• 本文介绍磁共振原理小型磁共振系统电路部分设计

    This text introduce the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance and the design of a NMR system.


  • 本文介绍了磁共振的原理及小型核磁共振系统电路部分的设计。

    With a view to this, a digital receiver for nuclear magnetic resonance.


  • 本文提出了一种实用可靠经济简单磁共振系统脉冲功率激励设计方案

    Design of a pulsed power source in the low field nuclear magnet resonance (NMR) system with the advantages of practicality, reliability, economy and simplicity is proposed in this paper.


  • 采用方法实际低场脉冲磁共振系统噪声信号分离高斯噪声进行了参数估计

    The white Gaussian noise was successfully separated from noise signal in low-field pulse NMR system and its parameters were estimated by using this method.


  • 方法国产磁共振系统上,采用自行研制的下颌关节mri表面线圈完成颞下颌关节区的MRI成像,并关节造影进行对比性研究

    Methods Based on the local made MRI system, self made surface coil was applied to complete arthrography and a comparative study was also exercised between it and arthrography.


  • 份合同通用电气医疗集团授予磁共振成像系统提供功率放大器

    One contract is from GE Healthcare to provide power amplifiers for Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems.


  • 全国各地其他医院他们考虑推迟购买计算机系统数百万美元磁共振成像机这样的昂贵设备

    Other hospitals around the country say they are thinking about deferring the purchase of expensive new equipment like computer systems or multimillion-dollar M.R.I. machines.


  • 研究中,Huk同事们要求被试们一个配有定制立体图像投影系统磁共振扫描仪静止不动地上1至2个小时观看3 - D影像效果。

    For the study, Huk and his colleagues had people watch 3-d visualizations while lying motionless for one or two hours in an MRI scanner fitted with a customized stereovision projection system.


  • 画面来自神经科学家显微镜磁共振成像或者生理系统的记录。

    This is what neuroscientists are looking at in their microscopes, MRI machines or electrophysiology systems.


  • 加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校神经系统科学家杰克·加朗特采用是拥有功能磁共振成像扫描模拟受试者大脑视觉系统算法的脑图案分析。

    University of California, Berkeley, neuroscientist Jack Gallant USES brain-pattern analysis with fMRI scans and algorithms to model the visual system of a subject's brain.


  • 通过功能磁共振成像,研究人员发现中脑多巴胺系统参与者进行预测时,对预测误差进行了编码

    Using functional MRI (FMRI), researchers found that this system encodes prediction error when participants made prediction.


  • 有些称为短期内孔系统磁共振单元设计磁铁并非完全环绕人身;

    Some MRI units, called short-bore systems, are designed so that the magnet does not completely surround you;


  • 磁共振成像系统梯度磁场用来对成像物体进行空间编码

    Imaging objects are spatially encoded by gradient magnetic fields in magnetic resonance imaging systems.


  • 一般情况下青少年特发性侧弯并不产生背痛神经系统问题如果出现这些症状需要进行包括磁共振在内的深入检查

    Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis generally does not result in pain or neurologic problems. If these symptoms occur, further evaluation and testing may be necessary to include an MRI.


  • 本文采用了相色谱、色联用磁共振法等分析方法对六氟丙酮水合物进行系统研究

    A systematic study of hexafluoroacetone hydrate has been carried out by introducing gas chromatograph, mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.


  • 发明涉及一种磁共振成像MRI系统

    The invention relates to a system for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


  • 全国各地其他医院他们考虑推迟购买计算机系统数百万美元磁共振成像机这样的昂贵设备

    Other hospitals around the country say they are thinking about deferring the purchase of expensive new equipment like computer systems or multimillion-dollar M. R. I. machines.


  • 研究开裂储集岩石物性影响系统地考察了声学检测磁共振技术方法检测岩石热开裂中的效果

    The effect of thermal induced crack on sediment rock is discussed. The methods of acoustic measurement and nuclear magnetic resonance technology are applied for detection of the crack.


  • 简要介绍了磁共振成像仪梯度系统工作原理,并对特定梯度故障进行了判断、分析处理

    Describes briefly the working principle of the gradient system in MR imager, analyzes the specific gradient failure and sums up the troubleshooting of the imager.


  • 具备汽车扭力研发、制造能力,并建立扭力弯曲扭转电磁共振测试系统

    There are R&D, manufacture capabilities of auto twist beam built in an electromagnetic resonance test system of bending and torsion of twist beam.


  • 为了解决磁共振成像系统中双调谐射频线圈设计问题,提出一个通用等效电路模型

    A generalized equivalent circuit model was developed for both single-tuned and double-tuned radio-frequency(RF) coils for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems.


  • 介绍GE 1。5T超导磁共振制冷系统组成工作原理讨论日常维护要点及其必要性

    In this paper, we introduce the structure and work principle of GE 1.5T superconductive MRI cooling system, And we discuss the key points and necessity of its daily maintenance.


  • 一种磁共振成像(MRI)系统采集来自患者图像数据方法

    A method for acquiring image data from a patient with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system.


  • 一些实施例中,可以选择性地将收回屏幕(92)延伸磁共振扫描器第二模态成像系统之间间隙中。

    In some embodiments a retractable radio frequency screen (92) is selectively extendible into a gap between the magnetic resonance scanner and the second modality imaging system.


  • 用于磁共振成像射频线圈系统(38),包括多个平行隔开(60),每个横档包括横档电容器(68)。

    A radio frequency coil system (38) for magnetic resonance imaging includes a plurality of parallel spaced apart rungs (60) which each includes rung capacitors (68).


  • 发明涉及种用于淋巴系统特异成像磁共振造影剂二氧化硅纳米微球造影剂及其制备方法

    The invention relates to a gadolinium-containing silicon dioxide nanosphere magnetic resonance contrast agent for lymphatic system specific imaging and a preparation method thereof.


  • 实用新型涉及一种磁共振谱仪系统中的重要部件——磁体

    The utility model relates to a magnet which is an important component in a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer system.


  • 梯度放大器磁共振成像(MRI)系统核心设备之一,根据前级控制系统传来指令,向梯度线圈提供特定波形的电流脉冲

    The gradient amplifier is an essential equipment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging system (MRI). It supplies the gradient coils with pulse currents according to the signal from the control system.


  • 目的开放式磁共振结合导航系统可以获得准确手术定位手术器械实时引导术中监控

    Objective The integration of open-MR and optical navigation system can be used in neurosurgery for accurately lesion positioning, real-time tracing of surgical devices and intraoperative monitoring.


  • 目的开放式磁共振结合导航系统可以获得准确手术定位手术器械实时引导术中监控

    Objective The integration of open-MR and optical navigation system can be used in neurosurgery for accurately lesion positioning, real-time tracing of surgical devices and intraoperative monitoring.


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