• 缺乏确凿证据的情况下怎能谋杀邻居

    How can you tell he has murdered his neighbor in the absence of any specific proof?


  • 缺乏确凿证据情况下怎能谋杀了邻居

    In the absence of How can you tell he has murdered his neighbor in the absence of any specific proof?


  • 瓦斯普契的同时代人并不相信有着确凿证据明确事实

    Vespucci's contemporaries were not in thrall to hard facts based on firm evidence.


  • 在没有确凿证据情况下,这个案子让控告觉得棘手

    Without solid evidence, the case is quite tricky for the prosecutors.


  • 雅典朋友们坐在一起闲聊时总会谈到多么不幸”,因为警察没有确凿证据的情况下把关进了监狱。

    All his friends sat around in Athens talking about how "unlucky" he was, since the police threw him in jail with no real evidence.


  • 律师们声称没有任何发生过谋杀确凿证据

    Her attorneys claim there is no conclusive evidence that any murders took place.


  • 芭拉·哈格蒂新书《重新设想生活》中写道:“事实上,除了几十年前进行些小规模试点研究外几乎没有确凿证据证明中年危机存在。”

    "In fact, there is almost no hard evidence for midlife crisis other than a few small pilot studies conducted decades ago," Barbara Hagerty writes in her new book, Life Reimagined.


  • 科学家们周一发布报告报告附有“消失狮子”被发现确凿证据

    Scientists released a report Monday documenting, with hard evidence, the discovery of "lost lions".


  • 缺少确凿证据激起这次针对公司治理的论战。

    A lack of conclusive evidence has fuelled the controversy over corporate governance.


  • 要求基因测定公司必须在掌握确凿证据之后,声称能够确定某种疾病某段基因序列之间存在联系,也是明智的做法。

    It might also be wise to consider asking for certain proofs to have been established before a firm can claim to be able to make a firm association between a disease and a DNA sequence.


  • 因此这些照片还不是火星存在流动液态水百分之百确凿证据——它们迄今为止理想的证据

    So the photographs are not absolutely definitive evidence of liquid water flowing on Marsbut they are the closest thing yet.


  • 白宫领导一事件调查工作的伦南美国广播公司的“本周”节目说,我们已经有了关于这名嫌疑人一些情报但是没有确凿证据

    Brennan - who is leading a White House investigation into the incident - told ABC's This Week there were bits and pieces of information about the suspect, but no definitive evidence.


  • 尽管有人全球变暖已经停止,然而新的数据加上现有数据,我们提供前所未有的确凿证据,”

    "Despite the fact people say global warming has stopped, the new data, added onto existing data, gives us the greatest evidence we have ever had," he said.


  • 围绕这个看法令人惊奇的是竟没有确凿证据

    There is surprisingly little hard evidence around on this point.


  • 两位作者提出的理论没有确凿证据,只是小心地记录传记附录处

    There is no hard evidence for this theory, and it is laid out, discreetly, in an appendix to this biography.


  • 文学家长期怀疑球状星团中包含中等质量黑洞至今一直它们存在确凿证据

    Astronomers have long suspected globular clusters contained intermediate-mass black holes, but there has been no conclusive evidence of their existence there to date.


  • 针对公司治理论战根源是极其缺少确凿证据证明改进公司治理确实能有所回报,而且是以股东回馈高额收益方式回报。

    The controversy over corporate governance has been fuelled by a surprising lack of conclusive evidence that improving it actually pays, in the form of higher returns to shareholders.


  • 表示没有确凿证据表明隆胸病人发现淋巴瘤比起常见类型的淋巴瘤更具杀伤性。

    He said there was some evidence, though not conclusive, that the form of this lymphoma found in implant patients was less aggressive than the usual type.


  • 在辩论气候变化时候我们强调科学统计以及依靠确凿证据、经过互研究重要性

    We emphasise, when debating climate change, the importance of the scientific consensus, and reliance on solid, peer-reviewed studies.


  • 异常的系统调用序列就是程序漏洞受到攻击的确凿证据

    An aberrant system call sequence would be a dead giveaway that the program has a bug or is being attacked.


  • 迄今为止,尚无确凿证据显示这些对奥司他韦具有耐药性病毒人际传播。

    To date, person-to-person transmission of these oseltamivir resistant viruses has not been conclusively demonstrated.


  • 确凿证据表明当时的表演者们着装小型扩音器面具辅助声音方向性传播

    There is strong evidence that the actors wore masks that were fitted out with small megaphones to assist in increasing the directivity of the voices.


  • 换言之对于适当使用手机(研究中指使用时间超过小时)的用户,没有确凿证据可证明使用手机和患脑癌之间存在关系

    In other words, there was no smoking gun found that links moderate cell phone use, defined in the study as under a half hour a day, with brain cancer.


  • 被问及去年一份关于汽车调研是否在表达“女人眼光短浅”观点时(文中“掌握了确凿证据”),杜恩总是否认重男轻女思想。

    Dunn denies any misogynist agenda, even though, when asked last year if his car research suggested that women were shallow, he was quoted as saying, "Let's face it, there's evidence to support it."


  • IBMGeronimo支持BEASpring的支持视为开源选项基础中间件有效性确凿证据

    IBM's support for Geronimo and BEA's support for Spring were both seen as confirmations of the validity of open source options for infrastructure middleware.


  • 有些研究已有确凿证据表明女性处于PMT的时候驾车发生车祸机率会增至45

    There are well documented studies showing that women suffering PMT are four to five times more likely to be involved in a car accident whenthey are behind the wheel.


  • 机构于11月8发布的报告表示了很多怀疑但是没有提供确凿证据即便如此报告仍然成为一个分水岭。

    A report it published on November 8th still falls just short of that proof, but nonetheless marks a watershed.


  • 机构于11月8发布的报告表示了很多怀疑但是没有提供确凿证据即便如此报告仍然成为一个分水岭。

    A report it published on November 8th still falls just short of that proof, but nonetheless marks a watershed.


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进来说说原因吧 确定