• 他们工作准确参考资料始终确保技术有效利用

    Their work is accurate to brief and always ensures effective use of new technologies.


  • 固定资产投资确保企业获得技术重要手段。

    Investment in fixed assets is important to ensure that the latest technology is available to business.


  • 该项技术兴趣的公司进行适当计划确保实现对用户社区影响最小无痛升级

    Companies interested in moving to this new technology should plan appropriately to ensure a pain-free upgrade with minimal impact to the user community.


  • 应该监视产品总的所有权成本确保产品不会由于引入技术变得高不可攀。

    You should also monitor the total cost of ownership for the product to ensure that the product doesn't become unaffordable due to the introduction of the new technology.


  • 因此必须谨慎确保整合技术不会影响到应用程序可伸缩性

    Therefore, you must take adequate care to ensure that the incorporation of the new technology doesn't affect the scalability of the application.


  • 确保资产分成易于识别类别以方便查找,便于以后根据技术公司业务方向规定它们进行变更

    Just make sure you divide the assets into identifiable categories so you can find them to make changes in response to new technologies, a new company direction, or new regulations.


  • 如果我们没有难以技术投入所需资金所以我们务必确保经济蓬勃发展。

    It's going to be hard to have the amount of money necessary to invest in new technologies if we don't have the money to spend, and therefore we need to make sure our economies are vibrant.


  • 我们不是要更多讨论传统媒体如何适应技术媒体。提出一个问题,在适应媒体的过程中,如何才能在报道确保坚守负责任、可信赖原理和原则。

    Therefore, I would like to put forward some principles of reliable reporting that should be established and protected by responsible journalism in the face of new media.


  • 通过包含宿主集成服务器(Host Integration Server)这样的技术我们确保客户能够他们的SOA中,为技术已有技术搭建沟通的桥梁

    By including technologies like Host Integration Server we ensure that customers can bridge between new and existing technologies within their SOA.


  • 确保使用技术设备简化工作系统提高工作效率

    Ensures new technology and equipment are embraced, improving productivity whilst taking work out of the system.


  • 选用滚边技术确保外壳整体性能好,密封可靠

    Adopting trimmed technology ensure enclosure integrated function, reliably airproof, waterproof and dustproof performance.


  • 我们主要目标确保针对切割优化工艺技术尽可能及时有效地传达给我们的客户

    Our primary goal is to ensure that innovations in dicing process technology and techniques for optimized dicing are transferred to our customers as quickly and efficiently as possible.


  • 如果我们没有,就难以向技术投入所需资金所以我们务必确保经济蓬勃发展。

    Its going to be hard to have the amount of money necessary to invest in new technologies if we dont have the money to spend, and therefore we need to make sure our economies are vibrant.


  • 具体说来就是读卡器更替升级检测现有非接触式读卡器能否正常工作确保这些读卡器技术兼容。

    This means reconsidering the reader replacement and upgrade schedule, testing existing contactless readers to ensure they work, and making sure those readers are compatible with the new technology.


  • 我们使用先进生产设备技术确保更长的使用寿命灵活性脚轮

    We use advanced equipments, and the latest technology for ensuring the longer life and flexibility of casters.


  • 这样就迫切需要技术引入确保流管理系统高效性适应性

    Thus the new technology introduced urgently assures enhancement of high efficiency and suitability.


  • 工程采用了大跨度预应力楼盖结构有效地降低截面高度确保层高建筑物总高度要求,此外还采用了超长混凝土结构无缝设计等新技术

    The project has used large-span secondary girder pre-stressed ceiling structure, which effectively reduces the beam cross-section height and ensures the total height and building height requirements.


  • 技术应用以及严格质量控制确保我们产品的良好品质

    The use of state-of-art technology and stringent quality control ensures our products are delivered in precious quality.


  • 技术正在用来确保我们使用汽车出租车公共汽车火车污染空气

    New technology is being used to make sure that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use don't pollute the air.


  • 研究品系其它油菜生产技术结合确保产业化稳定推进

    To study the combination of new strains and other rape high yield cultivation technology will promote the industrialization steadily.


  • 骰子已经花费数年时间建设技术确保系列第三主张除了休息。

    DICE has spent years building the new technology to ensure that the third entry in the series stands apart from the rest.


  • 医院设有国内男科学术临床研究中心和国际男科技术成果,确保、医院总是居于男科技术前沿

    The hospital has a domestically male academic and clinical research center and international latest technology and male achievements, ensure, hospital second fiddle to male tech forefront.


  • 汽车制造商试图平衡这些目标提出更多技术确保更好舒适度和操控性。

    Auto manufacturers try to balance these aims and locate new technologies that offer more of both.


  • 依靠新技术依靠科学管理确保一流产品确保用户满意

    Rely on high-tech, relying on scientific management, to ensure first-class products to ensure customer satisfaction.


  • 同时我们增强了技术开发设备购置产能提升确保我们客户满意

    At the same time, we have also strengthened the development of new technology, new equipment is purchased, is promoted with production power, those that ensure our customer are satisfied.


  • 同时我们增强了技术开发设备购置产能提升确保我们客户满意

    At the same time, we have also strengthened the development of new technology, new equipment is purchased, is promoted with production power, those that ensure our customer are satisfied.


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