• 债权人指出拖欠账款,例如赎是破坏信用记录的。

    The creditors also point out that a delinquency, like a foreclosure, destroys a credit record.


  • 由于出版经营活动难免存有欺骗,于是就有遵守信用破坏信用的矛盾斗争

    As long as the cheating in activities of publishing management cannot be avoided, the struggle between abiding by one's credit and violating one's credit exists.


  • 尽管获准旅行,然而维也纳检察官却在继续就其涉嫌破坏信用欺骗投资者的行为对展开调查

    Although he is allowed to travel, Viennese prosecutors continue to investigate him for suspected breach of trust and deception of investors.


  • 一旦黑客拿到这个密码可以大搞破坏冒名顶替破坏信用毁了你和他人的关系曝光你的隐私

    Once a hacker gains access to the password, he can wreak havoc, steal your identity, destroy your credit, ruin your relationships and expose your secrets.


  • 欧元美元昨天至10低点葡萄牙信用评级被降低,加上援助希腊方案的不确定性,均破坏了欧元的走势。

    The euro tumbled to a 10-month low against the dollar yesterday after a credit downgrade for Portugal and uncertainty over an aid package for Greece undermined the currency.


  • 如今只是简单地破坏、进而更盗取泄漏保密信息信用号码身份证号码、金融数据营销计划商贸机密

    The threat today is not simply about vandalism but outright theft of confidential information, such as credit-card Numbers, social-security details, financial data, marketing plans and trade secrets.


  • 随着信用市场严重下滑停止,经济增长疲软债务破坏随之而来

    A vicious spiral of credit withdrawal, weakening growth and debt impairment ensued.


  • 由于信用扩张其他金融工具使用高盛信誉遭到了严重的破坏

    Goldman's reputation is suddenly as toxic as the credit default swaps and other inexplicably exotic financial instruments it used to buy with glee.


  • 一夜之间流动性信用就变成稀缺资源,取而代之的是严重且破坏价值的不确定性

    Liquidity and credit suddenly become scarce and a devastating, value-destroying uncertainty takes hold.


  • 一家银行的倒闭如果引起了一系列支付信用体系失败破坏的话麻烦的一件事情。

    A bank bankruptcy may be troublesome if it triggers other failures and damages the whole payments and credit system.


  • 还有一个具有讽刺意味,放宽“自愿性”减记的措施,可能使他们已经破坏信用违约的调期市场

    Another irony is by playing loose with the "voluntary" nature of haircut, they may have undermined the credit default swaps market.


  • 直到系统破坏搅乱,客户信用细节一些非法人员所利用的时候,大家就不会觉得方便了。

    That is, until that order entry system is subverted by a black hat to ship customer credit details to some illegal operative.


  • 这些自动程序可以攻击或者设置破坏或者使网站瘫痪,甚至顺带着攫取一些甜头信用细节资料工业设计

    These automate attacks and can be configured to deface or crash a website, or even snatch goodies ranging from credit-card details to industrial designs.


  • 文章中信用评分机构为破坏金融车轮骗局”,解述成莎士比亚剧剧中的“尤里乌斯.凯撒”,该报告这个错误在于是报告中的主角在于我们自身制造了错误。”

    It calls credit-rating agencies “cogs in the wheel of financial destruction.” Paraphrasing Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” it states, “The fault lies not in the stars, but in us.”


  • 不要突发事件基金信用绑定,不要阴谋破坏你的努力没必要的情况下花掉这笔钱。

    Don't tie your emergency fund to a debit card.Don't sabotage your efforts by making it easy to spend the money on non-essentials.


  • 害怕银行信用不足脆弱经济造成破坏的情况下。

    Fearful that the scarcity of bank credit might sabotage the fragile economy.


  • 申请贷款太多、太多线可能破坏信用评级由于可以拖欠信用付款

    Applying for credit too often and having too many lines of credit have potential to damage your credit rating, as can defaulting on credit card payments.


  • 本文首先从技术信用管理方面风险阐述了破坏上述六项要素各种威胁

    In this paper, technology, credit and risk management in three areas described above six elements of the destruction threats.


  • 专家指出,当前我国社会处于信用破坏重建时期,信用环境令人担忧。

    Experts point out that we are now in a period of credit destruction and rebuilding, and the situation of credit is worrying.


  • 只有信用转化债务,债务才是可控的,西方国家信用遭到破坏,债务不得不贬值

    Debt is only manageable as long as there is credit to recycle debt. Once Western credit became paralyzed, its debt has to be devalued.


  • 这种情况下债权债务连锁关系发生中断整个信用关系就会遭到破坏从而出现信用危机。

    In this case, the linkage of claims and debts interruption, the entire credit relations will be damaged, so the credit crisis emerged.


  • 信用等级降低会使这些债券价值降低,对全球金融市场造成巨大破坏作用。

    A downgrade would diminish the value of those holdings, and could bring massive disruptions in the global financial markets.


  • 官员们坚消毒剂喷洒赛纳桥下走道消除常有尿臊味没有什么能够破坏假日气氛

    Officials are determined that nothing spoil the holiday atmosphere, dousing walkways underneath the Seine's Bridges with disinfectant to remove the usual smell of stale urine.


  • 不要信用套利个0利率的信用另一个因为这会破坏信用积分,一小步失误带来巨大损失

    Do not arbitrage credit CARDS, rolling from one zero-interest card to another, because it can trash your credit score, and one tiny misstep can cost a fortune.


  • 恶意软件不想破坏网络需要你的按键登录密码地址簿数据信用信息最喜欢的T恤衫甚至你的

    Malware doesn't just want to disrupt your network, it wants your keystrokes, logins, passwords, address book, data, credit card information, favorite T-shirt and possibly your cat.


  • 经济学家一致观点轻率的房屋丧失抵押赎回权所引发的整个具有破坏性的信用危机,使美国已经进入了经济衰退

    The consensus view of economists is that, having been through a devastating credit crisis sparked by a rash of home foreclosures, the United States could already be in a recession.


  • 经济学家一致观点轻率的房屋丧失抵押赎回权所引发的整个具有破坏性的信用危机,使美国已经进入了经济衰退

    The consensus view of economists is that, having been through a devastating credit crisis sparked by a rash of home foreclosures, the United States could already be in a recession.


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