• 确保所有设计资格认证的工程师进行所有安装都由经过正确训练的人员进行

    Be sure to have all design performed by a qualified Engineer and installation made by properly trained personnel.


  • 设计过程中,我们确保本文展示所有设计遵循了数学本质本性,也就是展现秩序对称极限

    During the design process we made sure that all of the designs shown in this article are essentially mathematical in nature; that is, they exhibit order, symmetry and limitation.


  • 组织必需依靠所有的员工每个确保质量一个产品就是在这些点上被定义设计实现配置评审测试发布的。

    Organizations must depend on all their employees to ensure quality at every point a product is defined, designed, implemented, configured, reviewed, tested, and shipped.


  • 为了确保受众尽可能地站点设计可用于当时所有流行浏览器

    To ensure the largest possible audience, the site was designed to work with all the popular browsers of the time.


  • 例如需要创建详细设计文档确保所有团队朝着同一目标努力

    For example, more detailed design documents may need to be created to ensure that all teams are working toward the same goal.


  • 为了确保我们测试所有需求,我们设计组织我们功能测试使用RationalRobot和RationalTestManager

    To ensure we.d test all requirements thoroughly, we used Rational Robot and Rational TestManager in designing and organizing our function tests.


  • 设计WesSphereMQ集群一个关键注意事项,要确保所有存储库彼此间具有通过集群发送器通道通信路径

    A key consideration in the design of a WebSphere MQ cluster is ensuring that all of the repositories have a communication pathway to each other through cluster sender channels.


  • 讨论架构设计这样复杂主题时,固有问题之一就是必须具备可以确保所有同一个情境中的上下文设置。

    One of the problems inherent in discussing complex subjects like architecture and design is the context-setting that has to occur to make sure that everyone is on the same page.


  • 所以我们现在努力确保社会性别的意义纳入我们的一切工作土地所有设计社会保障制度,到基础设施工程建设

    So we'll now work to ensure that the implications for gender are embedded in everything we do, from land-titling, to designing social security systems, to infrastructure projects.


  • 本文讨论所有部分都是用于确保体系结构设计内置流程管理遵从性方法确保设计整个组织得到一致使用

    All the pieces addressed here are methods for ensuring that process management compliance is built into your architecture design to ensure consistent use throughout the organization.


  • 作为网站质检一部分设计确保创立所有编码都是有效的。

    As a part of quality checking the site, the designer needs to ensure that all codes created for the site are validated.


  • 关键问题是怎样确保所有团队成员最初想到相同整体设计,而不在部署发现设计错误

    Key question: How can you be sure that all members on your team are thinking the same overall design at inception rather than finding out the design is wrong at deployment?


  • 市场传讯经理合作确保所有创意设计是符合品牌标准

    Work with Marketing Communications Manager to ensure the creative and design meets Brand standards.


  • 我们必须打破这种习惯设计必须确保所有非模态对话清晰醒目视觉差异

    We must break this habit . The designer must assure that all modeless dialog boxes are rendered with a clearly noticeable visual difference.


  • 我们必须打破这种习惯设计必须确保所有非模态对话清晰醒目视觉差异

    We must break this habit. The designer must assure that all modeless dialog boxes are rendered with a clearly noticeable visual difference.


  • 几个不同主题赋予每个空间独特的特征确保所有区域很好地混合到一起遵循同样设计理念

    Several different themes are used to give a distinctive character to each space, always making sure all areas are blending nicely together and following the same design concept.


  • 随着数字拆焊工具一个紧凑设计确保所有工作空间最佳利用同时提供优质性能

    With digital dual soldering station and desoldering tool all in a compact design ensures optimal use of workspace while delivering quality performance.


  • 我们工程师确保所有组件设计符合最高质量标准3d测试发布模型制造

    Our engineer make sure that all components are designed to the highest quality standards and tested in 3d models prior to release for manufacturing.


  • 所有用于水溶液贮藏贮槽设计建造确保能够自由排放清洗

    All tanks used for storage of water or aqueous solutions should be designed and constructed to ensure that they are free draining and cleanable.


  • 网页设计应当确保在没有彩色的情况下能够所有信息传达浏览者

    Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.


  • 豪华设计定制可能性范围广确保工具创建的完美

    The luxurious design and wide range of customization possibilities make sure you have all tools to create your perfect book!


  • DSDM重在利用原型设计确保有关各方清楚地了解系统所有方面

    DSDM makes heavy use of prototyping to make sure interested parties have a clear picture of all aspects of the system.


  • (例如,考虑一下,设计1风格中的测试套件:要确保所有用户界面控件更改后测试被涉及是一多么困难事情?)长期以来导致称为“测试套件变质”的问题,完整的测试套件仍旧在运行什么也测试不了。

    Will the tester even know that's a goal of the suite?) Over time, this leads to what I call "test suite decay, " in which a suite full of tests runs but no longer tests much of anything at all.


  • 心房公共场所大堂清晰导航系统设计使视觉传播以及通过内核访问确保所有用户完全无障碍环境

    The design of a clear navigation system for lobbies, atria and common areas, enables visual communication as well as access through the cores, ensuring fully accessible environment for all users.


  • 首先所有设计指南舒适运动鞋确保他们严重流行的靴子

    First coming from all design guides, the comfort of sneakers ensures they seriously popular boots and shoes.


  • 我们业务涵盖了房地产所有流程,包括项目策划设计,房地产开发建设销售以及业务管理,我们全程参与整个过程是为了确保项目开发一步都是正确的,从而保证项目的高品质。

    We plan, design, develop, build, sell, and manage our properties - we stay with the project every step of the way right through from the concept into the future.


  • 我们业务涵盖了房地产所有流程,包括项目策划设计,房地产开发建设销售以及业务管理,我们全程参与整个过程是为了确保项目开发一步都是正确的,从而保证项目的高品质。

    We plan, design, develop, build, sell, and manage our properties - we stay with the project every step of the way right through from the concept into the future.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定