• 除了内心脆弱以外似乎神经状态

    In addition to your inner vulnerability, it seems that the nervous state is not very good.


  • 觉是两种感觉互相作用人类感官时神经状态

    Synaesthesia is a term used to describe the neurological condition where two sense modalities interact in human perception.


  • 目的建立交感神经状态动物模型探讨交感神经状态切除再生影响

    Objective To establish the animal model of denervation of sympathetic nerve and to explore the effects of denervation of the sympathetic nerve on liver regeneration after partial resection.


  • 大脑皮质所谓假层式坏死持久性植物神经状态典型表现病人需要生命维持系统才能存活。

    This is a so-called pseudolaminar necrosis of the cerebral cortex that is typical of a patient in a persistent vegetative state who is on life-support systems.


  • 神经处于极度疲劳状态

    She was in a state of nervous exhaustion.


  • 紧张人们由于某种原因或者压力引起,让感到神经绷紧精神状态

    Stress is a mental condition of a person who is tensed due to some reason or due to some pressure.


  • 结论明白地揭示出无论何时,只要我们周围寻找一个目标时,大脑中状态网络神经就会停止活动

    The results unambiguously illustrate that whenever we look for an object in the area around us, the neurones of this default-mode network stop their activity.


  • 意味着他们神经系统能够和谐运作这种状态有助于他们了解彼此想法感情

    That means they had reached a state in which their nervous systems were ticking over in harmony, helping them to know each other's thoughts and emotions.


  • 紧张人们由于某种原因或者压力引起,让感到神经绷紧精神状态

    StressStress is a mental condition of a person who is tensed due to some reason or due to some pressure.


  • 令人难过的是神经失能科工作以外的地方,看到许多没有做过适当评估病人,他们错误的诊断植物人状态

    Sadly, in my work outside of the RHN I meet many patients who have never had a proper assessment and have been wrongly diagnosed as being in a vegetative state.


  • 研究员相信快速眼动期睡眠期大脑其它思绪干扰形成新的神经网络,清醒状态睡眠不能做到

    The researchers believe REM sleep allows the brain to form new nerve connections without the interference of other thought pathways that occur when we are awake or in non-dream-state sleep.


  • 气味刺激我们神经影响我们的情绪状态。有时嗅觉甚至一些觉得生不如死

    Smell is provocative and deeply connected to our emotional state, and people who lose their sense of smell can even lose their will to live.


  • 交感神经系统保证应激状态下的生理需要比如目睹一场抢劫案时。

    The sympathetic nervous system prepares the body for sudden stress, like if you see a robbery taking place.


  • 一位高效运作作家,95%的脑细胞从游荡状态集中写作上来,专注神经的境地,只留下5%信心满满而机智精力控制工作。

    To function efficiently as a writer, 95% of your brain has to teleport off into nowhere, taking its neuroses with it, leaving the confident, playful 5% alone to operate the controls.


  • 款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则象征了激发状态神经以及其几位兴奋突触活动。

    The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity.I want to read this comic!


  • 款“赛博蜗牛”概念车则象征了激发状态神经以及其几位兴奋突触活动

    The CYBERSNAIL is an allegory for firing neurons and hyper synaptic activity. I want to read this comic!


  • 塞内加尔的捷斯地区报告发生第二疑似病例,也是冈比亚tandji地区一位渔民。病人有神经症状包括精神状态改变

    A second suspected case reported in Thies region, Senegal was also a fisherman from Tanji locality in the Gambia, showing neurologic symptoms including an altered mental state.


  • Giesler提出种理论认为瘙痒STT神经里面产生一种兴奋状态,而搔痒可以抑制这种状态——好像我们手指脊髓神经元发指令让它们冷静下来

    Giesler theorizes that the itch sensation creates an excited state in the STT neurons that scratching inhibits - as if our fingernails were sending a message to spinal-cord neurons to cool off.


  • 尽管失去肢体已经中断了神经系统联系,但是截肢以及致残人士可能还有拥有这部肢体的感觉.从而,病人的这种感觉进一部肯定了当某个肢体受到损伤或是神经系统中切除联系后,那些曾经支配这些肢体神经任然处于活跃状态.

    Amputees and people who have become paralysed may still “feel” a missing limb or a part of their body, even though it is no longer connected to their nervous system.


  • 睡眠一样,冥想减少了感官输入这种安静状态可以神经细胞加强巩固信息记忆提供时间

    Meditation, like sleep, reduces sensory input, and this quiet state may provide a time for neurons to process and solidify new information and memories.


  • 神经很可能帮助控制大脑一般状态或是情绪

    The neuropeptides probably help control the brain's general status, or mood.


  • 神经实验表明坚信无形的实体现实世界相互作用信念,早已成为人类大脑默认状态

    Neuroscience experiments show that belief in invisible entities interacting with the physical world has become the default state of the human brain.


  • 与普通儿童相比自闭症儿童大脑前额皮质神经的数目为丰富,新的研究成果可能使这一研究陷入无序状态

    The brains of autistic children have far more neurons in the prefrontal cortex than the brains of kids without autism, finds a new study that could advance research into the disorder.


  • 神经系统科学家在很早就了解脑电波存在——电子活动形成的有节奏的波动被认为反映大脑状态

    Neuroscientists have long known of the existence of brain waves - rhythmic fluctuations of electrical activity believed to reflect the brain's state.


  • 神经系统科学家在很早就了解脑电波存在——电子活动形成的有节奏的波动被认为反映大脑状态

    Neuroscientists have long known of the existence of brain waves - rhythmic fluctuations of electrical activity believed to reflect the brain's state.


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