• 2005年3月8国际社会宣布今年非洲年。

    March 7, 2005-the international community has proclaimed this to be the year of Africa.


  • 英国能否有朝一成为一个阶级社会

    Can Britain ever be a classless society?


  • 2005年2月23年前在于北京召开第四世界妇女大会上,国际社会通过一项行动纲领》,提高妇女和女童生活质量

    February 23, 2005-ten years ago, at the Fourth World Conference on women in Beijing, the international community agreed on a Platform for Action to advance the lives of women and girls.


  • 12月12经过国际社会有关各方积极调解埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚阿尔及尔签署了《全面和平协议》。

    A: Thanks to the active mediation of relevant parties of international community, Ethiopia and Eritrea signed the "comprehensive peace agreement" in Algiers on December 12.


  • 今年由于粮农组织与其他国际社会共同促进这个全球重要资源持续性利用,2002年世界粮食具有一个特殊意义

    This year, World Food Day 2002 had a special meaning as FAO joins with the international community to promote the sustainable use of this essential global resource.


  • 国际人类团结突显了代表社会弱势者为共同事业采取行动重要意义

    International Human Solidarity Day highlights the importance of acting in common cause on behalf of society's most vulnerable people.


  • 沙特阿拉伯新近落成的"阿卜杜拉国王理工大学"将于23开学,除了追求科技突破之外,也将打破社会禁忌,让男女学生混班学习

    A new university in Saudi Arabia is breaking social barriers, opening them to both men and women and promising to bring cutting-edge technological and scientific research to the kingdom.


  • 沙特5表示国际社会做出更多努力阻止以色列进攻加沙地带的"暴行"。

    Saudi Arabia said Monday the international community should do more to stop Israeli "barbarity" in its military offensive against the Gaza Strip.


  • 每年的35许多志愿者都会利用业余时间参加各种社会公益活动

    On March 5, the anniversary day, many volunteers took part in various social commonweal activities at their spare-time.


  • 1月24最新英国社会态度调查更加明确地显示沧海桑田将要上演。

    And the most recent edition of the annual British Social Attitudes Survey, published on January 24th, provides further evidence that a more general sea-change may be taking place.


  • 今天纪念国际非暴力时,我们共同努力,利用非暴力伟大武器,我们自己我们的子孙建造和平公正社会

    On this International Day of Non-Violence, let us work together to use the great force of non-violence to build peaceful and just societies for ourselves and for our children.


  • 值此国际减灾之际,赞扬那些已经行动起来努力建立气候环境社会风险抵御能力的城市

    On this International Day for Disaster Reduction, I commend those cities that are acting to build resilience to climate, environmental and social risks.


  • 我们今天首次纪念世界统计联合国大会宣布这个纪念,是为了确认统计对社会重要影响

    Today marks the first observance of World statistics day, proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly to recognize the importance of statistics in shaping our societies.


  • 结果由于按例禁止拘留债务人安息大胆进入上流社会,“绅士”成为其众所周知绰号。

    As a result he was known as the "Sunday gentleman" because he ventured out into polite society only on the Sabbath, when custom forbade the arrest of debtors.


  • 每年世界地球临近我们得到一个机会可以反思我们保护健康社会环境方面做了多少工作。

    Each year when Earth Day rolls around, we're given an opportunity to reflect on how far we've come in protecting the health and the environment of our communities.


  • 他们时不时不引人注目地交换眼色,就好像悲惨缺憾牢狱之灾不过社会底层人士的杂耍表演,用来活跃他们原本无聊沉闷工作

    They kept exchanging little not-quite winks. As if misery and disfigurement and jail time were all just a lower-class sideshow designed to perk up their otherwise boring day.


  • 关于联合国亚太社会第67年会姜瑜表示,年会5月1925泰国曼谷召开

    As for the 67th session of UNESCAP, Jiang Yu said that the annual session would be held in Bangkok, Thailand from May 19 to 25.


  • 这项突破性的协议反映国际社会癌症成为全世界人口主要死因之一感到关切

    The agreement reflects growing international concern over cancer as one of the leading causes of death worldwide.


  • 2009年515(2008年称为ZDAY”),世界范围行动扩大社会导引认知

    On March 15th 2009, (or "ZDAY" as it was called in 2008) there will be a worldwide action day to expand awareness of this sociological direction.


  • 一系列理论实验结果以及认知欺骗模型都被刊登九月国际社会机器人杂志》的网络版上。

    The results of robot experiments and theoretical and cognitive deception modeling were published online on September 3 in the International Journal of Social Robotics.


  • 7月25科学技术中,妇女社会地位可悲地得不到充分表现,历史今天却出现一次慷慨大方例外

    July 25: in science and technology, spheres of society where women are woefully underrepresented, this day in history offers a bountiful exception. Here are the milestones.


  • 我们生活一个社会过渡期,”《纽约先驱报》1846年5月7宣称

    "We live in a transition period of society," declared the New York Herald on May 7th 1846.


  • 6月23,有超过5,000名伊利诺斯州人聚集起来抗议削减社会福利,一个棺材里的男孩抗议增添了戏剧性效果

    More than 5, 000 Illinoisans gathered on June 23rd to protest against cuts to social services, with a child placed in a coffin for dramatic effect.


  • 6月23超过5,000名伊利诺斯州人聚集起来抗议削减社会福利,一个棺材里的男孩抗议增添了戏剧性效果

    More than 5,000 Illinoisans gathered on June 23rd to protest against cuts to social services, with a child placed in a coffin for dramatic effect.


  • 众多明星打算艾滋病停止使用FacebookTwitter之类社会媒体平台直到机构筹集到一百万美元资金再重新登录

    The entertainers plan to sign off of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter on World AIDS Day and only sign back on when the charity raises $1 million.


  • 对《财经》采取这项举措,看来是10月1人民共和国成立60周年庆典之前民间社会大规模限制一部分

    The move at Caijing comes as part of a larger constriction of civil society ahead of the 60-year anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic on Oct. 1.


  • 这些发现7月22发表社会认知情感神经科学网页上显示悲伤情绪随着年龄增长会发生变化,但是变化趋势不同其他情感

    The findings, which appeared online July 22 in Social Cognition and Affective Neuroscience, suggest that sadness changes with age in a way that's different than other emotions.


  • 这些发现7月22发表社会认知情感神经科学网页上显示悲伤情绪随着年龄增长会发生变化,但是变化趋势不同其他情感

    The findings, which appeared online July 22 in Social Cognition and Affective Neuroscience, suggest that sadness changes with age in a way that's different than other emotions.


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