• 美国欧洲患者通常磨低腮骨亚洲人恰恰相反,他们高高尖尖鼻子

    In America and Europe, patients usually want to reduce the hump or the tip size of their noses. But Asians want the opposite, higher and sharper noses.


  • 术中处理面神经隐窝病变勿随意隆起索隆起,以免损伤面神经镫骨肌支及鼓索神经

    Pyramidal eminence and chordal eminence should not be lowly abraded in order to avoid damaging the musculus stapedius and chorda tympani nerve when dealing with a facial recess lesion.


  • 采用复合变质方法,开发工艺简单成本合金铸铁一种有效途径材质性能可以满足使用的要求。

    Manufacturing of alloy cast iron grinding ball by means of composite modification of tungsten slag is a feasible way due to its simple process, low cost and good product quality.


  • 针对陶瓷生产中效率问题,从工艺上讨论了方式物料装填系数、球转速、研时间以及效率的影响

    In view of low milling efficiency, the effect of milling form, loading coefficient of materials, rotational speed of ball mill, milling time and grinding aid on milling efficiency was discussed.


  • 研究砂轮结构基础得出砂轮分布随机性加工能产生表面粗糙度值的重要因素

    According to the research on wheel structure, the random distribution of grains of wheel is an important factor producing better roughness on ground surface.


  • 前言:考虑料介质实际服役工况条件生产白口铸铁工艺设计原则明确为:在改善韧性指标的前提进一步提高硬度

    Considering practical use conditions, technology design principle of producing low chrome white cast iron grinding ball should be: Under premise of improving toughness, to enhance hardness more.


  • 作业耗能耗材高、效率长期以来一直破碎领域难题

    Broken, grinding homework high, consumables high energy consumption, low efficiency, has long been a big problem in the field is broken.


  • 油漆木器, 先表面毛糙

    Before painting the wood, roughen the surface with sandpaper.


  • 结果表明化学成分调整后白口铸铁成功用于生产中等中等稍强工况下使用的渣,成本,耐性优良。

    The results show that the modified abrasion resistant medium chrome white cast iron can successfully be applied to slurry pumps which should work under medium or medium-high wear duties.


  • MPS煤机具有耗电省、燥音调节灵活的特点,煤质尤其是系数要求较为苛刻

    MPS type coal pulverizer features low electricity consumption, low noise and flexible adjustment, but the requirement for coal quality, especially for grindability factor is relatively sever.


  • ZDP系列(2- 5%)操作条件下多种浆料连续打浆设备多种浆料纤维的设备。

    The ZDP series of double refiner machine is continuous beating pulp equipments for under low and consistency (2-5%) operation condition of various syrup, and can make various fine whet equipments.


  • 从理论上小型拉丝机构进行了研究,确定出种结构简单、分丝准确、分丝范围广、调整方便、成本的分丝机构。

    The paper analyses the divided mechanism of small-sized mill pull-wire machine theoretically, and determines a sort of divided mechanism whose cost is lower, design is simple.


  • 采用结构、新工艺研制金刚石具有成本效率使用方便特点,是石材加工厂最理想的加工工具。

    The diamond disc with new technology and structure possesses a lot of merit, has some characteristics, such as low cost, high efficiency and liable operation.


  • 研究冶炼水淬制备标号混凝土工艺

    The technology on low-grade concrete preparation with pulverized slag from nickel smelter is studied.


  • 随着载荷变化,机制发生变化,载荷时表现氧化损,中等载荷时表现为损和轻微损,较高载荷时表现为剥层损。

    The wear mechanisms are changed with the load, it shows oxidation and abrasive wear at low load, abrasive and mild delamination wear at medium load, and delamination wear at high load.


  • w(WC)大于50%时,WC加入使工艺性能变得极差,喷熔硬度应力性能

    When WC content is more then 50%, spray-fusing technological property becomes worse, hardness of sprayed coating and low-stress abrasive particle wear resistance are weaken.


  • 具有细碎功能高效节能,损耗性能可靠使用年限

    Fine crushing and coarse grinding, high-efficiency and low power and consumption, stable capability and long service life.


  • 发明叶片、可达到吸双功能、效率、耗能、无需密封、煤粉细度可达200以上、主轴传动部分不发热、结构紧凑、体积小、功率大成本

    Its advantages are less abrasion of blades, high efficiency and fineness of coal cup to 200 meshes or more, compact structure, small size, high power and low cost.


  • 具有强度还原率极易高热稳定性灰分中等可选工艺性能

    The processing property show low intensity, low recovery, extremely grind, weak slag bonding, high heat stability, high melt ash content and middle dressing.


  • 本文铝合金性能入手,介绍合金球()矿山湿机的应用情况

    Beginning with the performances of the low-chromium alloy cast balls, the paper presents the advance in the application of low chromium alloy cast balls (sections) in wet grinding in mines.


  • 球长实验表明硼酸添加剂ZDDP类添加剂具有优秀的协同作用研制磷发动机油具有重要的意义。

    Four-ball wear test indicated, the borate ester and ZDDP additive are antiwear synergistic, which is much useful in developing low-phosphorus engine oils.


  • 原料为高冰浮-磁选分离获得富含贵金属的磁性产品,主要含有合金少量硫化物

    This magnetic matte was obtained from high grade Ni-Cu matte by floatation-magnetic separation, which enriched in precious metals, and mainly contained Ni alloys and a small quantity of sulfides.


  • 振动机可成功地用于高浓度水煤浆能耗效率

    Vibation mills, with a low energy consumption and a high grinding efficiency, can be used to prepare high concentration coal pulp.


  • 粗糙度通常采用削。

    Low speed grinding is commonly, used to obtain low surface roughness.


  • 一样可以

    The lower millstone grinds as well as the upper.


  • 镍合金铸铁良好材料由于碳化物呈网状组织粗大,使其韧性和性能不够稳定

    Hard nickel cast iron is a kind of good wear resistant material, but its carbide formed as reticulation and microstructure was coarse, resulting in low toughness and unstable properties.


  • 现有技术相比实用新型一种钻机,具有设计合理结构简单使用方便维护成本、加工工艺简单等特点

    Compared with the prior art, the sharpening machine has the advantages of reasonable design, simple structure, convenient use, low maintenance cost, simple processing technique and the like.


  • 针对常用材质脆性大,,研制了多元合金贝氏体铸钢

    The multicomponent low-alloy bainitic steel grinding balls have been invertigated in accordance to normal grinding balls with high brittleness, low wear-resistance and high wearing-away.


  • 针对常用材质脆性大,,研制了多元合金贝氏体铸钢

    The multicomponent low-alloy bainitic steel grinding balls have been invertigated in accordance to normal grinding balls with high brittleness, low wear-resistance and high wearing-away.


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