• 最后同样重要的是,许多结业生追求研究生进修仅仅是由于他们进步他们社会职位

    Last but not the least, many undergraduate students pursue graduate studies just because they want to improve their social status.


  • 美国社会只有名牌大学毕业生才能获得拥有权力影响力关键职位

    Access to selective colleges increasingly determines lifetime earnings, and has become an arbiter of access to the key positions of power and influence in American society.


  • 缺乏足够食物职位医疗保障的社会,信徒却是信仰者更加乐观。

    In societies that lack proper food, jobs, or health care, religious people are indeed happier than those who are not religious.


  • 法律行业就业岗位生命科学自然科学社会科学领域的就业岗位分别只占美国总就业岗位数的1%,比最低职位

    Legal occupations and life, physical and social science professions, which each represented 1% of employment, were the sectors with the smallest share of employment.


  • 要知道,在那个年代社会人们的职位无非母亲家庭主妇

    Remember, we are talking about a time when society dictated that most women could only aspire to be mothers or housewives.


  • 如果喜欢文章,你可以分享朋友们通过社会按钮顶部职位可以加入我们newsfeed直接电子邮件接收相似的内容

    If you like this post, you can share it with your friends through the social button at the top of the post and you can receive similar content directly to your email by joining our news feed.


  • 尼亚姆韦姆全国行政大会理事会执行主任、兼全国公民社会大会的领导人,全国公民社会大会倡导将内阁职位减少21个

    Cyprian Nyamwamu is executive director of the National executive Convention Council and a leader of the National Civil Society Congress, which has advocated reducing the number of Cabinet posts to 21.


  • 教育行政人员这一职位工作满意程度尤其它也加入我们社会公益职位列表的行列。

    Education administrator, which ranked particularly high for job satisfaction, made it onto our lineup of social service jobs.


  • 那些正在担任、或者渴望担任管理职位女性对于社会这种双重标准熟悉不过了。

    Women in executive jobs, or who aspire to be, are all too familiar with this kind of double standard.


  • 英格拉姆职位社区编辑”,社会媒体活动并不限于报纸网站

    Ingram's position is "Communities Editor" but he interfaces with social media activities both on and off of the paper's site.


  • SteveLangerud说:“的确一个人才经济社会我们经常无法摆脱大部分求职者职位展现自己方式。”

    STEVE LANGERUD: "This really is a talent economy, and we're stuck with most job seekers presenting themselves in a job title mode."


  • 毕业生家庭社会关系才能找到理想职位

    To find an ideal position, graduates would heavily rely on their families and relations.


  • 普雷斯顿社会媒体使用情况,我们了解要么用的假名,要么网络上常年潜水,职位具体情况有待观察。

    Little is known about Preston's personal use of social media, she's either using aliases or is remarkably quiet around the web, and details are still forthcoming about the new position she'll fill.


  • 也许计算机科学不再与“快速富裕”相关的热词,人们(英国计算机社会之外)开始认识到,计算机科学不是职位软件开发学位课程

    Computer science is no longer a buzzword-compliant "get rich quick" subject, and people (outside the BCS) are starting to realize that it's not a vocational software development degree course.


  • 他们完全不了解这个公司,这个职位这个社会

    They knew nothing about the company, the position, or the society.


  • 最后会议声明中呼吁国际社会支持阿富汗重建中阿富汗妇女追求权利领导职位努力

    The final statement of the meeting called on the international community to support Afghan women in seeking rights and leadership positions in the efforts to re-build Afghanistan.


  • 不过如今,尤其是在社会支持率如此(民调显示落后人民党10个百分点)的情况下,没有展开什么职位公开竞争

    For the moment, however, there is no public jostling for position, not least because the Socialists' standing is so low; they trail the PP by ten points in polls.


  • 要素设计中,我们强调职位这一概念及其有关事项,使要素设计具有社会

    In designing the basic elements, we emphasize on the concept of position, and other items concerned, so that the design of the basic elements has its sociality.


  • 妇女社会中的职位地方需要别人解答题目,咱们很多看法来自封建时代今日社会扞格难入的。

    Many of the ideas we have about the role of women in society are derived from feudal times and are not relevant in today's society.


  • 公司老板杰夫·韦纳设想最终每位潜在的求职者网上搜索空缺职位及其所需技能,使社会能更加人尽其才。

    Jeff Weiner, the firm's boss, imagines that eventually every job opening and its requisite skills will be digitally searchable by every potential candidate.


  • 这样一个皇家职位能够帮助社会高层

    Such a royal post helped her to climb up the social ladder.


  • 有优秀英语的人事业上容易步步高升,更高职位薪金社会动力影响力,在社交方面有成就

    Excellent English in career is most likely to be promoted step by step, a higher position and salary, social stream power and influence, in terms of more accomplished.


  • 认可那些通俗成功标准(职位家庭)其实相当于认可社会预先定做午餐,你那样打开然后就吞了下去

    Believing in common measures of success (money, position, family) is believing in a ready-made lunch box of meaning that society is opening up and shoving down your throat.


  • 本文民国时期图书馆人员来源职位分类薪金收入社会地位方面情况进行初步的分析探讨

    This paper analyzes and discusses about the source, job classification, salary income, social status and other aspects of the library staff in the period of Republic of China.


  • 有着丰富的社会实践经验能力应对各种紧急情况,因此,确信这个职位最佳人选

    With rich social practice experience, he is capable of dealing with all kinds of emergencies, so I am sure he is the best person for this position.


  • 认为应该确保教师成为我们社会受关注职业,成为人们渴望的职业,而不仅是一个职位非常重要的。

    I think it's important to make sure that teaching becomes a profession that's highlighted in our society, that it becomes profession that people desire, it's not just a default position.


  • 认为应该确保教师成为我们社会受关注职业,成为人们渴望的职业,而不仅是一个职位非常重要的。

    I think it's important to make sure that teaching becomes a profession that's highlighted in our society, that it becomes profession that people desire, it's not just a default position.


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