• 我们神经综合教科书最新的

    This is the latest edition of our comprehensive textbook of neurology.


  • 记得我有打那个电话我是不是得了神经学的病?

    I don't remember making that call. You think I have neurological issue?


  • 要求被梦中表现一个简单活动,大脑扫描能过好的明白这些的神经迹象

    He asked them to perform, in their dreams, a simple action whose neurological traces in a brain scan are well understood.


  • 之前,旧金山加州主要从事神经相关研究。 他目睹许多艾滋病患者的痛苦。

    At the time, he was a neurology resident at the University of California, San Francisco, and was watching many patients fall ill with AIDS.


  • 术性达到和实用跨度厉害神经整个领域但是今天单身发起时,保持内聚

    This scholarly and yet accessible and practical book spans the entire field of acute neurology but remains cohesive as it is single-authored.


  • 法国研究人员神经期刊写道,他们对平均年龄超过65岁8085个男人女人进行跟踪

    French researchers, writing in the journal Neurology, tracked the diets of 8, 085 men and women over age 65.


  • 法国研究人员神经期刊写道,他们对平均年龄超过65岁8085个男人女人进行跟踪

    French researchers, writing in the journal Neurology, tracked the diets of 8,085 men and women over age 65.


  • 神经角度来说想法只是一种分泌物,是位于两个大脑细胞连接处(突触)的物质中的一小滴。

    From a neuroscience viewpoint, a thought is just a secretion, a droplet of a chemical where two brain cells connect (synapse).


  • 一些来自神经学的成果自得出以来就对某些治疗具有极大地帮助能够帮助医生更快的对痴呆症进行诊断

    The findings in Neurology could help doctors diagnose dementia sooner, which is crucial since treatment is most effective when given early.


  • Tappin神经学的朋友已经CEO进行生理神经学的测试.结果描绘首席执行官们过,过压并且精疲力竭.

    Tappin and a neuroscientist friend have carried out physiological and neurological tests on chief execs. The results paint a picture of chief execs being overworked, overstressed and exhausted.


  • 洛杉矶加州神经教授同时也是大脑图像专家PaulThompson教授解释说‘大脑已知回路感知快乐的。’

    There is a known circuit in the brain that’s involved in feeling happy, ’ explains Paul Thompson, professor of neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an expert in brain imaging.


  • 洛杉矶加州神经教授同时也是大脑图像专家PaulThompson教授解释说‘大脑已知回路感知快乐的。’

    'There is a known circuit in the brain that's involved in feeling happy,' explains Paul Thompson, professor of neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and an expert in brain imaging.


  • JC变化令人吃惊让人难以置信医生做干细胞移植治疗给他做了神经学的测评,评分为40/56,在治疗测试中,的评分是50/56,在所有的测试中都进步

    The difference in JC is amazing and unbelievable. The doctor's scored him 40/56 on the neurological tests when they first saw him and at the last day he scored 50/56 with improvements on all tests.


  • 格伦·舍伦贝格最新研究表明许多心理神经学错误地相信音乐智商之间因果关系

    Glenn Schellenberg's latest research suggests many psychologists and neuroscientists wrongly believe in the causal relationship between music and IQ.


  • 发展自我意识需要调整神经Antonio Damasio 所说的“直觉”。

    Developing self-awareness requires tuning in to what neurologist Antonio Damasio calls "gut feelings”.


  • 加州欧文分校神经家卡尔·科特曼表示每天保持一定的体育锻炼可以促进心理机能

    Maintaining a level of daily physical activity may help mental functioning, says Carl Cotman, a neuroscientist at the University of California at Irvine.


  • 斯坦福神经学大卫·伊格人们的思维方式仍然复杂,难以理解,更不用说复制了

    Just how people think is still far too complex to be understood, let alone reproduced, says David Eagleman, a Stanford University neuroscientist.


  • 例如德国海德堡神经学彼得·施耐德直至现在儿童进行了十追踪

    The neuroscientist Peter Schneider from Heidelberg University in Germany, for example, has been following a group of children for ten years now.


  • 安德烈·费希尔德国哥廷根欧洲神经研究所神经家。

    André Fischer is a neuroscientist of the European Neuroscience Institute in Göttingen, Germany.


  • 评论家认为很多神经学性别研究群体范围太小,课题设计缺陷

    Critics also contend that many neurological gender studies have too-small subject groups, or other design flaws.


  • 来自美国加利福尼亚理查德·海尔同一研究者致力于研究项测试中神经学基础表现

    Richard Haier, from the University of California, USA, worked with a team of researchers to investigate the neurological basis for performance on each of the tests.


  • 最近神经学研究表明专家领域没有专家处理事情来的

    Recent neurological studies showed that experts in a particular field don't process things faster than non-experts. Instead they process fewer things.


  • 大脑不在服务区时神经大脑的活动确认一种默认网络”。

    While you’re zoned out, the brain activates what neuroscientists have identified as adefault network”.


  • 另外某些情况下这些已经经历了重新评价成功”,一种神经学上的说法,意思淡忘前男(女)他们带来快乐——这是走出失恋阴影的一步。

    Plus, in some cases, students were already undergoing reappraisal success, which is neurological-speak for remembering the less convivial aspects of an exthe first step in getting over him or her.


  • 这项发表神经期刊研究使用新型非穿刺电极,把他们放在大脑表面而没有穿进去

    The study, published in the journal of Neural Engineering, used a new kinds of nonpenetrating microelectrodes that sit on the brain without poking into it.


  • 这种关联福罗博士知道是不是镜像治疗减轻疼痛原理就是逆转了“伸缩”所带来神经学上的改变

    That correlation led Dr Flor to wonder if the alleviation of pain caused by the mirror treatment might be the result of a reversal of the neurological changes associated with telescoping.


  • 最近在神经学研究显示某个领域专家处理问题的速度并不常人快多少。

    Recent neurological studies showed that experts in a particular field don't process things faster than non-experts.


  • 美国神经一个拥有超过22000神经学神经专家协会致力于推动品质以病人为中心神经护理

    The American Academy of Neurology, an association of more than 22, 000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals, is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care.


  • 美国神经一个拥有超过22000神经学神经专家协会致力于推动品质以病人为中心神经护理

    The American Academy of Neurology, an association of more than 22, 000 neurologists and neuroscience professionals, is dedicated to promoting the highest quality patient-centered neurologic care.


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