• 保利社区协会称:随街小便问题已非常严重,我们必须有所行动

    The St Pauli neighbourhood association says the Wildpinklers have become such a serious problem that it had to act.


  • 有些赌局私人公寓社区协会后屋。这些公寓都用纸或者窗帘紧紧拉着。

    Some games take place in private apartments, with paper covering the windows or shades pulled tight, or in the backrooms of community associations.


  • 实际上政府参与规划社区体育协会这个本质上草根概念有些荒唐

    Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots", concept as community sports associations.


  • 实际上政府参与规划社区体育协会这样一个基本草根概念有点荒谬

    Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots" concept as community sports associations.


  • 全国各地社区公民协会举办了大量游行、音乐会舞会演讲和军事表演

    Communities and civic associations in every corner of the country erupted in parades, concerts, balls, lectures, and military displays.


  • 许多作者更喜欢用“协会不是“社区”这个强调这种相互作用松散性。

    Many authors prefer the term "association" to the term "community" in order to stress the looseness of the interaction.


  • 较大少数民族社区使用轮流信贷协会筹集资金

    Within the larger ethnic community, rotating credit associations have been used to raise capital.


  • 全球发展协会,你可以做到这三点。无论你处于人生的哪个阶段,无论你走到哪里,无论你在 GDA 做什么项目,你都能为贫困偏远的社区创造积极的变化。

    You can do all the three with Global Development Association. Whatever stage of life you're at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you'll create positive changes in a poor and remote community.


  • 殡葬协会2010年开展调查显示,参加调查627殡仪馆中,10%除了传统殡仪服务外,还提供社区中心家庭中心的功能。

    In a 2010 association survey, almost 10% of the 627 funeral home owners who responded said they owned or offered a community or family center in addition to traditional funeral facilities.


  • 美国牙医协会(ada)建议给具备最佳饮用社区中的儿童补充氟化物。

    The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends fluoride supplements for children who live in communities that don't have optimally fluoridated drinking water.


  • 以此为基础,活跃作者社区出现了,并在1991年成立游戏作者协会(SAZ)。

    From this, an active author community has developed, which led to the establishment of a game author guild (SAZ) in 1991.


  • 只有动物保护协会有权决定是否威胁当地社区大象实行射杀

    It is these armed game wardens who decide whether to cull elephants which threaten a local community.


  • 社区迫切希望提高他们水利基础设施,《美国河流》协会致力于帮助他们寻找21世纪环保解决方案

    Communities are eager to improve their water infrastructure and American Rivers is committed to helping them find 21st century green solutions.


  • 一个星期内成立全英风力行动组织协会(NationalAssociationofWind ActionGroups)承诺,将开展反对活动,反对风电站开发项目社区景观造成有害影响

    Within a week, the newly formed National Association of wind Action Groups pledged to campaign against the harmful impact of wind turbine developments on communities and landscapes.


  • 协会认为成员大多社区银行这些银行应为华尔街弊病背负责任。

    But it argues that the majority of its members are community Banks which should not be blamed for the ills of Wall Street.


  • 设计协会我们设计解决一些宏大问题抱有着极大的热情安全健康,到环境社区

    At the design Council we are passionate about using design to tackle some of the big issues in the world, from security and health to the environment and supporting communities.


  • 关怀非洲组织帮助培训当地泥瓦匠,让他们学会如何修建低成本家用厕所,还帮助社区管理协会成员掌握维修水井的技术。

    Africare trained local masons to build low-cost household latrines and trained community water association members to maintain the wells.


  • 于2004年2006年的“中国最佳公共关系案例大赛”,先后获中国国际公共关系协会颁发社区关系”银奖

    Silver Awards in Community Relations in China Golden Awards for Excellence in Public Relations by the China International Public Relations Association in 2004 and 2006.


  • 由于缺乏资金考文垂社区中国协会被迫取消新年的庆祝计划

    Coventry Community Chinese Association was forced to cancel its plans for the New Year due to lack of funding.


  • 根据HSAMI酒店业市场营销协会简称)的用户调查显示,大多数会议策划者更倾向于使用建立个人联系取代)基础上的社区网络

    The majority of meeting and event planners prefer social networks that build upon, instead of replace, personal relationships, according to an HSMAI Affordable Meetings West pre-conference survey.


  • 完成好学业的同时积极参加社会实践活动,目前属于中国志愿者协会一员主要服务社区群众

    While completes the studies to be able to participate in social practice positively, at present belongs to Chinese Volunteer Association one , mainly serves the community populace.


  • 交流期间参与辩论社区服务得到国家荣誉协会和学术奖。”

    During the exchange year, I have involved debate and community service, got the National Honor Society and Acadmic award.


  • 美国陶瓷协会成立于1898年,继续百年历史使命服务信息国际陶瓷社区需要教育专业

    Founded in 1898, Society continues its century-old mission to serve the informational, educational, and professional needs of the international ceramics community.


  • 2002年,因努力加拿大社区学院协会授予全国优秀领导奖。

    In 2002 he was rewarded for his efforts with the Association of Canadian Community Colleges National Leadership Excellence Award.


  • 2006- 2009年,我们支持了阜阳艾滋病孤儿救助协会一个独特的为救助安徽河南500名孤儿弱势儿童社区为基础的服务机构

    From 2006-2009 we supported Fuyang AIDS orphans Salvation Association (FAOSA), a unique community-based organization that serves over 500 orphans and vulnerable children in Anhui and Henan.


  • 2006- 2009年,我们支持了阜阳艾滋病孤儿救助协会一个独特的为救助安徽河南500名孤儿弱势儿童社区为基础的服务机构

    From 2006-2009 we supported Fuyang AIDS orphans Salvation Association (FAOSA), a unique community-based organization that serves over 500 orphans and vulnerable children in Anhui and Henan.


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