• 然而,相比较神户地震灾难当时汇聚日本支强大的通货紧缩力量更为主要原因。

    However, at that time several powerful deflation forces converged on Japan that were much more important than the Kobe earthquake disaster.


  • 神户牛肉日本闻名于世的一道佳肴

    Kobe beef is a Japanese delicacy whose reputation precedes it.


  • 当然神户地震当年对于日本经济来说不是糟糕1995年1.9%的增长相比之下1994年只有0.9%。

    Certainly, the year of the Kobe quake was not a bad one for the Japanese economy, which grew by 1.9% in 1995 compared with 0.9% growth in 1994.


  • 重要是,日本消费电子行业大约在神户地震时开始结构性衰退明显当中没有什么因果关系。

    Most importantly, the structural decline of Japan's consumer electronics industry started around the time of the Kobe earthquake, yet it clearly would be absurd to attribute any form of causality.


  • 原因之二就是日本也许能想象中——1995年神户大地震后恢复速度——更快的速度恢复。

    Another is that Japan may recover faster than is now imagined; that happened after the 1995 Kobe earthquake.


  • 还要注意与1995年神户灾后鲜明对比:没错日本的通货紧缩的确是从1995年开始

    Note also a sharp contrast to the aftermath of the 1995 Kobe disaster: yes, 1995 did mark the start of Japan's deflation.


  • 寿司相同,神户牛肉成为日本具标志性奢华食材

    Like sushi, it's become one of Japan's most iconic edible luxury items.


  • 村上父母日本文学教授本人却更喜欢阅读神户淘来二手通俗小说

    Both his parents taught Japanese literature, but he preferred reading second-hand pulp-fiction novels picked up in the port city of Kobe.


  • 地区经济产值日本总产值1.7%左右,不到神户一半

    The area's economic output accounts for about 1.7% of Japan's total, less than half that of Kobe.


  • 日本上一次严重地震发生1995年神户;地震过后,日经225指数在4个交易日下跌7.6%,但是在之后11个月没有恢复地震前的水平

    After Japan's last severe earthquake in the city of Kobe in 1995 the Nikkei 225 fell by 7.6% over the next four trading days, but it did not recover to its pre-earthquake level for another 11 months.


  • 震后15个月神户工业生产就恢复了震前水平日本总体工业产出也仅下降了25%。

    Within 15 months industrial production in Kobe had almost reached pre-quake levels, and Japan as a whole suffered only one quarter of declining output.


  • 日本官方命令神户大阪及其周围超过1000多所的学校幼儿园完全关闭

    In Japan, authorities ordered more than 1, 000 schools and kindergartens in and near the cities of Kobe and Osaka to shut down.


  • 名古屋-大阪-京都-神户日本2015年有望突破6000万人口

    Nagoya-Osaka-Kyoto-Kobe, Japan, expected to grow to 60 million people by 2015;


  • 京有着超过68544个处理器占据日本物理化学研究所672个小房间,这里是神户西港口专门的计算机科学基地。

    The K computer, with more than 68, 544 processors, occupies 672 cabinets at Riken's Advanced Institute for Computational Science in the western port city of Kobe.


  • 麦格理集团亚洲首席经济学家理查德•杰拉姆表示整个日本东北地区日本经济比重为8%,神户一个城市就占到了4%。

    Richard Jerram , Macquarie Group's chief economist in Asia, said the entire northeast region accounts for about 8% of Japanese GDP, while the single Kobe City accounts for 4%.


  • 麦格理集团亚洲首席经济学家理查德·杰拉姆表示整个日本东北地区日本经济比重为8%,神户一个城市就占到了4%。

    Richard Jerram, Macquarie Group's chief economist in Asia, said the entire northeast region accounts for about 8% of Japanese GDP, while the single Kobe City accounts for 4%.


  • 截止星期四日本确诊H1N1流感病例达到279例,主要与神户接壤大阪有关,在日本西部

    On Thursday, confirmed cases of the H1N1 flu virus in Japan reached 279, centering on Kobe and the neighboring city of Osaka, in western Japan.


  • 日本神户大学名誉教授山田敬日本著名鲁迅研究学者

    Keizo Yamada, an emeritus professor at Kobe University, is a famous research scholar of Lu Hsun in Japan.


  • 日本广播公司NHK报道,此次黑客病毒攻击的目标三菱重工位于日本长崎市制造驱逐舰船厂其位于神户,生产潜艇核电站设备配件的制造厂

    The viruses targeted a shipyard in Nagasaki, where destroyers are built, and a facility in Kobe that manufactures submarines and parts for nuclear power stations, public broadcaster NHK reported.


  • 日本神户———这个港口城市日本居民大概怀疑一切开始五月开幕的中学排球联赛

    KOBE, Japan - it all began at a high school volleyball tournament here on May 2 - or so residents of this Japanese port city suspect.


  • 16日,神户报告日本首例国内感染病例,48小时内,神户大阪市内确认流感患者人数剧增

    The number of cases has risen rapidly in Kobe and Osaka since the first confirmed domestic infection was reported on Saturday.


  • 日本一例变性手术发生1998年,但要求变性者必须达到20岁。目前,神户小学与男孩的父母医生商榷同意女孩身份入校就读。这样的事情发生日本还是第一次。

    The school, in Kobe, western Japan, agreed to enroll him as a girl after consulting his parents and doctors in what is thought to be the first decision of its kind in Japan.


  • 71年后的1995年117日,日本神户遭遇了一场6.9地震

    Seventy-one years later, on Jan. 17, 1995, Kobe was hit by a 6.9-magnitude quake.


  • 神户日本本州南部城市, 位于大阪沿岸、京都西南偏南

    A city of southern Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay south - southwest of Kyoto.


  • 一项穿和服比赛神户举行日本西部穿和服传统恢复风气,感恩收看,再会

    An All Japan kimono Dressing Championship held in Kobe, western Japan, is keeping the nation's kimono wearing tradition alive. We'll leave you with these images. Goodbye.


  • 海洋航行者号“欧洲上海前往日本福冈神户韩国釜山济州岛

    The ship will come to Shanghai from Europe and offer a variety of trips to ports in Japan and South Korea, including Fukuoka and Kobe in Japan, and Busan and Jeju in South Korea.


  • 日本本州西部城市,位于神户西面,濑户内海的港湾。一个工业中心铁路枢纽人口572,423。

    A city of western Honshu, Japan, on an inlet of the Inland Sea west of Kobe. It is an industrial center and a railroad hub. Population, 572,423.


  • 尚子生于日本神户现在英国伦敦居住工作的“全景机场系列反省自己现代都市中的举止

    Shoko Maeda was born in Kobe, Japan, now lives and works in London, UK. Her Panorama and Airrport series make people self-reflect their behaviors in modern metropolis.


  • 尚子生于日本神户现在英国伦敦居住工作的“全景机场系列反省自己现代都市中的举止

    Shoko Maeda was born in Kobe, Japan, now lives and works in London, UK. Her Panorama and Airrport series make people self-reflect their behaviors in modern metropolis.


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