孙子都比他们好

    In 1962 the then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev famously denounced and banned an exhibition of avant-garde artists in Moscow, saying his grandson could paint better.


  • 就使得这个建议变成似是而非建议我们应该禁止有意泄露信息理由是:它们可能将来会我们信号更为强大

    This makes it specious to suggest that we should ban deliberate messages on the grounds that they would be more powerful than our leaked signals.


  • 已经广泛禁止添加汽油中——只有极少数几个国家还在使用汽油

    Lead has been banned more widely from gasolinewith only a handful of nations still using leaded fuel.


  • 世界卫生组织鼓励各国制定实施法律以便更好控制日光浴浴床使用例如禁止所有无监督的日光浴浴床营业。

    WHO encourages countries to formulate and reinforce laws in order to better control the use of sunbeds such as the ban of all unsupervised sunbeds operations.


  • 有效禁止生成j2ee安全上下文从而使我们不必客户机证书使用有效用户

    This effectively disables J2EE security context generation, which frees us from having to use a valid user name in the client certificate.


  • 即便错误不可避免禁止我们达到目标我们错误中吸取教训能帮助我们设定一个新的更好目标

    Even when they bar us irrevocably from attaining a goal, the lessons we learn from our mistakes help us to make new and better goals.


  • 但是解决办法不是简单禁止或者限制他们接触这些游戏

    But simply banning or limiting access to these games is no solution.


  • 许多渔船鉴于受雇纷纷参加协助海岸警卫队的“清油大军”中;剩下的渔船因为禁止捕鱼作业,便停泊各自的码头。

    Many local fishing boats have signed on as vessels of opportunity to help the coastguard; the rest are tied up at their docks, as fishing in the area is no longer permitted.


  • 没有人愿意关注这些细小问题,不幸,这种设计过程禁止这种更新,因为各个阶段不停重复的代价太高

    Nobody wants to hear such minor concerns and the process is unfortunately often designed to suppress them because the cost of moving between phases is too high.


  • 创世纪明确禁止离婚只是男人女人在一起结婚

    Genesis doesn't forbid divorce explicitly, it just says, men and women will get together and get married.


  • 比方说,渔业生物学家充分理由可以自信认为海上建立保护区禁止捕鱼活动便能促进海域当中鱼类恢复

    Fisheries biologists are, for example, reasonably confident that creating protected areas in the sea, in which fishing is forbidden, encourages the recovery of those species that stay put in the area.


  • 悲观者权利应该武断禁止

    And the right to sell short should not be restricted arbitrarily.


  • 事实上禁止广播不现实-而且明显已为时已晚。

    In truth, banning broadcasts would be impractical - and manifestly too late.


  • 粮农组织认为各国武断禁止进口来自未发生疫情国家禽类产品使国际市场更易遭受价格冲击

    Countries arbitrarily banning the import of poultry products from non-infected countries are increasing the vulnerability of international global markets to price shocks, FAO said.


  • 粮农组织认为各国武断禁止进口来自未发生疫情国家禽类产品使国际市场更易遭受价格冲击

    Countries arbitrarily banning the import of poultry products from non-infected countries are increasing the vulnerability of international global markets to price shocks, FAO said.


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