• 研究中给了受试者一个机会他们功能性磁共振成像仪中检查大脑为了金钱利益而欺骗自己,该仪器可将血液导向大脑活跃部位

    In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.


  • 研究人员自然杂志中写道这些功能性核磁共振成像扫描图显示,在城市生活压力反应与乡村人不同

    The functional magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed that the brains of those living in cities reacted differently to stress, the researchers report in the journal Nature.


  • 一种试验叫做功能核磁共振成像

    An experiment called functional magnetic resonance imaging as illustrated here.


  • 我们研究另一个部分我们25名在校生一边接受磁共振成像一边基于电脑游戏——他们的时而属于“社会”,时而不属于。

    In another part of our research, we had 25 undergraduates undergo functional magnetic resonance imaging while playing a computer-based game in which they were socially included or excluded.


  • 所有此项研究的参与者研究开始研究结束年后进行核磁共振成像大脑扫描

    All the participants in the study had MRI brain scans done before the study began and again a year later when the study ended.


  • 软件提供剔除一些骨骼受伤颅骨核磁共振成像时,它就可以产生特定的设计填充缺失的像素。

    When the software is fed a magnetic-resonance image of an injured skull with some bones struck out, it generates patient-specific designs to fill in the missing bits.


  • 一个功能性磁共振成像试验中一样,我们告诉迈克仔细看人脸其他东西

    And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.


  • 研究人员对研究对象心脏进行了磁共振成像检查,来检测他们心肌纤维化瘢痕早期症状

    The different groups underwent a new type of magnetic resonance imaging of their hearts that identifies very early signs of fibrosis, or scarring, within the heart muscle.


  • 科学家同时利用功能性磁共振成像近红外光谱技术监测受试者观察他们大脑升温模式以此获得大脑活动图像

    The scientists monitored the dreamers with both magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy to see patterns of heat in their subject's heads, which gives a picture of brain activity.


  • 很快发现意见研究专家发现的事:MRI(核磁共振成像)扫描仪能够反映肺部如何呼吸空气的,需要患者保持仰卧姿势

    He soon found out what lung specialists already know: an MRI scanner reveals how well a lung moves air, but it only works when the patient is lying on his back.


  • 来自比利时勒芬大学卢卡斯博士领导科学家团队利用核磁共振成像扫描技术测评出脂肪人情绪影响

    A team of scientists led by Dr Lukas from the University of Leuven, in Belgium, used MRI scans to assess the emotional impact of fat.


  • 然后再他们睡眠实验室按照喜欢的睡眠模式期间每天让他们在功能核磁共振成像扫描仪中接受两次认知测试

    Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.


  • 磁共振成像显示目前居住城市志愿者社会压力下乡村居住表现出更强扁桃体活性

    The fMRI scans showed that volunteers who currently lived in a city exhibited greater activation in the amygdala than did rural denizens during social stress.


  • 有了PET扫描MRI(核磁共振成像),我们可以观察到大脑活动波动通过测量血液流动营养物等级的变化

    With PET scans and functional MRI, we can observe fluctuations in brain activity by measuring changes in blood flow and levels of nutrients.


  • 至于人类,我们做的稍稍有限,我们使用被称为分辨率磁共振成像技术,其实和我们对动物做的组织学检查相比这个多高分辨率

    With humans, we're somewhat limited. We do this - use this technique called high-resolution MRI, which, by the way, isn't very high resolution compared to histology that we can do with animals.


  • 一个相关联研究中,有作用的那组的核磁共振成像表明服用了退热大脑感情痛觉区域同样活力减少了。

    In a related study, functional MRIs showed that people who had taken acetaminophen also had less activity in the brain regions that respond to emotional pain.


  • 磁共振成像扫描显示MT +区域强烈的神经活动参与者感知到目标(假如一个小)朝向远离他们眼睛时

    The fMRI scans revealed that the MT + area had intense neural activity when participants perceived objects (in this case, small dots) moving toward and away from their eyes.


  • 受试者大脑活动磁共振成像暗示一个解释

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging of activity in the subjects' brains hints at a possible explanation.


  • 磁共振成像显示90%右侧四头撕裂,于是我飞机送回华盛顿

    When an MRI revealed that I'd torn 90 percent of my right quadriceps, I was flown back to Washington.


  • 试验研究人员运动磁共振成像技术在检测受测得大脑活动情形

    In the study the researchers also used magnetic resonance imaging to see inside their subjects' brains.


  • 核磁共振成像扫描显示这个女性大脑明显癫痫相关区域有一块肿瘤

    MRI scans revealed a tumor in the woman's brain that was apparently linked with the seizures.


  • 这种特殊形式磁共振成像技术称为弥散张量成像,对这种技术的用来提高诊断脑震荡的精确度。

    The special M.R.I. technique, known as diffusion tensor imaging, is also being studied to help improve the diagnosis of concussions.


  • 这种特殊形式磁共振成像技术称为弥散张量成像,对这种技术的用来提高诊断脑震荡的精确度。

    The special M. R. I. technique, known as diffusion tensor imaging, is also being studied to help improve the diagnosis of concussions.


  • 举例来说,如果不用核磁共振成像扫描计算机层成像扫描,而用简单的血液检查能够查出严重疾病,就能节省费用医疗资源

    For example, if asimple blood test could be developed to rule out a serious problem without anMRI or a CT, it would save loads of money and resources.


  • 画面来自神经科学家显微镜核磁共振成像或者生理系统的记录。

    This is what neuroscientists are looking at in their microscopes, MRI machines or electrophysiology systems.


  • 然而根据磁共振成像性驱力出人意料

    And yet, according to the MRI, my libido is surprisingly strong.


  • 液氦用来冷却红外线探测器反应堆以及核磁共振成像器械超导磁体等

    Liquid helium cools infrared detectors, nuclear reactors, and the superconducting magnets used in MRI machines, too.


  • 又作CT扫描磁共振成像结肠镜检查。

    So did the CT scan, the MRI and the colonoscopy.


  • 又作CT扫描磁共振成像结肠镜检查。

    So did the CT scan, the MRI and the colonoscopy.


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