• 有些显然针对礼品市场的。

    Some wines are clearly aimed at the gift market.


  • 产品适用直接销售促销赠品礼品市场可内销出口

    This applies to direct product sales, marketing, gifts, gifts, domestic or export.


  • 1996年,我们开始提供礼品包装,同时我们产品礼品市场出现

    In 1996, we began supplying to gift-packers and our products emerged in the gift market.


  • 寻找质量的潜在客户业内(企业礼品市场推广公司形象品牌意识

    Prospect high-quality sales leads, promote company image and brand awareness in the "corporate gift" market;


  • 月份上海家居礼品以来,悄然走进礼品市场得到广大客户一致青睐

    In August this year we assist to the Gifts and Premium Fair, Yu-Feng sleeve screws into the gift market quietly, and get the same customers favor.


  • 通常购买这些物品可能都货币收藏家一硬币却打开针对礼品市场”,

    "Traditionally, who would buy these would be coin collectors, but this product opens up the market as a gift product for enthusiasts of Star Wars, " he said.


  • 目前我国保健品市场顾客的购买目的划分大体可以分为两个细分市场服用市场礼品市场

    According to different aims of purchase, the health-product market of China can be categorized into two market segments, namely consuming market and gifting market.


  • 根据照相市场协会(物业)价值自定义照片礼品市场全球预计达到20亿美元2008年。

    According to photo Marketing Association (PMA), the value of the custom photo gift market worldwide is expected to reach USD 2 billion by 2008.


  • 我们交谈的一家市场领先的贺卡礼品公司已经建立网络社区众多公司之一,网络社区是一个网站,这个网站可以消费者交流,消费者也可以网站上相互沟通。

    A leading greeting-card and gift company that we spoke with is one of many that have set up an online community -- a site where it can talk to consumers and the consumers can talk to each other.


  • 根据最新完成的调查报道,购买销售礼品的PlasticJungle每年美国市场总计大约900亿美元。

    In a just-completed study, Plastic Jungle, which buys and sells gift cards, reported that all-told, the U.S. market for them is about $90 billion annually.


  • 圆顶市场浏览各种礼品铜质咖啡具波斯尼亚足球队球衣难民合作社生产的色彩明亮针织品等

    I browse for souvenirs in the domed bazaars: copper coffee sets, Bosnian football shirts, bright knitwear made by refugee co-operatives.


  • 7pm - - -在“游华埠”的异国风味市场礼品地方个晚饭。

    7 PM - Explore Chinatown's exotic food markets and gift shops, and pick a spot for dinner.


  • 总是工作时间届时更新你的会计市场礼品业务

    Always include in your work hours, the time it will take you to update your accounting, and market your gift basket business.


  • 本地农场了解各种农作物。许多农贸市场都有音乐、自蜂蜜、烘焙食品以及不错的礼品而且还能在那里结识朋友

    Meet local farmers and see where your food comes from. Many markets have music, local honey, baked goods, whimsical gifts, and a great opportunity to meet new people.


  • 雍雅企业有限公司专注于出口礼品日用品,工艺品美国欧洲市场国际贸易公司

    Ltd is a international trading company exporting giftware and daily used articles to USA and European market.


  • 随着二月临近,玩具礼品成为中国各大商店市场最受欢迎商品

    With the Year of the Rabbit set to start on Feb. 3, rabbit-shaped toys and gifts are becoming popular items at stores and markets in China.


  • 我们提供最新礼品流行趋势最低市场价格

    We can provide the latest gift trends, the lowest market price.


  • 办公家庭橱柜、桌椅工艺礼品广告礼品社会公共需求项目山东省占据了一定市场份额

    Office, family ambry, chairs, tables and gifts, advertising gift, the demand of the society project, in shandong province occupied must share of the market.


  • 记者了解到,2005年起,文身开始市场出现近两年作为礼品成都流行起来

    This reporter has learned that in 2005, the tattoo of fish on the market at the beginning of the emergence of the past two years as a gift only popular in Chengdu.


  • 佳节豪华礼品开始热卖,高档卷烟由于具备普遍认可市场价值成为人们心目中理想高档礼品

    Tobacco Zhuangao again to celebrate the festival, luxury gift sales start, due to the high-end cigarettes have generally recognized the value of the market and become the ideal high-end gifts.


  • 最大的民族交易市场各式各样民族礼品可以带一些回去的。

    This is the biggest national market, a wide range of national gift, you can bring back.


  • 目前北京设立10多个特许奥运礼品销售点,而已经投入市场特许产品并不

    At present Beijing has set up more than 10 to specially permit the Olympic Games present sale point, after invests the market the special permission product not to be many.


  • 我们生产领导市场潮流产品主要有铁线不锈钢家居用品礼品套装灯饰配件展示

    We lead the market trend of production of major products Adiantum, stainless steel, tube type of household items, gift sets, lighting accessories, display stands, etc...


  • 负责市场资料印刷资料宣传产品公司促销礼品)。

    Responsible for marketing materials, printed literature and other publicity products (e. g. corporate gifts).


  • 市场竞争中公司不断引进先进理念自主开发设计高档时尚新颖商务礼品适应不同层次客户

    In market competition company constantly Introduce the advanced idea, Independent development and design novel, high-grade, fashion business gifts which can adapt to different levels of customers.


  • 目前正值印度结婚旺季通常市场大量需要黄金礼品时候中国消费者正在下周开始的“十一”黄金周假日做购物准备。

    Consumers in India are on the cusp of wedding season, a traditional time of gold gift giving, while Chinese buyers are preparing for the National day Golden week holiday, which begins next week.


  • 目前正值印度结婚旺季通常市场大量需要黄金礼品时候中国消费者正在下周开始的“十一”黄金周假日做购物准备。

    Consumers in India are on the cusp of wedding season, a traditional time of gold gift giving, while Chinese buyers are preparing for the National day Golden week holiday, which begins next week.


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