• 一定数量商业行为“保持沉默办法自由软件社区有用如果他们变得过份普遍以至于对自由的热爱似乎成了怪癖,便是危险的了。

    A certain amount of the "keep quiet" approach to business can be useful for the community, but it is dangerous if it becomes so common that the love of freedom comes to seem like an eccentricity.


  • 团队可以计划项目合作在线社区数量已经迅速增长了

    The number of online communities where teams can initiate projects and collaborate has exploded.


  • 亚洲总体流行情况趋于稳定,有些社区新增感染数量很高

    Asia shows a stabilizing epidemic overall, but new infections are very high in some communities.


  • 在线社区的玩家数量也能反映多人模式有多糟糕。

    The size of the online community reflects the qualityof the multiplayer.


  • 因为社区提出质疑,申请人作出更改声明数量注册志愿者人数以及他们参与的情况。

    The number of claims changed by applicants as a result of queries raised by the community; and the number of volunteer participants signed up, as well as their level of participation.


  • 随着对Synth认识加深SwingUI社区出现皮肤数量的大爆炸

    Ideally, as Synth knowledge grows, the Swing UI community will begin to see an explosion in the number of skins.


  • 经销商警告减少数量汽车制造商带来麻烦,因为经销商当地社区存在紧密关系,他们青年团的赞助者,每年国庆游行供车者。

    Dealers warn that the cuts could backfire because of the close ties they maintain with their local communities, sponsoring teams in youth leagues and providing cars for 4th of July parades each year.


  • 这个运行时有相当数量部分来自开源项目Adobe以此继续取悦开源开发者社区

    Adobe continues to court the Open Source developer community with significant parts of the runtime coming from Open Source projects. The web2.0.


  • 这些日子对于FOSS社区支薪开发人员数量越来越多影响许多争论,这些社区志愿者努力创办的,而且现在仍然数量可观的志愿者。

    There's a lot of debate these days about the impact of the increasing number of paid developers in FOSS communities that started as volunteer efforts and still have significant Numbers of volunteers.


  • 这项安排特别之处在于,其规模比起开源社区有过类似举动,要几个数量级。

    This arrangement is particularly amazing because it is, to my knowledge, several orders of magnitude larger than anything of this nature ever attempted before with the Open Source community.


  • 美国人口调查局近日做出预测2050年底,少数族裔社区居民数量占到该国人口总量一半以上

    The United States census bureau has predicted that ethnic minority communities will make up more than half of America's national population by 2050.


  • 邻里关系发生了变化当地服务设施比如本应该老年社区中心的邮局数量也减少了。

    But neighbourhoods have also changed, with the local services such as post offices that tended to form the heart of old communities on the decline.


  • 调研结果显示酒店业者相信社区媒体可带来更高ROI,同时还反映出酒店业者正在参与(或者计划2010年参与)的社区媒体种类数量出现猛增。

    In addition to hoteliers believing that social media will produce greater ROIs, the survey also showed a surge in the types of social media that hoteliers are participating in (or planning for 2010).


  • 所有社区一样,房子售价并不取决于该区房子的数量或者车流量。

    And much like any neighborhood the selling price of a home is not determined by the number of houses in the area or the number of cars that pass by.


  • 鉴于日益增长游客数量只要规划管理得当社区为单位的旅游将前途不可限量。

    With a growing number of visitors, community based tourism holds significant potential as long as it is properly planned and managed.


  • 随着互联网的日益普及利用网络虚拟社区进行犯罪案件数量直线上升。

    Along with the popularity of network, the number of crimes making use of virtual communities is rocketing.


  • 因此建立一支数量适宜、结构合理社区卫生服务队伍完善社区卫生服务功能关键所在。

    So building a community health service team with proper quantity is the key to perfect the function of community health service.


  • 结论社区卫生人才数量充足内部结构进一步改善

    CONCLUSIONS the number of community health professionals is sufficient, and the internal structure need to be further improved.


  • 传统大流算法虽然好的解决主题漂移问题社区质量数量带来许多不利影响

    Although the subject drifting problem can be well solved by the traditional maximum-flow algorithm, but it will also bring a lot of disadvantage influences to the community's quality and quantity.


  • 社区越来越新生儿数量减少一滴

    Communities are getting older and the number of new-borns is dwindling to a trickle.


  • 1996年试点至今,我国社区卫生服务政策支持、覆盖面、社区卫生服务站(点)数量人员素质群众意识取得了令人瞩目的成绩

    Since 1996, community health service in China has obtained many accomplishments in policy sustain, quantity, the quality of personnel and mass consciousness and so on.


  • 游戏带有三个主题选择一张地图,基于Fillr12水平故事无限数量习俗建造我们社区成员水平。

    The game comes with 3 themes to choose from, a map with 12 levels based on the Fillr's story and an unlimited number of custom levels built by our community members.


  • 结果:湖北社区卫生服务机构具有一定数量、一定学历层次职称层次卫生技术人员

    Results:The CHS institutions have groups of health technicians with certain numbers, certain education levels and certain headship.


  • 据说鼎盛时期,开封犹太人数量达到过5,000人左右20世纪初时他们已经没有希伯来文社区犹太教经典卷轴给了收藏者

    The Kaifeng Jewish population is thought to have peaked at around 5,000 members, but by the early 1900s none could read Hebrew and the community's Torah scrolls were sold to collectors.


  • 但是社区卫生仍然普遍存在着全科人才数量不足质量社区卫生服务利用率和知晓率不高等问题

    However, problems still exist in community health service, such as deficiency and low quality of general practitioners, and insufficient use of the sanitation service system.


  • 对于自己如此粗心而感到震惊,并且不想看到社区民众导致已经生存4亿鲨鱼数量的下降。

    I was appalled at how ignorant I was and I couldn't believe my own people in my community could cause the demise of a population of sharks that has existed for over 400 million years.


  • 对于自己如此粗心而感到震惊,并且不想看到社区民众导致已经生存4亿鲨鱼数量的下降。

    I was appalled at how ignorant I was and I couldn't believe my own people in my community could cause the demise of a population of sharks that has existed for over 400 million years.


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