• 另外40飞机也被登记在册没有确定是否是挪威战斗机,2009年,把西行俄罗斯军事飞机总数提高120。

    An additional 40 aircraft were registered but not identified by Norwegian fighters, raising the total number of westbound Russian military flights to 120 in 2009.


  • 同样地需要确定商标是否更你企业登记名字一样

    Similarly, you will need to determine whether your trade name will be the same as the full legal name of your business.


  • 申请人可以利用该表确定什么时候递交自己I- 485,《登记永久居民身份调整身份的申请》。

    Applicants can use the charts to determine when to file their Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status.


  • 如果捕捉事件,你应该确定登记处理

    If you want to catch events, you should define and register handlers.


  • 这一认定登记当天结束营业之前作出除非登记确定已经明确规定了作出上述认定的其他时间

    The determinations shall be made as of the close of business on the record date unless another time for doing so is specified when the record date is fixed.


  • 培训登记确定所有人员的培训活动内容。

    A master training register identifies training activities for all personnel.


  • 如果董事会没有有权获得股票股息股东确定登记,那么,董事会授权认可该股东获得股票股息日期即为有权获得股票股息的股东的登记日。

    If the board of directors does not fix the record date for determining shareholders entitled to a share dividend, it is the date the board of directors authorizes the share dividend.


  • 为了要让房产权确定有效土地登记不可少的:希腊土地登记仍然是一团糟

    Effective land registries, giving certainty to title, are essential: Greece's registry remains a mess.


  • 《程序》要求登记申 请人确定商标专用权价值提供评估报告支持估价

    The Procedures used to require the registration applicant to determine the value of the pledged trademark and provide an evaluation report supporting such value.


  • 您好,请看一下之前一些帖子需要通过房产登记取得一份房产证明正本,来确定房产证真实性

    Please check earlier threads... You need to verify the authenticity of the title by securing a certified true copy of the title from Register of Deeds.


  • 上面提及公司据此确定所有进口证书发行登记表格中给出信息的正确性

    The above mentioned company hereby confirms the correctness of all indications given in this ICIR form.


  • 国家因特网实行注册登记制度,明确因特网及其内容提供商责任确定因特网管理之重点,强调行业自律用户的自我责任。

    The state has a registration system for the Internet service providers and Internet content providers, which clearly specifies their responsibilities and puts emphasis on their self-discipline.


  • 登记请求权产生根据不同登记权利人确定方法不同。

    Because the base of the claim to registration is different, the way of ascertaining the registration oblige is different.


  • 受让人之外善意第三工商登记为准来确定其股东身份。

    To company, shareholders definition and against bona fide third party should be in accordance with the roster of shareholders.


  • 为了准时支付,确定登记之后提供一个有效邮寄住址

    In order to get paid on time, make sure you provide a valid mailing address upon registration.


  • 登记建筑物土地使用权,依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属

    The ownership of an unregistered building and of the land use right shall be determined on the basis of the approval document for the land use right, and other relevant evidence, as well.


  • 保证有足够时间处理项目核对差额登记必要账目,银行确定一个截止时刻

    For the purpose of allowing time to process items, prove balances and make the necessary entries on its books to determine its position for the day this Bank has fixed a cut-off hour.


  • 登记根据第六第七确定日期该日公司根据本法,认定了股东身份以及他们持有股份的事实。

    "Record date" means the date established under chapter 6 or 7 on which a corporation determines the identity of its shareholders and their shareholdings for purposes of this Act.


  • 确定阁下身份为此登记阁下收集诸如姓名地址电邮等联络资料

    To establish your identity - for these purposes, contact information such as, name, correspondence and email addresses will be collected from you during the registration process.


  • 每一个上市公司提供审计委员会确定资金支持,用以偿付:(1)编制审计报告备案登记的注册会计师事务所

    Each issuer shall provide for appropriate funding, as determined by its audit committee, for payment of compensation to: (1) the registered public company accounting firm for audit reports;


  • 球员执行暂停权力必须告诉裁判意图并且确定裁判意识到事实记录表登记

    To exercise the right to a time out the player must inform the referee of his/her intention and make sure the referee is aware of the fact and marks it on the score sheet.


  • 球员执行暂停权力必须告诉裁判意图并且确定裁判意识到事实记录表登记

    To exercise the right to a time out the player must inform the referee of his/her intention and make sure the referee is aware of the fact and marks it on the score sheet.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定