• 矿物质使得的。

    The minerals in the water made it unpleasant to drink.


  • 植物土壤吸取矿物质其他养分

    Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.


  • 这种产品不能充分补充维生素矿物质

    The product provided inadequate vitamin and mineral supplementation.


  • 脂肪富含热量缺乏维生素矿物质

    Fats and sugar are very rich in energy but poor in vitamins and minerals.


  • 有机物以某种方式随其生命过程聚集矿物质

    The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.


  • 第一本书中解释植物纤维维生素矿物质其他重要营养物质作用

    In her first book she explained the role of vegetable fibres, vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients.


  • 它们某些矿物质敏感

    They are sensitive to certain minerals.


  • 蓝色斑点可能是自然产生的海贝颗粒矿物质

    The blue specks are likely naturally occurring seashell particles or minerals.


  • 有毒矿物质首先根部吸收,然后转移叶上

    Toxic minerals would first be absorbed by roots but later relocated to the stem and leaves.


  • 肾病肝炎类似,水中含量盐分矿物质密切相关。

    Kidney and liver diseases are common which has to do with the high content of salts and minerals in the water.


  • 保健食品是指具有特定保健功能补充维生素矿物质的食品。

    Health food refers to food products which claim to have specific health functions or supplement one's vitamins or minerals.


  • 药物经常草药植物矿物质以及可取动物器官制成。

    Medicines are often made from herbs, plants, mineral water and organs from unfortunate animals.


  • 养分矿物质容易沙质土壤中流失,因此沙质土壤往往较为贫瘠

    Sandy soils are prone to the leaching of nutrients and minerals and so tend to be nutritionally poor.


  • 人造蛋壳很好的建筑材料因为它们蛋白质矿物质构成

    Artificial bone and egg shells make good building materials due to their makeup of proteins and minerals.


  • 这个阶段牙齿可以借助唾液中的氟化物矿物质修复脆弱部位

    At this stage, the tooth can repair the weakened area with the help of fluoride and minerals in saliva.


  • 他们高兴的是,他们觉得这样可以使田地土壤富含矿物质更加肥沃

    To their delight, they feel that this makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals and so more fertile.


  • 难熔内含物中的那种矿物质认为最早形成的太阳星云凝结物质

    The same minerals that occur in refractory inclusions are believed to be the earliest-formed substances to have condensed out of the solar nebula.


  • 土壤植物有用矿物质元素必须先溶解土壤溶液中然后才能根吸收

    The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into the root.


  • 例如所谓的蛇形土壤缺乏只有水平这种矿物质耐受植物才能生存

    So-called serpentine soils, for example, are deficient in calcium, and only plants able to tolerate low levels of this mineral can survive.


  • 当地农民正在价格高昂的化肥作斗争,这些年来化肥减少了土壤中的天然矿物质

    The local farmers were struggling with chemical fertilizers which were expensive and had reduced the natural minerals in the soil over the years.


  • 罗盖特维多利亚时期时髦旅游地那时人们来到这里,矿物质水中温泉

    Harrogate became a fashionable resort during Victorian times, when people came to take a bath in the mineral waters.


  • 石化还可能同时涉及死亡动植物原有物质不同成分矿物质进行交换的作用。

    Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition.


  • 虽然大多数植物不能这种土壤中生存但某些植物能力忍受高浓度矿物质

    Although most plants cannot survive in these soils, certain plants have the ability to tolerate high levels of these minerals.


  • 一国财富很大程度上受其自然资源影响,比如煤炭黄金其他矿物质水源等等

    Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country's natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on.


  • 其他研究人员推测蜥脚类动物吞食这些石头是为了获取它们需要一些矿物质比如

    Other researchers speculate that sauropods ingested these stones as a source of some the minerals they needed, such as calcium.


  • 现在我们看看另一种陶瓷沙子矿物质混合再加热600多摄氏度制成的。

    We'll now look at another ceramic which is made from mixing sand with minerals and heating to over 600 degrees Celsius.


  • 数百万的时间里,地下水魔鬼洞内岩石留下了一种叫做方解石矿物质沉积物

    Over millions of years, groundwater left deposits of a mineral called calcite, on the rock within Devil's Hole.


  • 公司吹嘘说,他们的蟋蟀牛肉鸡肉猪肉含有更多蛋白质以及和钙矿物质

    The company boasts that its dried crickets contain more protein than beef, chicken, and pork, as well as minerals like iron and calcium.


  • 公元前200年左右中国他们发现通过粘土中添加矿物质可以改善陶瓷外观强度

    In China at around 200 BC, they discovered that by adding minerals to the clay they could improve both the appearance and the strength of the ceramics.


  • 大部分蛋白质存在于蛋清维生素矿物质脂肪类胡萝卜素胆固醇则存在于蛋黄中。

    Most of the protein is contained in the egg white, while vitamins, minerals, fats, carotenoids and cholesterol are contained in the yolk.


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