• 然后讨论社会贡献价值同企业净利润相关关系,得出两者正相关,关系的结论。

    Studies the correlation between Social Value Contributed and net profit, but the relationship is not strong.


  • 相反,如果我们设计一个用明确奖励来鼓励长远思考价值创造社会贡献系统这样是不是更好呢?

    Would we not be better off to design a system in which the explicit incentives encourage long-term thinking, value creation and contribution to society?


  • 而把自己栓在红杉树上能给社会带来价值10万元贡献吗?

    Does chaining yourself to a redwood tree do society $100, 000 worth of good?


  • 在每年的三八妇女节期间,我们周围的社会仿佛都变成了“妇女之友”:成功妇女的突出贡献得到承认奖励,妇女的价值受到尊重,妇女可以休假,男士们会为妇女献鲜花,苛刻媒体更加关注妇女的处境和地位甚至男士们会嫉妒为什么没有男人?”

    Even the most critical media pays more attention to our status and concerns. Men would even ask in jealousy "why isn't there a Men's Day?"


  • 一方面,正确使用天赋积极方式帮助人们实现他们价值于是整个社会作出贡献

    On the other hand, proper use of talent helps people to realize their value in a positive way, thus making contribution to the society as a whole.


  • 关心他人同时关心自己表明自己价值能够社会他人贡献

    By caring for others, you can also care for yourself by showing you have something of value to contribute to your world and the people in it.


  • 价值权利义务统一贡献索取统一,自我价值社会价值的统一。

    Human value is the unification of power and obligation, the unification of contribution and demand, meaning the unification of self value and social value.


  • 个人价值是个社会价值自我价值统一主要表现为社会价值,即社会贡献

    Personal value is the unity of personal social value and self value and is mainly his social value, that is, his contributions to the society.


  • 人生价值在于社会贡献,在于人民认可

    The value of life rests in the contribution of society and people's authorization.


  • 愿意利用价值优秀产品社会提供更多就业机会人们带来上进心,这这个社会贡献

    I also feel like I am contributing directly to the community, by offering not only a great product at a great value but also by also providing jobs and upward mobility to people.


  • 我们持续客户创造价值,为员工提供更好工作环境收入社会贡献

    We will also continue to create value for customers, provide a better work environment and income, make contributions to the society.


  • 他们以无私奉献实现自己人生价值社会进步做出巨大的贡献,为世人称颂

    With their selfless dedication to achieve their life values, and progress for the society, makes great contribution to the world for praise.


  • 意味着企业除了追求财务效益,还要对各种外部关系价值清晰理解,同时需要明确地定义社会贡献

    That will mean having a clear understanding of the value of different external relationships and ensuring the company defines clearly its contribution to society, beyond its financial benefit.


  • 这项制度设立对于提升家务劳动社会价值保护家庭做出较多贡献一方的合法权益具有十分重要意义

    The establishment of this system has very important meaning to promote the social value of house work as well as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of those who devote more to the family.


  • 衡量生产要素贡献大小收益多少,可借助于社会财富价值形式边际分析方法

    When measuring the contribution and value of production factors, the value pattern and marginal analytical method of social wealth is employed.


  • 历史学领域注入新的气息活力实现史学文化社会价值认识价值而做出自己贡献

    It brings new spirits and activity to the historical area and will contribute to the realization of social and cognitive value of the historical culture.


  • 人生价值首先在于社会价值,即个人社会责任作出的贡献

    The value of life lies firstly in its social value, the personal responsibilities and the contributions to the society.


  • 我们一种营造理想人居社会使命感责任感旨在社会贡献同时实现自身价值

    We create the ideal living in a social sense of mission and responsibility to contribute to society at the same time, realize their own value.


  • 为了更好地判断一个价值我们首先认真考虑整个社会团体贡献

    In order to value an individual better, we have to take the contribution that he or she makes to the whole society into consideration first.


  • 现代图书馆实践论现代社会价值贡献

    The modern library science on practice is a valuable contribution to modern society.


  • 价值在于什么,在于你为社会贡献什么!

    Yeah, your value depends on what you have done, what you have sacrificed to your country.


  • 因此我们可以积极态度社会生活创造自己价值,为我们国家作出贡献

    As a result, we are able to get use to society with active attitude, creating our own value of life and making contribution to our country.


  • 心理学可以文学物理学社会、这些学科一样贡献社会因此心理学价值的学科。

    Like literature, physics and sociology, psychology can also make contributions to the society. Therefore, psychology is a valuable discipline.


  • 老师同学应该手来,共同通过枫叶这样个国际化平台,学会做人。 做通达、幸福之人、实现自我价值的人和对社会贡献的人。

    Teachers and students had better work together and learn to be a responsible and contributive person for the world, and achieve their self-fulfillment.


  • 德育价值关注生命教育提高生命认识培养生命情感磨练生命意志引导生命行为实现贡献社会生命价值

    Moral values should pay close attention to life's education, improve life cognition, train life emotions, temper life will, guide life behavior, and realize the value of contributing to society.


  • 无形资产社会财富经济增长驱动力不断增强,对企业价值贡献愈加显著甚至居于支配性地位

    Intangible assets of the social wealth, the driving force of economic growth, growing the value of the enterprise even more significant contribution, and even living in a dominant position.


  • 无形资产社会财富经济增长驱动力不断增强,对企业价值贡献愈加显著甚至居于支配性地位

    Intangible assets of the social wealth, the driving force of economic growth, growing the value of the enterprise even more significant contribution, and even living in a dominant position.


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